View Full Version : Look at these morons...

20-Sep-2009, 04:17 PM

I'm all for the right to protest. However, if you're going to protest something... know why you're protesting it and maybe read up a little bit on the facts, so you don't look like a complete fucking idiot.

For instance: One lady is wearing a shirt that calls Obama both a Commie AND a McCarthyist, simultaneously! Wow. Do you even know who McCarthy was, lady? Don't just go throwing around his name because you know he had something to do with communism. It's just not logical to label someone as a neo-McCarthyist and a commie as well.

20-Sep-2009, 04:40 PM
Do I have to look?

For instance: One lady is wearing a shirt that calls Obama both a Commie AND a McCarthyist, simultaneously!

Now I'm confused. I previously thought right-wing pundits like Ann Coulter were actually embracing McCarthy by claiming that history had proven him correct and he was simply the victim of "liberal hobgoblinism." Coulter needs to stop using those big words like "hobgoblinism," at least until Halloween.

Do the people that have so wisely based their form of protest on the Boston Tea Party realize that they have representation with taxation?

This guy looks pretty well-fed to me. I'm sure my taxes will go toward paying for his Medicare when his unhealthy eating habits have caught up with him.

20-Sep-2009, 04:48 PM
jesus christ what an inapproproate reference....

20-Sep-2009, 07:10 PM
These people are mostly uninformed.

Like look at the people protesting 'czars' where
they didnt know what they were but objecting to
a russian phrase.

When explained that the first czar was appointed by
Reagan ( a Republican) and also by every president after
including Bush I and W, they were confused.

And the guy had it wrong...the first czar was named
by Nixon.

They are not bad people just ignorant of facts
and made to be scared.

20-Sep-2009, 08:04 PM
kortick, I keep clicking on the banner in your signature but it's not a valid link. Why must you disappoint me so?

20-Sep-2009, 10:59 PM
I'm a Conservative, and I appreciate good protests countering out-of-control spending, but where were these people when Bush (one of the worst, most unConstitutional presidents we've ever had) was spending us into high Hell, expanding government, and fumbling up every step of the Iraq war?

We need Right-leaning Libertarians and Constitution party members in positions of power. I'll probably never vote Democrat or Republican ever again.

20-Sep-2009, 11:05 PM
We need Right-leaning Libertarians and Constitution party members in positions of power. I'll probably never vote Democrat or Republican ever again.

And if you ever got enough people on your side, I think pretty much everyone would get at least a little bit happier.

21-Sep-2009, 02:03 AM
Wow.... they are so ignorant! Why the HELL are they protesting if they don't even know the most basic facts about their subject?! God! You know what though? This is what makes America great. We can have so many people saying NOTHING, but feeling better about themselves for doing so. It's mob mentality and insecurity. Possibly a little racism thrown in there as well. Geezush H. Chryst... You know, some of those folks had me laughing to the point where I felt like I would puke. I don't know whether to laugh, cry, both, or what.

21-Sep-2009, 08:48 AM
I'm a Conservative, and I appreciate good protests countering out-of-control spending, but where were these people when Bush (one of the worst, most unConstitutional presidents we've ever had) was spending us into high Hell, expanding government, and fumbling up every step of the Iraq war?

We need Right-leaning Libertarians and Constitution party members in positions of power. I'll probably never vote Democrat or Republican ever again.




21-Sep-2009, 10:17 AM
Ugh, that video made my head hurt.

Such bleatering doesn't do your cause any good, all this rhetoric-laden graphic descriptions ... and also, what the fuck does abortion have to do with the bailout?!

You know what - in a motherfucking free country, if you want an abortion, you'll get one. You're not forced to get one, but you're free to get one if you want.

I hate these morons who dribble on about "freedom" (in this very same video), yet in the same breath oppose someone else's freedom to have an abortion if they choose.

You know, there's a huge difference between a bundle of cells and a fully grown human being ... ... although this video might make me change my mind, ba-boom-boom! :p


Politics is a hella complicated field, so I don't expect everyone to know everything - to be a student of politics essentially - but I'd expect a better understanding, and a more considered argument than that.

All this crap with dragging a cross too - wtf?! So you just rock up in DC to be a tourist, and then end up dragging a cross, what-the-fucking-fuck? :confused:


This said, I'm very much in the mind that the sort of reckless spending us Brits are suffering is completely the wrong tact ... I can't really comment on American politics as I don't live there, but goddamn...

All I see from American politics is two sides uselessly bickering with one another.

Democrats spouting "RACIST!" at anything a Republican says against Obama - he's not fully black, he's mixed race - there is a difference ... however it doesn't matter what his skin colour is, I couldn't care less, it's about being a good President.

I also can't stand this 'celebrity Obama' crap either, FUCK OFF, I don't care what his wife is wearing, I don't care if he's improving his bowling on Wii Bowling, I don't care what dog he's getting his kids, and I fucking hate his speech style - that constant "left to right to left again, over and over" head turning shit because he's incapable of speaking without a prompter. It annoys the PISS outta me.

I also can't stand the right wing being taken over by a bunch of fear-mongering religious psychopaths.

Some middle ground - PLEASE - for the love of common sense!


So yeah, the government changes from one extreme to another, and it's still just a bunch of fighting across the dividing line - pathetic, quite frankly.

22-Sep-2009, 10:43 AM
I watched this video last week via someones post on facebook and I was literally in shock and awe at the sheer stupidity of most of the attendees at the rally. These teabaggers, as I refer to them, are probably the most easily led bunch of automatons I have ever seen on this planet and it had me seriously considering a friends offer to relocate to Canada.