View Full Version : 250gb MW2 XBox360 Bundle

17-Sep-2009, 07:27 AM

...and i was just thinking about selling my console and getting a new one with more memory....hmmmm.

and here's some new multiplayer impressions:

this game is gonna be fucking huge. i predict it will bust the ass off of GTA4's records for best-selling game.

22-Sep-2009, 06:35 PM
found a buddy from work who's not jumped on the sex-box bandwagon yet and he's going to buy my old console, so i'm placing a pre-order for this slick son-a-bitch today!

22-Sep-2009, 06:53 PM
Very cool, Prof., but I do hope it does last him a while before any RRoD madness happens. Talk about putting stress on a friendship!

22-Sep-2009, 07:59 PM
i already had the rrod problem over the summer. told him about it, he's cool with it, and isn't really a hardcore gamer, so he's aware of the deal. i told him that if something were to happen, we'd work something out. so it's all good.:D