View Full Version : have you ever noticed...

28-Sep-2009, 01:31 AM
that in this day and age, friendships generally last a whole lot longer than relationships?

i just had this convo a bit earlier with a younger friend of mine (he's 30) and has probably his first really serious relationship, by that i mean that he is living with a chick for the first time. there are some, uh, problems. this chick has proved herself (to me and several other people) that she is flake, a drama queen and not very polite. in short, she is driving away people this dude has know his whole life and he's not happy about it. he was talking to me about it and all i could give by way of advice was to tell him 3 things:

1. if she doesn't have the simple respect for him to make an attempt to get along with (or at least tolerate) people he's known his whole life, then she isn't worth the time.

2. if she isn't the ONE, meaning if he can't see himself growing old with her and having kids, etc. she isn't worth the time, chaos and heartache that will follow and certainly not worth driving off old, lifelong friends.

3. in my life i have seen plenty of guys follow chicks into disaster. drive off friends, family, etc. over some chick that they only end up going out with for a relatively short time, then they have to go crawling back to those same people that they axed out of their lives to be friends again.

i basically told him to tread lightly and that a piece of ass you might be getting for a year or two isn't, under any circumstances, worth trading folks who'll be there for you for your entire life. i also washed my hands of the whole thing after talking to him and told him so. i'll listen to people if they want to talk but i will not, at anytime, become involved in other people's bullshit.