View Full Version : A Look At The NEW 'A-Team' Van!

darth los
21-Sep-2009, 07:37 PM


21-Sep-2009, 08:07 PM
I had almost forgot this A-team film was actually going to happen. And then you went and linked this! :mad:


21-Sep-2009, 08:17 PM
Very similar....

I liked Narc and Smokin Aces, so I am up for this...

darth los
21-Sep-2009, 08:47 PM
I had almost forgot this A-team film was actually going to happen. And then you went and linked this! :mad:


You didn't think that I would let us NOT go months on end fretting about how they're going to screw this one up did you!?!

We can start with the teenie bopper cast they're sure to employ!! :hyper:

B.A. can be played by Nick Cannon. (Omly if Mariah let's him out of the house) :p


21-Sep-2009, 10:36 PM
We can start with the teenie bopper cast they're sure to employ!! :hyper:

Liam Neeson, the guy from District 9, and the guy from Hangover/Wedding Crashers. Nothing teenie bopper about that, imo.

21-Sep-2009, 11:48 PM
Liam Neeson, the guy from District 9, and the guy from Hangover/Wedding Crashers. Nothing teenie bopper about that, imo.

Yeah but then they're thinking of casting Jessica Beil "for a romantic role". :rolleyes:

21-Sep-2009, 11:59 PM
Yeah but then they're thinking of casting Jessica Beil "for a romantic role". :rolleyes:

But, but...but.....she's hot!

22-Sep-2009, 12:11 AM
Liam Neeson, the guy from District 9, and the guy from Hangover/Wedding Crashers. Nothing teenie bopper about that, imo.

I know! All three actors I like to varying degrees, does kind of make the project more interesting, and Biel always makes me interested but it feels wrong (the movie, not how I feel about Jessica--that feels oh so right in the good way and oh, so wrong in the BEST of ways :D)

22-Sep-2009, 01:09 AM
"The Bane of Dana White" :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Rampage is playing B.A., btw.

22-Sep-2009, 10:19 AM
But, but...but.....she's hot!
You're damn straight there.

Indeed - Liam Neeson (awesome sauce - that'll be Hannibal), Sharlto Copley (impressive, enjoyable as all hell in District 9 - that'll be Murdoch), and Bradley Cooper (good in Hangover, not sure what else he's done - that'll be Face) ... ... as for Rampage, no idea who he is ... ... my main worry there is, the bling - I bet it ends up being all MTV Cribs and "Cristal" (or however it's spelt) and really ... well, you know.

Mr. T was covered in bling, but it wasn't such a huge thing in those days, and it was a long time before MTV ended up being what it is today (ghastly).

Mr. T is legendary as B.A. so this "Rampage" dude has got a hell of a mountain to climb ... I just hope he's not like fuckin' Ludacris, or that berk "Common", or whatever. Mr. T meant business, he wasn't doing that "look how hard I am" arrogant stance, chin-up/look-down-on-you thing that all these rappers do.

Then again Rampage is a wrestler, like Mr. T was (right?) ... *sigh* ... who knows.

I've got all the original episodes on DVD and I love that show. Narc rocked, and Smoking Aces was alright (more style than anything else really, but solid fun) ... I really don't know.


At least the van looks okay - just as long as they haven't "pimped that ride" - motherfuck it if they have.

22-Sep-2009, 03:42 PM
Rampage is a pro mma fighter. This guy would most likely beat Mr. T's ass in a real fight. No bullshit about it. He fights at 205 lbs, so you know he probably walks around at 220 lbs. He was also the UFC world champ at 205 and he was beaten some of the best in the world.


darth los
22-Sep-2009, 04:00 PM
Liam Neeson, the guy from District 9, and the guy from Hangover/Wedding Crashers. Nothing teenie bopper about that, imo.

It was just a sarcastic comment about the casting decisions of films in recent years. Not to say the same thing was going to happen here but honestly, would any of us have been suprised?


22-Sep-2009, 05:34 PM
Mr. T was covered in bling, but it wasn't such a huge thing in those days, and it was a long time before MTV ended up being what it is today (ghastly).

Actually, "bling" was very popular at the time the A-team was around. But, it wasn't referred to with such a stupid name; the gold-dipped ropes were referred to with a much more mature term: "dookie chains".

EDIT: For those of you that aren't as obsessed with 80's hip-hop culture as much as I am - I'm not joking.

22-Sep-2009, 06:02 PM
Actually, "bling" was very popular at the time the A-team was around. But, it wasn't referred to with such a stupid name; the gold-dipped ropes were referred to with a much more mature term: "dookie chains".

EDIT: For those of you that aren't as obsessed with 80's hip-hop culture as much as I am - I'm not joking.
Fair point ... but you know what I mean though, right?

22-Sep-2009, 09:43 PM

Here is your A Team remake right here.

01-Oct-2009, 06:10 PM
I can one-up your a-team van.

I give you The new A-Team (http://www.comingsoon.net/imageGallery/The_A_Team/large/hr_The_A-Team_1.jpg)...

darth los
01-Oct-2009, 06:13 PM
I can one-up your a-team van.

I give you The new A-Team (http://www.comingsoon.net/imageGallery/The_A_Team/large/hr_The_A-Team_1.jpg)...


If that's the cast then it's looking pretty good. I just wish there was a better picture of B.A. though. Good find.


01-Oct-2009, 06:19 PM
I can one-up your a-team van.

I give you The new A-Team (http://www.comingsoon.net/imageGallery/The_A_Team/large/hr_The_A-Team_1.jpg)...

Nooooo!im sure the kids of today who watch this will think its all new & original & that cast are the A-Team, but to anyone who was born in the late 70's/early 80's there can only be one A-Team and thats Peppard, Mr T, Schultz & Benedict, anything else is just imposters!and as Peppard is dead & the others are too old, they should have just left well alone!

01-Oct-2009, 07:06 PM
Rampage looks depressed. I guess his is still down about his team getting their ass handed to them so far on TUF.

09-Oct-2009, 08:51 PM
I pity the fool....



09-Oct-2009, 09:00 PM
I pity the fool....


*looks back unimpressed*


10-Oct-2009, 08:59 PM
I don't know if Rampage will be able to pull off even a partially acceptable B.A. The guy is a complete moron, regardless of how successful a fighter he may be. I also just don't see the charisma. He is definitely the weak link in the casting of this adaptation.

11-Oct-2009, 09:19 AM
I don't know if Rampage will be able to pull off even a partially acceptable B.A. The guy is a complete moron, regardless of how successful a fighter he may be. I also just don't see the charisma. He is definitely the weak link in the casting of this adaptation.
I get the same impression.

Maybe he's amaze us all, but I doubt it.

26-Oct-2009, 12:04 PM
First official photo (http://www.joblo.com/newsimages1/ateamofficialbig.jpg). They all look the part to me. Now just to wait for a trailer...

26-Oct-2009, 01:14 PM
Looks alright ... as an A-Team fan, I'll remain a sceptic till I see it, and then well, we'll see.

But not a single piece of gold chain on B.A. when everyone else is essentially in the same type of gear? Hmmm, what's up with that. It doesn't have to be like Mr. T's huge array of gold - which is just impractical - but not a single chain or anything? Weird.

I wonder if they'll shoot people in this one.

Was watching a bit of Taken again last night, and Liam Neeson is a total badass in that movie, so I'm pleased he's in this, same goes for the others ... except the dude playing B.A. who I've never heard of before, so I'm just sceptical about him as a result.

26-Oct-2009, 01:48 PM
Hmm, the pic looks decent and three quarters of that casting is tight. Rampage might even be able to come across as funny if written/directed and shot/edited properly, I imagine.

Aside from a slight wariness of re-makes (slight compared to many here, anyway), the A-team never held my admiration due to anything other than it's cheesiness and 80s kitsch factor. So, for me, this is not akin to burning down mecca and sowing the ashes with pig's knuckles.

So, are these guys going to be Desert Storm vets, now?

26-Oct-2009, 02:22 PM
Looks like they altered Rampage's real tatoos with photoshop. That is not his real tatoo on his arm. In real life, they are bigger, more of them, and diffrent. Especially, the right arm.

26-Oct-2009, 03:25 PM
Hmm, the pic looks decent and three quarters of that casting is tight. Rampage might even be able to come across as funny if written/directed and shot/edited properly, I imagine.

Aside from a slight wariness of re-makes (slight compared to many here, anyway), the A-team never held my admiration due to anything other than it's cheesiness and 80s kitsch factor. So, for me, this is not akin to burning down mecca and sowing the ashes with pig's knuckles.

So, are these guys going to be Desert Storm vets, now?

Indeed. And aye, I think they're going to be Gulf War veterans ... perhaps even Gulf War 2 veterans, can't exactly remember ... Neeson's character would surely be a Gulf War veteran, and the others I'd easily imagine as being Gulf War 2.

Let's hope they keep any politics out of it, and just leave it as is. The original A-Team did well at dangle the Vietnam thing there, but they never got political with it, and only occasionally 'went back there' in terms of stories (e.g. helping out an old army buddy or whatever).

As long as they're respectful of the source material, and don't take the piss, then that's good ... as well as making sure Rampage is properly directed. I've no qualms about the other dudes, but there's something about Rampage that doesn't sit well with me. Here's hoping he's used in the right way in both production and post-production.

27-Oct-2009, 06:43 AM
Interesting cast, but not really feeling BA. Since Liam is old, go for badass Kimbo Slice instead. Face was pretty well cast, but not sre about Murdock. It'd be nice if they'd stay close to the old story somewhat, and not take them into some new whatever.
I had Mr T combat boots when I was a kid. This might tank like Dukes of Hazzard, and then there's no stopping them. What's next, a Facts of Life movie?

27-Oct-2009, 06:48 AM
First official photo (http://www.joblo.com/newsimages1/ateamofficialbig.jpg). They all look the part to me. Now just to wait for a trailer...

GAH! -oh god, i thought this was kanye west as B.A for a second.

that would have actually killed the internet.

01-Nov-2009, 11:41 PM
This movie fills me with great trepidation. Hollywood has thus far raped my childhood, the only thing worse than them butchering the A-Team might be if they killed Voltron.

If they make a mockery of this, I'll have to lose my A-Team ringtone, which will just piss me off to no end. :mad::annoyed: