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View Full Version : so, i've played Wii a couple of times...

16-Sep-2009, 06:45 PM
all i can say is what a piece of SHIT that thing is. i find game play with that system to be boring both mentally and play wise. i really, really cannot fucking stand those "controllers" that that system uses. to be engaged with a game i need for there to be a lot going on. i want my fingers and thumbs flying over the controller, i want all the buttons, bumpers, and mini-joysticks. i do not want to wave about the house like an epileptic who's been set on fire.

again, what a piece of shit. i wouldn't give you $5 for one of those.

16-Sep-2009, 06:47 PM
all i can say is what a piece of SHIT that thing is. i find game play with that system to be boring both mentally and play wise. i really, really cannot fucking stand those "controllers" that that system uses. to be engaged with a game i need for there to be a lot going on. i want my fingers and thumbs flying over the controller, i want all the buttons, bumpers, and mini-joysticks. i do not want to wave about the house like an epileptic who's been set on fire.

again, what a piece of shit. i wouldn't give you $5 for one of those.

High Five!

I've been saying this ever since the system was released. I own one(mostly for the lady), but damn is it a waste...

darth los
16-Sep-2009, 06:51 PM
Ima keep this rolling with another thumbs up!! :thumbsup:

I bought it for my son and he doesn't even play the damn thing ever since I bought him an x box 360.

But i've said it before and I'll say it again. If you're a hardcore gamer you game for hours at a time and this is not the way most would choose to do it. I don't think the wii was ever meant for immersive gameplay. It's a gimmick that's getting old real fast.

I mean has there ever really been a big buzz around here for an upcoming wii title? Exactly my point.


16-Sep-2009, 06:54 PM
Witchu. Got rid of my Wii ages ago, it's a girls console.

darth los
16-Sep-2009, 06:56 PM
Witchu. Got rid of my Wii ages ago, it's a girls console.

And what really pisses me off is that you have to actually buy a sepreate jack to connect to the wii so you can plug in an ethernet cable. It costs something like 25-30 bucks.

I mean WTF is that about?


16-Sep-2009, 06:59 PM
thinking back to the gamecube and im a sad panda, but meh i have a ps3 and a 360 so im good, but theres a reason we see games without the seal of quality nowadays, i saw this si the perfect time for sega to make a comeback or apple to finally stop that toe dipping and take the plunge.

16-Sep-2009, 07:02 PM
But i've said it before and I'll say it again. If you're a hardcore gamer you game for hours at a time and this is not the way most would choose to do it. I don't think the wii was ever meant for immersive gameplay. It's a gimmick that's getting old real fast.

Definitely not immersive. I've only played one game(Ghostbusters) on both the wii and a next gen system and it was a down right pain in the ass compared to the next gen. And I thought the gimmick control would be awesome. Instead it was just that....a gimmick.

My wife loves the sports games and I join in with her every now and again, but that's really all I can handle. Other than that I can't stay on it for very long, get bored, and want to go play my 360 or PS3....

16-Sep-2009, 08:06 PM
One of my room mates has his Wii set up in the living room. The only thing I find it any good for is for bowling when some people are over. Other than that, I don't want to touch it. The House Of The Dead game looks pretty cool, but I've only watched my room mate play it for a few minutes; I've got too many decent games on my 360 to worry about waving my arms around like some octopus or somethin.*

*Anybody get what MC I'm referencing?

16-Sep-2009, 09:46 PM
chicks dig it.


nothing wrong with that, right?:D

16-Sep-2009, 10:15 PM
Love the Wii, for the sole reason that I can play Dr. Mario online. It is my crack :)

16-Sep-2009, 10:17 PM
Definitely not immersive. I've only played one game(Ghostbusters) on both the wii and a next gen system and it was a down right pain in the ass compared to the next gen. And I thought the gimmick control would be awesome. Instead it was just that....a gimmick.

theres only one time.ever. that ive found motion control to be immersive. why?, becuase i didnt even know it was there!?!
In resistance 2 on the ps3 theres a type of enemy that grabs you and chokes you, the first time this creepy zombie-alien fucker showed up i jumped back and whent "fuck" and shoved the controller forwards on instinct, but low and behold the actual motion makes my character smack the guy in the same way with his gun.

THATS how you do immersive motion controls. Ive never considered the motion controller in my ps3 as even being THERE, its not advertised as such and when it shows up like this,organically, as part of the experience its fantastic, theres no tutorial for it, it just happens.
Whereas with the wii every damn game has you stop when a motion is used like "OMIGAWD-DID-JOO-C-THAT-SHIT!", its not fluid, in fact its irritating, wii sports has like 16 different "look!, motion controls, how shit-hot are we?!?" screens from turning on the damn wii to get to the fucking bowling game.


i'm grimacing in recollection right now.

darth los
17-Sep-2009, 02:45 PM
chicks dig it.


nothing wrong with that, right?:D

Isn't that why men buy 3/4 of the things they do?


17-Sep-2009, 02:54 PM
I enjoy playing with my Wii. *L* Get it?

There are some great games on there such as Punchout!!, Fire Emblem, Tiger Woods series, a few rail shooters * couple more coming out soon*, and VC original games. Just to name some.

17-Sep-2009, 03:21 PM
I don't think the Wii is terribly bad for party games and the like. And sports games are decently fun, (can be quite satisfying, in fact) but the dollar to hour of fun ratio is poor.

Also, I think, Darth has it right about people wanting to game comfortably for hours at a time. I don't know if I'd enjoy being engrossed (or allow myself to be engrossed) in a game I had to do all sorts of madness with the controller and nunchuck just to shoot a few pixelated nazis.

Plus there's all that Wii elbow:)

darth los
17-Sep-2009, 03:45 PM
I enjoy playing with my Wii. *L* Get it?

There are some great games on there such as Punchout!!, Fire Emblem, Tiger Woods series, a few rail shooters * couple more coming out soon*, and VC original games. Just to name some.

I don't think the Wii is terribly bad for party games and the like. And sports games are decently fun, (can be quite satisfying, in fact) but the dollar to hour of fun ratio is poor.

Also, I think, Darth has it right about people wanting to game comfortably for hours at a time. I don't know if I'd enjoy being engrossed (or allow myself to be engrossed) in a game I had to do all sorts of madness with the controller and nunchuck just to shoot a few pixelated nazis.

Plus there's all that Wii elbow:)

Well, constant jerking motions are always going to put stress on the primary joint that being used for that activity, right slick? :p

And no one is sayin' that there aren't a few good games out there but in no way is the wii a replacement for the 360 or ps3. I just wish people would stop comparing them because the wii is just something totally different.

Not to say the market isn't there for it, as evidenced by sales numbers, it's just doesn't do what the other two do.

* That reminds me of the old genesis commercial from the early 90's. It went something like: " Genesis does! You can't do this on nintendo!!"

It seems as if some things never change.


20-Sep-2009, 12:58 AM
And what really pisses me off is that you have to actually buy a sepreate jack to connect to the wii so you can plug in an ethernet cable. It costs something like 25-30 bucks.

I mean WTF is that about?

Allow Mr Potatamoto to explain it to you. (http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=86)

It's how Nintendo work.

20-Sep-2009, 12:33 PM
Witchu. Got rid of my Wii ages ago, it's a girls console.

apparently, it's also the console that lets a 6 year old beat the shit out of an adult in baseball:shifty:

20-Sep-2009, 08:06 PM
Wii's okay they may be onto something with the remote IR/pointer for shoot em ups varying from fps (Metroid), third person (Resident Evil 4) and on rails (House of the Dead). I got my hands on motion plus and Wii Sports Resort it would be criminal for third parties to dismiss that as a peripheral like the Wii zapper it could really work in games like Dead Rising and maybe another Star Wars. I noticed they managed to get DMM working in Wii Sports Resort, it's in the sword slicing mini game and would add to a lightsaber Star Wars game, and after seeing 128 Marios demo for Gamecube I think someone could make something like Dead Rising.
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/fgtFXXzE8bk&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/fgtFXXzE8bk&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

darth los
21-Sep-2009, 03:24 PM
Allow Mr Potatamoto to explain it to you. (http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=86)

It's how Nintendo work.

Yeah, that's about right. They sell you a bunch of things that should/could have very well been there all along.

(Just Like most DLC)
