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View Full Version : Fangora Fans need a political figure...

22-May-2006, 09:31 PM
We need someone who'll fight the FCC who try to censor our horror games and movies...

It's kind of hypocritical for the senators to shut down violent games, while games like America's Army, and C&C Generals are being circulated to gain recruits for the military...

Down with Hiliary Clinton, Rush Limbaugh, any of those self-rightous Kennedys, and anyone that sides with them.... regaurdless if they be liberal or conservative.

Smug is the keyword here.

22-May-2006, 09:39 PM
Between the current crop of horror films, rap music, and the new technology of unrated DVD's - wouldn't worry too much about censorship. It's just politicians blowing smoke during an election year.

At some point theater owners will go after the MPAA because directors will want to be able to show more gore without the dreaded NC-17 or X ratings.

22-May-2006, 10:16 PM
The thing that I find funny is that there's all this bitching and demand for restrictions to only sell adult games to adults (sensible - it's like that in the UK), and they pass the law, then out comes the "freedom of speech" 'thing' and the laws get turned down so kids can buy games rated for adults again. It's like that "rated R" bullsh*t, kids getting taken in to see movies with an adult, that are clearly made for adults.

But it'll all come down to money - the public want violence in their movies and games, our tolerance is at an all time high again what with all this war we see on our TV's these days, same thing happened in the 1960s when the production code went bye-bye. Clintons and whoevers will come and go, they always bitch and moan, all they do is draw more attention to what they're trying to stop and more people will end up watching the film playing the game and listening to the music.

There's no way of going back to an innocent media, that was lost decades ago, sh*t, one of the first things people filmed after the invention of cinema was naked ladies frolicking with equally bared blokes, handle mustache's and all! :D

23-May-2006, 04:51 AM
The thing that I find funny is that there's all this bitching and demand for restrictions to only sell adult games to adults (sensible - it's like that in the UK), and they pass the law, then out comes the "freedom of speech" 'thing' and the laws get turned down so kids can buy games rated for adults again. It's like that "rated R" bullsh*t, kids getting taken in to see movies with an adult, that are clearly made for adults.

But it'll all come down to money - the public want violence in their movies and games, our tolerance is at an all time high again what with all this war we see on our TV's these days, same thing happened in the 1960s when the production code went bye-bye. Clintons and whoevers will come and go, they always bitch and moan, all they do is draw more attention to what they're trying to stop and more people will end up watching the film playing the game and listening to the music.

There's no way of going back to an innocent media, that was lost decades ago, sh*t, one of the first things people filmed after the invention of cinema was naked ladies frolicking with equally bared blokes, handle mustache's and all! :D

Well said, I couldn't agree more.