View Full Version : Where Are All The "Next Gen" Games?

darth los
01-Oct-2009, 06:10 PM

This article caught my eye when i was checking out a link that hells provided.

Very interesting points being made here.


01-Oct-2009, 06:43 PM
I think the gaming industry has got a bit like the film industry at the moment, while hollywood plays safe by remaking old films with pretty new visuals, or new films with generic plots that we've seen a thousand times before because they know the ADD generation will lap it up,those of us who like something a little better have to rely on small indie developers to release stuff we really like & the same goes for gaming! The only advances ive seen in the next gen console games are the obviously better graphics, bigger gameworlds & online gaming, other than that most of the games could be anything I played on the PS1 & 2 over the last 12 years! Im pretty much exclusively a PC gamer this generation, but the next gen consoles have killed off PC gaming which is a shame as its still where the magic really happens, we just dont get to see as much of it these days :(

02-Oct-2009, 09:12 AM
to be honest the only "next gen" game that springs to mind is the upcoming ps3 title heavy rain: the origami killer" by the folks who made indigo prophecy/ farenheit, its apparently so in depth it makes shenmue look basic.

the trailer:

a few examples of randomly generated events and a few of the ways you could deal with it.

caps been saying theres nothing for him on the 360, recon this would change his mind:D

02-Oct-2009, 10:33 AM
But surely "next gen" (which annoys me, because "next gen" is flat-out "current gen", and has been for some time now - what's next - "next-next-gen", "nexter gen", "nexest gen"? :rolleyes:) is just that - bigger game worlds, better graphics, better technical stuff.

Those improvements require better tech and graphical capabilities. You don't need those things to tell a good story.

Besides, there was and has been plenty of pish throughout all the previous generations.

Also, whereas in movies sequels are often worse than what came before, in games sequels can quite often better what came before.

Definitely in terms of the technical and graphical stuff, naturally ... but also in terms of gameplay (which in itself, I would say, is only half linked to generational hardware developments), and even story.

For example - Gears of War 2 is definitely better than Gears of War 1. GTA Vice City was better than GTA III, COD4 kicked COD2's ass (and COD2 rocked) ... I could go on.