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15-Sep-2009, 12:15 AM
How come no one ever uses bicycles in a post-apocalyptic zombieland? You don't need to scavenge for gasoline, they are MUCH quieter than cars/trucks/motorcycles, can weave in and out of tight spaces, and can easily outpace zombies.

Yes, I was out for a bike ride when I thought of this, but it seems like a legit question. What do you think? Bikes or no bikes?

15-Sep-2009, 11:55 AM
In open spaces it seems like a good idea, but as soon as you go through an alley way or close to a building, one of the dead is going to pop out from a dark corner and take you down. Or if there's a crowd that's too congested to ride through.

Then you become zombie poo...

15-Sep-2009, 02:25 PM
plus they are a lot of work...all that senseless peddling, why not find a huge tank and go for it... :p

15-Sep-2009, 02:58 PM
Bicycling would have severe limitations on what you could carry and how far you could go. You'd need frequent rest, tons of water, and if you got into a scrape you might be too exhausted to fend off the zombies.

Bicycles would be good for short distance recon of towns or outskirts of cities. Leave the convoy on the interstate and let a few bikers go in to check the place out.

Of course, an electric motorcycle (like and enertia or a moped) would have all the same advantages without the work.

15-Sep-2009, 03:12 PM
Of course, an electric motorcycle (like and enertia or a moped) would have all the same advantages without the work.

An electric car was my first thought too....but you would probably not have electricity for very long!!!!!!!

15-Sep-2009, 09:28 PM
An electric car was my first thought too....but you would probably not have electricity for very long!!!!!!!

And they make more noise than a bike.