View Full Version : defying gravity...

09-Sep-2009, 01:39 PM
has anyone else checked this out? it is a show about a 6 year exploration of the solar system by 8 astronauts.

the show has some potential but has some problems as well. first up is the over use of flashbacks. i really dislike flashbacks and voice overs when they are used more than once or twice. this show is full of flashbacks and they are fucking boring. second is that this show cannot figure out what the hell it is. sometimes it plays out as a straight up sci-fi adventure show (something i'm interested in) and others it plays out as some sort of shitty ass relationship show like grey's anatomy in space (something i have no interest in).

i'd say my overall feeling about it is that i'm interested but not convinced.

09-Sep-2009, 05:03 PM
I haven't seen (or even heard of) this show, however I got the feeling that the reason you felt it lacked consistency in the type of show it is that maybe it had multiple writers, so I did some research and, sure enough, it's one of those shows that switches around with writers; so far there have been 4 different people.

11-Sep-2009, 04:12 PM
I like the initial premise of the show, as laid out in your post, Scip, but--it seems to me--there is a bit of over reliance on metaplot and how people go about story-telling in tv currently.

Personally, I tend to like stories that bring out the back story of the characters with flashbacks and have a well developed sense of continuity, but this has been done and done to death by some series lately. And, as you say, boring or poorly handled flashbacks get old real quickly. The fact, as pointed out by Mike, that the series has multiple writers might also contribute to a muddled and uncertain storyline (at least with regards to uneven character development). I can see the desire to have them in a fixed environment like a hab module and amongst a small set of characters isolated from their roots, but...

Anyway, analepses are the storytelling crutch du jour for television right now.