View Full Version : "Hush" and "Dead Snow" - MZ's thoughts...

12-Sep-2009, 12:46 PM

Somewhere in the middle and here we are with Hush - a road-horror-movie in the tradition of The Hitcher or Road Games, but taking place at night on and around the rain-soaked M1 motorway and its various service stations along the way.

Dead Snow:

Dead Snow - a bloody entertaining Norwegian horror movie that you simply can't not love for two simple reasons.

1) The tagline is "Ein! Zwei! Die!".
2) It's got zombie Nazis in it.


I've been mulling around the house muttering dramatically "Ein! Zwei! Die!" under my breath for 2 days now ... it's the best tagline ever! :D

12-Sep-2009, 01:21 PM
Like I said earlier - put simply - this is a movie that has zombie Nazis in it ... if you don't already have a copy of this in your zombie-loving paws right now, then what the fuck are you still doing reading this? Go! Go buy it now!

word. dead snow is an absolute must see. not only does it have nazi zombies but also has lots of humor, action, and gory chaos. i felt that the gore in the movie was extremely well done and not too much over the top. there is a danger that a movie with this amount of humor in it could be rendered ridiculous by over done scenes of gore and carnage.

one thing i'd be interested to hear from you about: i thought that the overall plot of dead snow was very much influenced by "the fog." i know that at least one other member on here (i'd have to check the dead snow thread in DD to see who it was) also saw parallels between "dead snow" and "the fog."

12-Sep-2009, 04:42 PM
I see what you mean about The Fog...

The whole thing about the stolen gold, although in this case it was stolen by those Nazis, but they're just so damn greedy they want it back so bad - so that relates back to The Fog in a way, so I guess it's a possible influence on it.

But to be honest, I see the influence of The Evil Dead far more on Dead Snow than The Fog throughout, personally.

It kicks bloody arse though. :D

I've been listening to "Fire Fire Fire" by Animal Alpha (which is on the end credits) all day. :)