View Full Version : Don Dohler's Nightbeast

20-Sep-2009, 09:11 PM
I just did a review of this odd little sci-fi shocker on my blog:

But of course it's ridiculous. If movies like this made perfect sense, they wouldn't be nearly so much fun. In spite of all its faults, Nightbeast is just that - fun. The cast and crew clearly had a blast trying to imitate the sci-fi, monster-on-the-loose films of the 1950s, and that sense of enjoyment is infectious. Certainly, I shook my head a lot during this film, I even scratched it a few times, but at no point did I want to bash it off a wall. It entertained me and it didn't outstay its welcome, to expect anything else of the movie would have been foolish. It's far from a classic, it isn't even very coherent, but with a just few thousand dollars Dohler made a movie that was much more entertaining and enjoyable than a lot of $100 million sci-fi movies I've seen.

Read the rest here: http://obscurityandbeyond.blogspot.com/

21-Sep-2009, 03:23 PM
I remember reading about this movie in the mid-late 80's. Often wondered if it was entertaining.

21-Sep-2009, 03:37 PM
I remember reading about this movie in the mid-late 80's. Often wondered if it was entertaining.

It's pretty corny and VERRY cliche. But yes, it's bizarre enough to warrant a viewing. 80 minutes isn't a huge chunk of your future to fitter away on it. :D

Plus, there's something really lovable about the monster:
