View Full Version : Indoctrinating children

25-Sep-2009, 02:39 AM
This video makes me want to puke.


25-Sep-2009, 02:59 AM
There is so much wrong with that... whatever, everybody knows how weird the public education system can get... at least it's not the cotton-eyed joe.

25-Sep-2009, 03:36 AM
looking at the lyrics on the side, creepy though it is, its nice to hear a kid use the word equality nowadays, and hell wasnt there something like this a few years back for bush, only instead of "everybody's the same" its was some "patriot" good ole' boys crap about distrusting people?, but the whole things odd, i assume someone wants an american "god save the queen" when they do this but when its a voted in figure it seems kind of moot, though of course someone in the "royalty" isnt better than anyone else or deserving praise but it seems stuff like this si easier to swallow for someone who got there title because of there dad than someone who worked for it and was voted in.

*picks nose* royals man.... they creep me out.

25-Sep-2009, 04:17 AM
I don't know which is worse--the video itself or the more than 7,500 insane comments which were left in an hour.

25-Sep-2009, 04:21 AM
What sort of man is this? He is the One. He is the Chosen One. What sort of man is He? Even the little children sing His praises.




25-Sep-2009, 12:22 PM
"Okay, children. Now pass around the kool aid.....The mothership will be here soon."

25-Sep-2009, 01:33 PM
Had to stop watching 10 seconds into the kids chanting...

25-Sep-2009, 02:47 PM
Both of those videos show exactly what is
wrong with the extreme left and right.

The first one shows kids being made to
sing songs of praise to Obama like hes
some sort of super human.
Wrong for exploiting children.

The second one actually shows Obamas
face on the body of Jesus and using a story
from the Bible to make fun of him.
Wrong for defiling some peoples religion.

This is what happens when partianiship rears
its ugly head. You get morons teaching kids
to sing creepy songs and peoples sacred values
mocked to make a politician look bad.

I think time would be better served if instead
people got together and worked on issues like
the wars, health care, the deficit, unemployment,
getting away from dependence on oil, and many
many items of far greater importance.

People wonder why I am independent.
Cuz I look at the behavior of the far left
and the right and they both make me wanna
puke on my shoes.

I dont think we should give up to the extremists tho.
Its possible if we get off our asses we can solve things.

25-Sep-2009, 05:47 PM
Capn - me too, it grossed me out.

No political side should have any person pledging themselves to serve them like a bunch of slaves, whether they be left or right, I find the idea disgusting.

The gubment - they're the ones who are supposed to be serving the PEOPLE - that's the way around it's supposed to be!

If I was in America, I couldn't vote for anyone. The Republicans are far too right wing for me, and the Democrats are far too left wing for me ... plus all I ever see them do is fight with each other like it's primary school, and it's frankly pathetic.

The tub-thumping out-right popular hatred of Bush was pathetic, and the tub-thumping out-right popular sucking-off of Obama is pathetic. Equally, the slavish devotion to Bush by some was disturbing, and the slavish devotion to Obama is likewise disturbing.

And, this whole "celebrity politician" thing that's happening at the moment, most typified by Obama of late, really sickens me.

Get on with the fuckin' job and fixing shit! :eek:

Finally - leave the kids out of it too. It's why I also don't like kids being swallowed up by religion before they can make their own decisions.

I was left to my own devices in that department, and I chose not to be religious as I didn't find it to my liking ... instead, I'm of the mind of "do good things and good things happen" as well as respecting people.

They should show My Name Is Earl to kids instead ... I'm only half-joking, I guess. :p

25-Sep-2009, 06:26 PM
Bluerggghhh :barf: does Obama himself sanction & approve of this shit, or is it just the kind of thing his foaming at the mouth supporters have thought up? During the campaign he seemed a little bit bemused by it all so I kinda doubt its of his making!
We have some similar songs over here for our knight in shining armour Gordon Brown..
And I have to add this one :p

25-Sep-2009, 06:43 PM
The second one actually shows Obamas
face on the body of Jesus and using a story
from the Bible to make fun of him.
Wrong for defiling some peoples religion.

Defiling? How so? I'm spiritual and took no offense. If anyone's faith has been defiled by this video then they don't have much faith at all. You seem to want to dump all Xtians into one cross-shaped box and then dictate to us how we should feel about this.

peoples sacred values
mocked to make a politician look bad.

How does the Obamessiah video mock "sacred" values. If anything if mocks Mr. Soetoro (himself a mockery of "sacred" values). This wasn't a religious text. It was a movie (and not all that accurate probably due to budgetary constraints and lack of realistic special effects).

I think time would be better served if instead
people got together and worked on issues like
the wars, health care, the deficit, unemployment,
getting away from dependence on oil, and many
many items of far greater importance.

The differences of opinion on these issues make it impossible for people to "get together".

People wonder why I am independent.
Cuz I look at the behavior of the far left
and the right and they both make me wanna
puke on my shoes.

I do not wonder why you are an Independent because I am too, both politically and spiritually. In comparing the videos I see inappropriate behavior by public employees versus parody.

Those "teachers" should be given their walking papers and the folks over at Nose on Your Face should keep on making funny political satire IMHO.

I dont think we should give up to the extremists tho.
Its possible if we get off our asses we can solve things.

John Lennon was a dreamer too, Kortick, and a very nice fellow to boot.



You betcha'!

26-Sep-2009, 12:19 AM
"All are equal in his sight"?! I recall reading that someplace:

Galatians 3:28- " There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."
Colossians 3:11- "Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all."

Did I mention I'm never having kids?

26-Sep-2009, 12:20 AM
The Buddy Christ > All.

26-Sep-2009, 12:32 AM
de⋅file–verb- to sully, as a person's reputation

des-e-crate- verb- to divest of sacred or hallowed character

It is definitely defilement to say that replacing
Christs head with Obama and making fun of the

I dont know how anyone can say that using the gospel
where Jesus preaches 'Let he who hath no sin
cast the first stone' being used in a tacky you
tube video isnt a desecration.

Whether it offends every christian or it doesnt
does not change its insult, and how those who made
it did so to be sensational and controversial at the
expense of the faith of others.

Just as that vid of those kids singing is disgusting.

To me it shows how both sides are willing to sink
as low as possible for thier own ends, which in the
end benefit no one.

And I agree they will never get together to fix things, and that
John Lennon was the man who said:
"you may say I'm a dreamer, but Im not the only one
I hope some day you join us, and the world will live as one"

He also said "All you need is Love",
however Love didnt stop those bullets on
December 8, 1980.

So I guess the kids will keep singing and Jesus
will be a black president on you tube.

26-Sep-2009, 05:08 AM
This could go on for days ...

It is definitely defilement to say that replacing
Christs head with Obama and making fun of the

First off, Christ's head wasn't replaced. That was the head of an actor pretending to be Christ (that is the basis of acting -- pretending to be someone else).

As far as I know, Christ hasn't starred in any movies. And that is what this was -- a movie -- not a sacred person, object, or place and, as far as I'm concerned, it must be one of these in order for defilement to occur.

Heck, if you wanna go there, think of the original movie itself as a form of blasphemy, as in an actor is pretending that he is God for the sake of entertainment -- kinda like a puppet show for snake handlers and poison drinkers. If the movie itself is blasphemous it cannot be defiled or desecrated.

I dont know how anyone can say that using the gospel
where Jesus preaches 'Let he who hath no sin
cast the first stone' being used in a tacky you
tube video isnt a desecration.
Had Yeshua Ben Yosef (Joshua son of Joseph) Himself starred in the film and His head was replaced with Barry Soetoro's, then I'd say that desecration had taken place.

However, in order for desecration to occur it must be against a sacred person, object, or place -- not against an actor, or a movie. This is a movie based on the Gospels, it is not the Gospels.

Consider the film The Passion of the Christ by Mel Gibson. It is also based on the Gospels, but I've never seen a more unscriptural piece of garbage in my life. I can't believe how a film made about such a powerful being (Christ), turned Him into such a victim of mankind. Yet, uneducated Xtians flocked to this film in droves. If these are the people who will be offended by the Nose on Your Face video, let them be offended.

Whether it offends every christian or it doesnt
does not change its insult, and how those who made
it did so to be sensational and controversial at the
expense of the faith of others.

If it rattled the faith of someone, their faith is obviously weak and in need of rattling.

But, hey! Maybe this will get the "Moral Majority" all in an uproar to join forces with the extreme Left to demand internet censorship of material that offends based on religious, social, or political grounds. Is that what you mean by coming together?

John Lennon was the man who said:
"you may say I'm a dreamer, but Im not the only one
I hope some day you join us, and the world will live as one"

He also said "All you need is Love",
however Love didnt stop those bullets on
November 9, 1980.

Those bullets didn't kill love. It still exists in abundance.



It is not that I don't believe in Jesus, Kortick, but the following video pretty much sums up my view of organized "religion".


I have seen the Pumpkinhead and he is us.

26-Sep-2009, 12:37 PM
Stalin is better than both Jesus and Obama combined. So there you go.

26-Sep-2009, 03:48 PM
Two Points:

1- Jesus was used to be controversional. Thats why they chose
him and not Justin Timberlake. And even if you insult one
persons faith in order to parody someone, its tasteless.
If they wanted parody they could have put his head on
Oprah or Mr.T or any other celebrity, not Jesus.
And yes Passion was nothing but a film for sadists who
enjoy watching someone get beat over and over and over.
That film was equally disgusting as those kids singing.
And I dont want anything banned, I just don't wanna see it.
But somehow I dont picture you watching that video of the
kids and singing along with it , does that mean you want all
vids of kid singing banned, of course not.

2- Stalin may have been better than Obama and Jesus but
he did not sing as well as John Lennon. And Stalin didn't have
a Japanese wife either.

Now we will lighten this up with some dancing:

26-Sep-2009, 04:04 PM
Stalin is better than both Jesus and Obama combined. So there you go.

Apart from murdering more people than the Nazi's in the gulags,but hey...

26-Sep-2009, 04:54 PM
Apart from murdering more people than the Nazi's in the gulags,but hey...

Pff. You're making stuff up, that never happened. Not Stalin.

Oh, and it's a myth that Stalin did not have a japanese wife. He sent Zhukov into Manchuria to meet the japanese in battle, but the Red Army was much too powerful for the imperialist weaklings and Zhukov brought back many gifts to our glorious Soviet Union, including at least one japanese wife for every man (and ten for Stalin).

26-Sep-2009, 05:59 PM
Maybe he did have 10 wives.

But none of his broke up the Beatles.

27-Sep-2009, 07:17 AM
Two Points:

1- Jesus was used to be controversional.

No, this particular genre was chosen to poke fun at the Obama fanatics who portrayed him as some kind of "savior" during the campaign. Based on the video that THX posted, I'd say some of them still do.

And yes Passion was nothing but a film for sadists who enjoy watching someone get beat over and over and over.

The scourging scenes were both historically and Biblically accurate. I don't believe that the masses of Xtians who viewed the film got into it because they're sadistic -- that would've been me, sitting there amongst them munching on popcorn and sipping Pepsi through a straw.

My dislike for the "Passion" is in the total lack of any sort of supernatural response from "Christ" during his arrest. I was hoping Gibson would get this part right. If he had, I would've taken the film as a serious attempt at portraying Christ's last hours. He didn't, so the whole film fell flat on its face and I had no problem hitting the snack bar (I was tempted to start cracking one-liners but my wife would've killed me)

You think Jesus was offended by my behavior? Na, He's still scouring the scriptures looking for the passage where He instructed His followers to build amusement parks and water slides.

But somehow I dont picture you watching that video of the kids and singing along with it

You're wrong about that. I've already downloaded the song to my iPod so I can take it with me when I go to the track to jog a few laps. Not only do I sing along, I also stop occasionally to dance a little sailor's jig and wave my arms around in the air.

Now we will lighten this up with some dancing:

What? Crash Test Dummies wasn't light enough for you? Okay, then ... dancing it is.




27-Sep-2009, 02:27 PM
No, this particular genre was chosen to poke fun at the Obama fanatics who portrayed him as some kind of "savior" during the campaign. Based on the video that THX posted, I'd say some of them still do.
Ironically, the choice of video also demonstrates Obama's ability to talk his detractors silly just as Jesus is often described of doing.

Despite the tidy Hollywood-isms of Jesus scrawling dates in the sand significant to the stone-throwers, it is widely taught in Catholicism that Jesus' primary tactic was to remain quiet while the righteous mob burned itself out. Obama has shown this to be a much more effective strategy against a weasly little douchebag like Ahmadinejad as opposed to the playground posturing of Bush. He send Iran a holiday greeting and they quickly dig themselves into a deep hole of rhetoric. Priceless.

27-Sep-2009, 02:52 PM
Pff. You're making stuff up, that never happened. Not Stalin.

Oh, and it's a myth that Stalin did not have a japanese wife. He sent Zhukov into Manchuria to meet the japanese in battle, but the Red Army was much too powerful for the imperialist weaklings and Zhukov brought back many gifts to our glorious Soviet Union, including at least one japanese wife for every man (and ten for Stalin).


now that's soviet style revisionist history!

btw, i thought stalin got 12 wives out of the deal...

on another note: i'm going to have to go back and read this entire thread. i really want to find out how this went from a vid about obama to talking about jesus' preaching style and stalin's many japanese wives.

You think Jesus was offended by my behavior? Na, He's still scouring the scriptures looking for the passage where He instructed His followers to build amusement parks and water slides.

the gospel according to barnum (it's a bit apocryphal) 21:12: "verily ye shall buildeth rollercoasters and giant zoom flumes of water in my name and the faithful shall come and eateth of cotton candy and corn dogs."

27-Sep-2009, 10:42 PM
Ironically, the choice of video also demonstrates Obama's ability to talk his detractors silly just as Jesus is often described of doing.

Despite the tidy Hollywood-isms of Jesus scrawling dates in the sand significant to the stone-throwers, it is widely taught in Catholicism that Jesus' primary tactic was to remain quiet while the righteous mob burned itself out. Obama has shown this to be a much more effective strategy against a weasly little douchebag like Ahmadinejad as opposed to the playground posturing of Bush. He send Iran a holiday greeting and they quickly dig themselves into a deep hole of rhetoric. Priceless.

Well said.

28-Sep-2009, 06:34 AM
Ironically, the choice of video also demonstrates Obama's ability to talk his detractors silly just as Jesus is often described of doing.

Though Jesus could talk his enemies silly (thus their hatred for him), Barry simply talks silly. And his followers write silly songs about him and force children to sing about his greatness. SOETORO! ;)

Despite the tidy Hollywood-isms of Jesus scrawling dates in the sand significant to the stone-throwers, it is widely taught in Catholicism that Jesus' primary tactic was to remain quiet while the righteous mob burned itself out.

Hollywood aside, scripture does not expound on what exactly J was writing in the dust. Many scholars believe He was listing the various misdeeds of the men who were accusing the woman of adultery (How did they know? Were they former lovers? Window peepers?)

Though Jesus didn't speak, he was far from "silent" and the "righteous" mob did not "burn themselves out", they slunk away in fear of their hypocrisy being exposed to the public.

Obama has shown this to be a much more effective strategy against a weasly little douchebag like Ahmadinejad as opposed to the playground posturing of Bush. He send Iran a holiday greeting and they quickly dig themselves into a deep hole of rhetoric. Priceless.

I agree with you on this, Doobie. A large percent of young people in Iran dislike Mr Ahmadinejad and want peace with the West. We must NOT alienate them: http://newsweek.washingtonpost.com/postglobal/needtoknow/2009/06/young_iranians_collective_rele.html

the gospel according to barnum (it's a bit apocryphal) 21:12: "verily ye shall buildeth rollercoasters and giant zoom flumes of water in my name and the faithful shall come and eateth of cotton candy and corn dogs."

"And there was great rejoicing. When the junk food caused them sickness in their bowels, they cried out, rending their Dockers and their Osh Kosh B'Gosh!: "Pepto! Our bowels are sick and we are suffering!"" Barnum 21:13-14, New Yankee Translation (NYT). :D

Back to the topic at hand: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/09/24/elementary-school-students-reportedly-taught-songs-praising-president-obama/

Perhaps the now retired teacher behind this crap should have her retirement pension suspended.



Are they singing in Swahili? Can anyone translate this?

28-Sep-2009, 02:37 PM
Perhaps the now retired teacher behind this crap should have her retirement pension suspended.

children ought to be taught that singing praises to any person, politician or otherwise, is digusting, servile, and completely inappropriate in a free society. period.

28-Sep-2009, 07:56 PM
..Right because kids don't sing Yankee doodle dandee for schools, which praises George Washington.

Christ the right gets its tits twisted over anything these days. The slowly shrinking ever louder shouting right that is.

28-Sep-2009, 08:06 PM
..Right because kids don't sing Yankee doodle dandee for schools, which praises George Washington.

to be an advocatus diaboli for a minute: there is a difference. george washington has been dead since 1799. he isn't the president now, he cannot effect anything politically and cannot create a cult of personality around himself.

you can find songs praising dead national heroes in just about any country you look at. that is the key difference - dead heroes not living politicians.

29-Sep-2009, 02:12 AM
Amen, Mike. Oh, now you've got me in the mood to listening to Living Colour.

29-Sep-2009, 04:38 AM
Why don't we unite as one and praise Obama for doing a great job thus far and ensure that his presidency is...


...sorry, wrong meeting. :D

29-Sep-2009, 05:26 AM
to be an advocatus diaboli for a minute: there is a difference. george washington has been dead since 1799. he isn't the president now, he cannot effect anything politically and cannot create a cult of personality around himself.

you can find songs praising dead national heroes in just about any country you look at. that is the key difference - dead heroes not living politicians.

Meh, I don't see how its any different then how conservatives want to put Reagen on the dime, praise him as a messiah, and have done so since long before he died. The right is far from innocent when it comes to cults of personality.

And don't forget to put him on mount Rushmore!
http://www.reaganrushmore.com/ You can put it in your office now!
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/tTjKWq9Gges&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/tTjKWq9Gges&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

29-Sep-2009, 08:07 AM
Christ the right gets its tits twisted over anything these days. The slowly shrinking ever louder shouting right that is.

Don't count the Right out just yet, Ex.

"Our liberty is protected by four boxes ...The ballot box, the jury box, the soap box, and the cartridge box."-anonymous



29-Sep-2009, 09:33 AM
Meh, I don't see how its any different then how conservatives want to put Reagen on the dime, praise him as a messiah, and have done so since long before he died. The right is far from innocent when it comes to cults of personality.

logic fail. ronald reagan on the dime really has fuck all to do with songs praising george washington. that might be a valid point if american money wasn't already covered in depictions of presidents/ founding fathers and hadn't been undergoing a systematic redesign of both bills and most coins for the last several years.

kennedy wound up on the half dollar in 1964, less than a year after he was killed.

besides, reagan is going to be on money anyway, the mint is issuing dollar coins with the presidents on them in order a lot like the state quarters.

29-Sep-2009, 02:26 PM
never mind shirts and coins and songs.

lets have signs honoring our presidents and
thier achievments....


29-Sep-2009, 04:54 PM
logic fail. ronald reagan on the dime really has fuck all to do with songs praising george washington. that might be a valid point if american money wasn't already covered in depictions of presidents/ founding fathers and hadn't been undergoing a systematic redesign of both bills and most coins for the last several years.

kennedy wound up on the half dollar in 1964, less than a year after he was killed.

besides, reagan is going to be on money anyway, the mint is issuing dollar coins with the presidents on them in order a lot like the state quarters.

The coin was just one example of the Reagen cult. the bill which was introduced by Mark Souder (R) (Sadly my rep) happened in 1996! Long before Reagen died.

Sharing a dollar coin with the likes of Grover Cleveland is different then people's attempts to put Reagen on Mount Rushmore.

Reagen has a huge cult of personality, with high priests Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck.

h'nglui mglw'nafh Reagen R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn !

29-Sep-2009, 07:02 PM
It does amuse me (in the darkest, DARKEST way) how the neo-cons have cannonized Reagan. This is the man who's administration started this country down the long, wrong road we've been on. It's as if they forget what he did to the middle class in this country.

Although...perhaps the failure of his disciples to remember the truth is the most appropriate memorial to the man.

(That's right, I went there...) :moon:

30-Sep-2009, 09:18 AM
This is the man who's administration started this country down the long, wrong road we've been on. It's as if they forget what he did to the middle class in this country.

If I remember correctly Reagan shrunk the middle class by making it easier for them to move into the upper class -- if they were willing to work hard and take educated risks. How is this "wrong" in your opinion?



30-Sep-2009, 05:08 PM
Ahhh...good ol' Stray.....you're baiting me, aren't you? :lol:

01-Oct-2009, 06:48 AM
Ahhh...good ol' Stray.....you're baiting me, aren't you? :lol:

Of course not. You think me a Khardis?

Answer the question, Father Paranoia!



01-Oct-2009, 04:16 PM
Paranoia? They told you to say that, didn't they? :shifty:

But seriously, Stray, you actually saw folks rise up from the middle to upper classes? Lucky you!

Me, I saw a lot of working class folks lose their jobs, with a rapidly shrinking social safety net.

The Reagan administration's policy of "Trickle-Down" economics did NOT work for many Americans. Sure, Rich Folks got a lot of tax breaks and industry deregulation, but that money did NOT pass down to the middle and working classes. (And the poor, as always, were screwed anyway)

Not to mention their idea that everything should be privatized. For example: Health Care. Instead of helping sick people, the health care industry was able to put profits above all. This in turn led to other social ills.

Look at the Homlessness problem. In the 80's, newly for-profit mental hospitals kicked a lot of sick folks out on the street because they were now cost-prohibitive.

If you had loads of money already, the Reagan years were fantastic. But, if you worked for a living, or worse yet were poor (which is a moral failing, dontchaknow), America became a colder, crueller place.

That's just one thing. There's also the Xian Right moving from the fringe to the center of American society. There's all the deals we made with guys like Bin Laden & Hussein (in the name of fighting the Commies/Iran) that have come back and bit us in the ass, The skyrocketing Defense budgets (and the conrtactors' pockets that money mostly went into), The shoddy reaction to the AIDS crisis, The "War on Drugs" being amped up - wasting tax dollars and eroding the Bill of Rights.

Is that enough?

01-Oct-2009, 08:19 PM
Paranoia? They told you to say that, didn't they? :shifty:

"They" did indeed. ("they" killed John Lennon too)

But seriously, Stray, you actually saw folks rise up from the middle to upper classes? Lucky you!

Me, I saw a lot of working class folks lose their jobs, with a rapidly shrinking social safety net.

I didn't see that kind of downturn until Bill Clinton signed NAFTA. The industry that I formerly work in was jumping during the Reagan years. Jobs galore.

The Reagan administration's policy of Trickle-Down" economics did NOT work for many Americans. Sure, Rich Folks got a lot of tax breaks and industry deregulation, but that money did NOT pass down to the middle and working classes. (And the poor, as always, were screwed anyway)

If you had loads of money already, the Reagan years were fantastic. But, if you worked for a living, or worse yet were poor (which is a moral failing, dontchaknow), America became a colder, crueller place.

I didn't have loads of cash (still don't) and the Reagan years were economically fantastic for me. They could have been much better. I was young and dumb at the time. Instead of investing my extra cash I spent it on the "party" ... every day, every night ... party, party, party! Had I listened to an older friend and invested some of that extra cash I would be sitting on a pile of gold right now. I "missed the bus" but I harbor no ill feelings toward the people who did not, nor against the man who made it happen.

There's also the Xian Right moving from the fringe to the center of American society.

Yes, I remember the water slides and the air conditioned dog houses. You can't blame Reagan for what people do with their money.

There's all the deals we made with guys like Bin Laden & Hussein (in the name of fighting the Commies/Iran) that have come back and bit us in the ass, The skyrocketing Defense budgets (and the conrtactors' pockets that money mostly went into).

The juggernaut that was the USSR had to be quashed. Unsavory deals had to made with unsavory characters to do so. If you are not pro-communist you shouldn't disagree with this. If you are pro-communist then it is a debate I do not care to get into.

The Defense budget cash trickled down into my pocket. Thanks Ron!

The shoddy reaction to the AIDS crisis, The "War on Drugs" being amped up - wasting tax dollars and eroding the Bill of Rights.

Irresponsible behavior caused the AIDS crisis, not Reagan.

Now we reach a point of complete agreement. The bogus "War on Drugs". Enough of it already. Game over.



01-Oct-2009, 08:46 PM
[QUOTE=strayrider;201396Now we reach a point of complete agreement. The bogus "War on Drugs". Enough of it already. Game over.[/QUOTE]

Well, we got that in common, then. :lol:

Lookit that, took only 4 posts and no flaming to find common ground. Does that count as a record on this board?

02-Oct-2009, 06:35 AM
Lookit that, took only 4 posts and no flaming to find common ground. Does that count as a record on this board?

Hush, Sweet Prince. People will gossip. :o

