View Full Version : Michael Savage fired.

14-Sep-2009, 06:08 PM
http://www.910knew.com/pages/blog.html?feed=330296&article=5988487 :mad::confused::annoyed:

It's just one station, but he has lots of fans in the Bay area. I hope this doesn't affect his ratings too much.

14-Sep-2009, 06:23 PM
http://www.910knew.com/pages/blog.html?feed=330296&article=5988487 :mad::confused::annoyed:

It's just one station, but he has lots of fans in the Bay area. I hope this doesn't affect his ratings too much.

i don't agree with 95% of the stuff savage talks about but i find his ideas to be more thought out and lucid than most of the other conservative (or liberal) loudmouths.

16-Sep-2009, 05:09 AM
Michael Savage. Now there's an interesting character. I first heard him about a year and half ago, and he definately caught my attention. What set him apart from other radio show hosts for me was the way that he ties together events and current issues. The other thing was that, unlike most other hosts that I've listened to, he has a tendency to be very agressive when challenged, which made for very enjoyable entertainment while driving home from work.

16-Sep-2009, 05:47 AM
One may not agree with all of his views
(who does agree with everything someone says)
But Savage show is really funny at times.

He is not an unintelligent man, but he does and says
things that make u wonder if he is serious or crazy
or just joking.

When banned from England:
"Darn! And I was just planning a trip to England for their superior dental work and cuisine," he recalled thinking.

And his rant are just so full of passion u really do laugh.
I mean he really SCREAMS about muslims. too much.

He didnt like San Francisco anyways.

17-Sep-2009, 12:13 AM
Michael Savage. Now there's an interesting character. I first heard him about a year and half ago, and he definately caught my attention. What set him apart from other radio show hosts for me was the way that he ties together events and current issues. The other thing was that, unlike most other hosts that I've listened to, he has a tendency to be very agressive when challenged, which made for very enjoyable entertainment while driving home from work.

Agreed. Also, he's an Independent Conservative like me, not a water-carrying "party first, Constitution second" type like Hannity and Headrush.