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15-Sep-2009, 05:56 PM
Adventureland gets blog-juiced:

A sweet-natured, meandering, coming-of-age comedy-drama is what this movie really is. "From the Director of Superbad", while obviously a hook for financial common sense, doesn't really do justice to what exactly this film is.

What's also cool is, is that it has inspired me when I was in need of inspiration. I'm working on a kind of sweet, awkward comedy short script at the moment which will benefit from seeing this movie ... but mainly I've taken inspiration that I can bring forward into a re-draft I'll be seeking to do on a feature length comedy script I wrote last year, which I'm aiming to submit to the BBC Writer's Room later this year hopefully (as well as pitching it to other production companies - treatments for two scripts have gone out recently, you see).

Anyway - Adventureland - loved it. :cool:

Plus - Kristen Stewart. :sneaky::o:sneaky:

15-Sep-2009, 06:32 PM
So how is the Michael Cera look-a-like that's also in Zombieland?

darth los
15-Sep-2009, 06:33 PM
I have it on Blu ray !! :D

I haven't popped it in for a propper viewing yet though. I'm waiting for the weekend so I can have some female company, smoke some bud and laugh.

You seem to think the movie has more to offer than that, so much so that you want to incorporate some things into your work. That's big.

I'm pretty much down on this group of writers though. Their last few films have been lacking imo. None (pinapple express, Zack and miri) capture what they had with the 40 year old virgin, Knocked up and the Gold standard, Superbad, imo.

But like my love affair with GAr I'll stick with them hoping that one of these films will recapture lightning in a bottle.


15-Sep-2009, 07:21 PM
I found it pretty . . . meh. . . it was ok. Nothing special about it at all though. Just an awkward pseudo comedy/coming of age tale. But it wasn't bad.

16-Sep-2009, 09:57 AM
So how is the Michael Cera look-a-like that's also in Zombieland?


Actually he's good in this role, not seen him in anything else, but he's unlike Cera. There's still the awkwardness and somewhat gangliness, but while Cera has really worn me out already (it just seems to be the same style and delivery everytime), Eisenberg seemed to offer something different and more in Adventureland.

I'm pretty much down on this group of writers though. Their last few films have been lacking imo. None (pinapple express, Zack and miri) capture what they had with the 40 year old virgin, Knocked up and the Gold standard, Superbad, imo.

Greg Motola (director & writer of Adventureland) only directed Superbad, which was written by Seth Rogen & Evan Goldberg - who are both from the 'Apatow stable'.

Motola had really only been connected with the Apatow stable from directing some episodes of Undeclared back in around 2000, so he's not really "in" the stable, on the periphery if at all.

Adventureland is not Superbad, it's not a bunch of cock jokes and lines like "suck dick at licking pussy" or whatever. It's more grown up, has a different take on life, is set in 1987, has a more meandering pace, and an indie spirit - which is directly from Motola himself.

Pineapple Express, was another Rogen/Goldberg written film (with a bit of Apatow writing in too), while Virgin and Knocked Up were both written & directed by Apatow.

So the link of "from the director of Superbad" is pretty meaningless for what Adventureland really is. I don't count it being in the "Apatow camp" at all, despite a couple of smaller roles filled by Bill Hader (Superbad, Pineapple Express, Forgetting Sarah Marshall), and Martin Starr (Knocked Up, Freaks & Geeks).

17-Sep-2009, 07:19 AM
So how is the Michael Cera look-a-like that's also in Zombieland?

Actually Jesse Eisenberg has been around longer than Michael Cera and in quite a few good movies, but they were mostly independent so a lot of people don't really know who he is. I did notice that in almost every movie he is in they make it a point to say he is a virgin and it is somehow tied into the character, an example, in Roger Dodger his character goes to visit his uncle in New York and the entire weekend his uncle is trying to get him laid.

23-Sep-2009, 12:40 PM
Saw this last night. Great movie. Anyone looking for a Superbad style comedy will be disappointed, though. This has plenty of laughs, but it's more of a situational comedy rather than a fart comedy like Superbad.

This is also more of a personal story, but still shows that Motolla knows what it was like to be a teenager that's on the edge of having to grow up.

Is it just me or is Kristin Stewart the same googly-eyed, stuttering, and contstant hair-playing person in every film?:rockbrow:

23-Sep-2009, 05:32 PM
Duno man, haven't seen many Kristen Stewart movies.

Saw her in Panic Room first of all, then didn't seen her again until her memorable role in Into The Wild (ahem :sneaky:), and then I knew of Twilight - but haven't bothered seeing it - so really the next thing was Adventureland, and I really liked Stewart in this.

Apparently she's not interesting in real life (on the press junkets anyway, so seems to be the common opinion), but some actors are like that, nothing much in real life (seemingly) but really something interesting on screen.

Kristen Stewart's role in Adventureland is kinda like that "girl all the guys want" type chick who's not all slagged-up with make-up, and it into different things, and is kinda kooky ... I think every guy knows a girl like that, and no doubt they've had a crush on her or more, in their formative years.