View Full Version : Nintendo Celebrates 120th Birthday !!

darth los
30-Sep-2009, 08:45 PM


01-Oct-2009, 12:05 PM
Very cool article. It takes me back. Thanks, Darth.:thumbsup:

01-Oct-2009, 03:02 PM
shame to see em go senile in there old age...

darth los
01-Oct-2009, 03:28 PM
Very cool article. It takes me back. Thanks, Darth.:thumbsup:

Any time.

I actually learned alot of things i didn't know about Nintendo.

shame to see em go senile in there old age...

I hope that isn't true.

All i know is that for the next gen they better step it up because they have alot of loyal gamers very disenchanted with their product.

Truthfully I feel Ignored by them. Like they don't really make games for me or people like me any more. :(


01-Oct-2009, 05:01 PM
I hope that isn't true.

All i know is that for the next gen they better step it up because they have alot of loyal gamers very disenchanted with their product.

Truthfully I feel Ignored by them. Like they don't really make games for me or people like me any more. :(



latest wii update is bricking wii's


darth los
01-Oct-2009, 05:38 PM

latest wii update is bricking wii's


How many of them do you think are really "virgins"?

It might not have anything to do with it at all.


01-Oct-2009, 09:56 PM
Pity they have nothing to celebrate it like Super Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid Other M and Zelda Wii which are due for release next year.

darth los
02-Oct-2009, 04:29 PM
Pity they have nothing to celebrate it like Super Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid Other M and Zelda Wii which are due for release next year.

NAmes like those mean something to real gamers. The casual audience they have dumped us in favor of probably doesn't even know what the hell a super mario brother is, let alone are going to make a big fuss about it.


02-Oct-2009, 05:00 PM
NES, SNES, and nothing else for me, thanks. Never cared to get anything from N64 onward.

But 1985 to 1995 was the greatest run in videogame history. I could play all those old games forever, and not need any of the modern games.

darth los
02-Oct-2009, 05:28 PM
NES, SNES, and nothing else for me, thanks. Never cared to get anything from N64 onward.

But 1985 to 1995 was the greatest run in videogame history. I could play all those old games forever, and not need any of the modern games.

I would expand that to about 1998 which would include Tomb Raider, RE 1 & 2, Ocarina of time and Sm 64. These were also some of the greatest games of all time and as the article pointed out was the last quantum leap in innovation that we have seen.

I don't think we can discount the big deal that going from 2D to 3D was/is.


02-Oct-2009, 11:21 PM
I don't much care about 3D. Sure, games like Tomb Raider (which you don't need a Nintendo console for, anyway) are great, but I don't "need" them.

The list of great 2D games from the NES and SNES is a mile long. No matter how technically advanced games get, the Super Metroids and Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!s and Super Mario Worlds and Legend of Zeldas of the world will always still be fun. Which is a MAJOR factor missing from a lot of modern games. They may look pretty, they may be "realistic", but they suck the fun out of them. Playing through a lot of them is more like "work".

darth los
06-Oct-2009, 08:30 PM
I don't much care about 3D. Sure, games like Tomb Raider (which you don't need a Nintendo console for, anyway) are great, but I don't "need" them.

The list of great 2D games from the NES and SNES is a mile long. No matter how technically advanced games get, the Super Metroids and Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!s and Super Mario Worlds and Legend of Zeldas of the world will always still be fun. Which is a MAJOR factor missing from a lot of modern games.

Damn man, how can I debate that!?!

That's like arguing against someone who says they support the troops. :lol:


07-Oct-2009, 12:28 AM
Banjo-Kazooie was super fun! I think after Rare stopped making new stuff... and Pokemon had been around a few years... yeah, games just stopped being cool... I could play THPS4 forever, though. On the Gamecube, of course.