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22-May-2006, 08:20 PM

rave on!:lol:

22-May-2006, 08:57 PM
Super Old news dude! Very old news. These have been on Sci-Fi and are on DVD

22-May-2006, 10:28 PM
Daaaamn,im behind on my dead stuff!are they worth a watch just for comedy value?ive got return of the living dead 3 & its dogpants :lol:

22-May-2006, 10:29 PM
Technically to Brits it's 'new' news...in a way. I finally saw #4 - downloaded it - I'm so glad I downloaded it, the script was the worst script I've ever seen committed to film - EVER. lol. Will watch #5 when I can get my mits on it, but I'm expecting it to equally have a terrible script. *sigh* It could have been something great, but it's worse than Dead & Breakfast ... and that's saying something...

22-May-2006, 11:29 PM
DEAD & BREAKFAST was billed by "Ain't It Cool News" as the American answer to Shaun of the Dead. After watching it I was ashamed to be an american. No one could ever make an American version of Shaun.

23-May-2006, 09:30 AM
#4 is utter trash, ain't seen #5, but if the script is anything like the one for #4 it'll be utter dog poopy. Terrible acting, terrible dialogue, their actions make no sense, there are EPIC plot holes, there's barely any gore, the zombies only come out to play towards the end and it's just awful. Return 3 wasn't great, but by comparison it was a work of genius.

Elkayem did well for Eight Legged Freaks, but I don't know what he was thinking getting involved with this turd sandwich. Sad but true.

23-May-2006, 05:05 PM
#4 is utter trash, ain't seen #5, but if the script is anything like the one for #4 it'll be utter dog poopy. Terrible acting, terrible dialogue, their actions make no sense, there are EPIC plot holes, there's barely any gore, the zombies only come out to play towards the end and it's just awful. Return 3 wasn't great, but by comparison it was a work of genius.

Elkayem did well for Eight Legged Freaks, but I don't know what he was thinking getting involved with this turd sandwich. Sad but true.

I liked "Eight Legged Freaks" for two reasons.....the mom and her daughter(Scarlett Johansen). gwagwawga(Homer's gargling sound)

It was okay for a viewing or two, though. At least it's slightly entertaining cheese.

Is this the same guy that wants to remake the first "ROTLD"?...

23-May-2006, 06:33 PM
Oh yeah, Scarlett Johanson and Kari Wuhrer ... mmm, noiiice. They are one of the biggest reasons I have that movie on DVD...and I'm an arachnophobic!

24-May-2006, 11:14 AM
ive watched about 40 mins of ROTLD 4 and i already feel nauseous, i mean its so bad its actually hurting me to watch it. do i have to watch the rest?

whats with being able to shoot them in the head now? in the original ROTLD.. unless im very much mistaken.. they were industructable.

24-May-2006, 06:19 PM
Hell, in #4 you can shoot them in the stomach a couple of times and they go down! WTF is up with that!?