View Full Version : Need YOUR help!!

18-Sep-2009, 12:46 PM
I need an image of Tom Savini as Blades in Dawn of the Dead - preferably with the machette and even better if it's him taking off the zombie's head on the bike...it's a long story but basically there's an article in an industry magazine "which horror movie character are you and why" and I choose Tom, and made a funny comment and they're gonna photoshop my face on Tom's body....so if you have an image of Tom as blades in Dawn please please post it so I can send it on :)

18-Sep-2009, 01:21 PM
You would have to ask Neil's permission of course, but there's one in the dawn section of HPotD.

Other than that you could just do a screen cap. That would probably be your best option as it would be better quality.

Make sure you give us a link or scan of the article!:)

18-Sep-2009, 01:30 PM
Will do, definitely...trouble is I'm at work atm so I can't screen grab from the movie...they don't keep it here...argh!

I looked at the one on the main page but I was kinda hoping for that moment when Tom hacks off the head of the woman in her dressing gown...

The original answer was:

which horror movie character are you and why?
Tom Savini's Blades in Dawn of the Dead - simply for the chance to decapitate a zombie with a samurai sword whilst riding on the side car of a motorbike in a shopping mall!!

26-Sep-2009, 10:11 PM
Was gonna get a screencap for ya, but the scene is so quick, it would not be a good pic. Too blurry. The entire scene with the lady in the dressing gown is only 2 seconds.

28-Sep-2009, 11:30 AM
ahh never mind! thanks anyway bro :)