View Full Version : "I remember, this one time, at D&D Camp..."

24-Sep-2009, 01:15 AM
For all my D&D playing homies, thought you might enjoy this article. I thought it was a fun read & something I would have dug back in the day:


24-Sep-2009, 01:23 AM
Wow, that's neat! Being a recent convert to the world of D+D, this strikes home for me. Thanks for the find!

24-Sep-2009, 02:11 AM
Wow that is a time warp.

Recently I was at Home Depot and the 20 ish yr old
guy helping me I think find a cutting attachment
for my Dremel told me he and his friends play
D&D every week ( he had a pin on or something)
so I told him I still had all my old D&D stuff from
when I played in 1981+ in a box and he could have it.
Monster Manual, Players Handbook, Dungeon Masters Guide
Dungeon Modules, Dieties and Demigods, a lot written by
Gary Gygax. Plus more junk. World of Greyhawk map too.

Well u would think I cured his blindness he was like all
I forgot how much fun that game is when u are into it.

25-Sep-2009, 03:06 AM
Why. Would you. Give away. All that. Collectible. Stuff? To quote the ever-so-eloquent Zim, "HAVE YOU THE BRAINWORMS?!!!!"
Seriously, it's great fun. Cool that people still do it, yeah?

25-Sep-2009, 03:36 AM
Great find there Moon. The dorky little 13 yo inside me is wailing that he never got to go to this. That would have been awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . . . . !!!!!!!!!!

27-Sep-2009, 01:23 PM
awesome find for sure, moon. i would have loved to have gone there as a kid.

the way it ended was pretty shitty though.

But in the last week of camp there was a furor because Dr. Kraus was interviewed by a local reporter, and he let his guard down and was quoted as saying “basically, these kids are the wimps.” Oops. Remember he wasn’t a gamer in the first place, just the university facilitator. He was used to running athletic camps like tennis or swimming. The story was printed while camp was still in session, the campers got a hold of it, torches and pitchforks were issued, and he wound up apologizing to the assembled camp while the incensed gamers booed him down. Not pretty.

another reason why jock admins should be hung from trees like pinatas while the keebler elves beat them with sticks in an attempt to knock the candy out of their asses.