View Full Version : and i thought we were living in the 21st century...

14-Sep-2009, 02:23 PM
the province of aceh has just recently adopted sharia law. one of the new "laws" that people in aceh now have to suffer under is that adultery is now punishable by death from stoning.


sickening, disgusting and a perfect example as to why religion should never, ever be allowed to play a part in the law or govt. in general.


14-Sep-2009, 02:26 PM
And to think the UK government is allowing Sharia courts to operate in Britain, so there is literally one rule for them & one rule for the rest of us, and slowly but surely Muslims are gaining more & more power over this country :(

15-Sep-2009, 01:16 AM
It's not quite export strength Sharia Law, It's civil cases only - nobody's going to get stoned.

Apart from me maybe, in my infidel lair :cool:

15-Sep-2009, 08:35 AM
Same old argument same old response.

There's a Jewish intermiediary court system in the UK. Why not one assosciated with Islam? It won't get to the point of Indonesia - where apparently the penalty for masturbation is already decapitation - they're suitably right wing and religiously conservative LONG before Islam got there.

Sharia law is just for people of the Islamic faith to deal with things like last wills and testaments, divorce, banking, etc etc.

Also Muslim banks don't charge any interest on loans etc.

The moderate and law abiding amongst this society deserve a court to represent them along with other religious groups.

15-Sep-2009, 08:59 AM
And to think the UK government is allowing Sharia courts to operate in Britain, so there is literally one rule for them & one rule for the rest of us, and slowly but surely Muslims are gaining more & more power over this country :(

What, what, what!? That's just scary.

15-Sep-2009, 11:06 AM
fucking spammers.

15-Sep-2009, 12:04 PM
Same old argument same old response.

There's a Jewish intermiediary court system in the UK. Why not one assosciated with Islam? It won't get to the point of Indonesia - where apparently the penalty for masturbation is already decapitation - they're suitably right wing and religiously conservative LONG before Islam got there.

Sharia law is just for people of the Islamic faith to deal with things like last wills and testaments, divorce, banking, etc etc.

Also Muslim banks don't charge any interest on loans etc.

The moderate and law abiding amongst this society deserve a court to represent them along with other religious groups.

I disagree with there being a jewish one as well, there should be one rule of law for everybody who lives in this country & that is it!

15-Sep-2009, 12:59 PM
nah fuck that man, we value and celebrate diversity. We draw a line, certainly, but when it comes to finances, marriage and all sorts of CIVIL issues, who really cares? It doesn't make a blind bit of difference to you or anyone else.

The main laws are there to keep for everyone, stealing, killing, etc etc and that's a LOT of laws and regulations. But if a bank doesn't want to charge it's members interest on loans or wants to provide a service in keeping with their religious and social belief systems, then its their choice.

I just wish our banks were a little more like Islamic and jewish banking systems.

Either way,the "one law for all" idealogy is flawed. There is no "all"...it's a multifaith society and part of our country embraces those things.

15-Sep-2009, 01:11 PM
fucking spammers.
Spammer decimated. ;)

15-Sep-2009, 01:11 PM
Tricky it isn't one rule for them & one rule for the rest of us, Muslims are still bound by every single law that the rest of the UK is, the Sharia courts are there to settle civil disputes only, ie "he owes me money, we can't agree what to do about it", it's just a move to take pressure off small claims courts & to ease relations with the Muslim community. The Sharia courts are still bound by UK procedure & law, but they operate with Muslim communities in mind & make LAWFUL decisions that pander to those sensibilities

It is absolutely not allowing Muslims to exist outside of the law, that's just spreading fear & disinformation!

15-Sep-2009, 02:34 PM
Nice work, capn'...!!!!

15-Sep-2009, 03:10 PM
i think it's pretty clear that the beauty he was talking about was the planes hitting the WTC.

on another tip: i do not waste my time trying to figure out what other people mean. i don't sit around sifting through peoples words trying find out what they really mean.

if someone cannot express themselves clearly and concisely, that isn't my problem. it's theirs.

EDIT: FFS, i just realized that i put this in the wrong thread. can someone move it over the lemonheads thread, please. that's what i get for having more than one window open.

15-Sep-2009, 03:20 PM
i think it's pretty clear that the beauty he was talking about was the planes hitting the WTC.

on another tip: i do not waste my time trying to figure out what other people mean. i don't sit around sifting through peoples words trying find out what they really mean.

if someone cannot express themselves clearly and concisely, that isn't my problem. it's theirs.

I would 100% agree with you....if you were writing in the correct thread...!!!!!


As for your original point...interpretation is key here, some people aren't blessed with your skills of articulation....if you can't accept that, then THAT is your problem...not their's! :p

Anyway either way, the dude is a dick for letting the media get hold of such a vaccuous statement...I mean how else would you interpret it rationally? It seems pretty obvious and I don't blame you or anyone else for taking it how it was said...it was a thoughtless comment at the very very best...

15-Sep-2009, 03:36 PM
I would 100% agree with you....if you were writing in the correct thread...!!!!!


As for your original point...interpretation is key here, some people aren't blessed with your skills of articulation....if you can't accept that, then THAT is your problem...not their's! :p

Anyway either way, the dude is a dick for letting the media get hold of such a vaccuous statement...I mean how else would you interpret it rationally? It seems pretty obvious and I don't blame you or anyone else for taking it how it was said...it was a thoughtless comment at the very very best...

yeah, i need to lay off the cough syrup.:D

16-Sep-2009, 02:19 PM
yeah, i need to lay off the cough syrup.:D

I am glad...for a minute there I started to question what I had just read...


18-Sep-2009, 05:53 PM
Welcome to Islam...the religion of peace.

18-Sep-2009, 06:03 PM
Well, don't go fucking your wife's little sister, and you won't have to worry about it. Really.

Honestly, though, how in hell will anyone even know if you're screwing? Unless they get you on video, how exactly are they going to prove anything?