View Full Version : Michael Moore & capitalism

02-Oct-2009, 01:29 AM
Moore claims that capitalism did nothing for him. LOL
BTW, am I the only one that thinks Moore looks like Tweety Bird when he mutates into a giant monster from the old Looney Tunes cartoon "Hyde and go tweet"? He looks just like him to me.


02-Oct-2009, 01:48 AM
Moore claims that capitalism did nothing for him. LOL
BTW, am I the only one that thinks Moore looks like Tweety Bird when he mutates into a giant monster from the old Looney Tunes cartoon "Hyde and go tweet"? He looks just like him to me.

seems like that dude has finally lost his mind. capitalism has done everything for that fat bastard.

moore is very much akin to folks that go on and on about technology & science, while at the same time gleefully enjoying and employing the products of technology and science. in short, he's a fucking hypocrite.

i'm not gonna demean tweety's good name by comparing him to moore.

02-Oct-2009, 01:55 AM
i'm not gonna demean tweety's good name by comparing him to moore.

You are right Mike, I apologize for insulting Tweety. :p

02-Oct-2009, 07:40 AM
I can't comment on Moore's financial state so I've really no idea if capitalism has worked for him. He did however, release this film and suggest to viewers that they pirate it, watch it for free somehow by downloading, or whatnot. It's all on his IMDB page.

02-Oct-2009, 10:41 AM
I can't stand Michael Moore. I have Bowling For Columbine on DVD, and that's the limit of my endurance for the man.

Each new film he makes - indeed, because you couldn't truthfully call his flicks "documentaries" with the sort of fiddling he does - just adds more and more to his ego and his general nature of being a gas bag.

Apparently he's made plenty in the stock market over the years, and even if it's a financial planner doing it on his behalf, Moore would still have to okay that.

He's more than willing to snoop right in to the lives of others and turn up on their door and demand interviews, but he won't take it himself.

Any good message he does put out there he completely ruins by being a tub-thumping gas bag.

Plus his "Sicko" 'doc' featured a completely one-sided, ill-researched, surface skim look at the NHS.


There's a doc I do wanna check out called "Manufacturing Descent" or something like that, which is basically an anti-Moore doc, or at least a doc that seeks to probe him like Moore likes to probe others ... although hopefully with far more ethical filmmaking and editing techniques. :rockbrow:

02-Oct-2009, 12:50 PM
I can't comment on Moore's financial state so I've really no idea if capitalism has worked for him. He did however, release this film and suggest to viewers that they pirate it, watch it for free somehow by downloading, or whatnot. It's all on his IMDB page.

He's a multi-millionaire. What do you mean you don't know if capitalism has worked for him. WTF?

02-Oct-2009, 01:17 PM
is he a multimillionaire? He seems to give all his movies away....

02-Oct-2009, 01:31 PM
is he a multimillionaire? He seems to give all his movies away....

warner bros. paid moore $3 million for the rights to roger and me. moore can charge up to $30,000 for an appearance. a journalist who actually got his hands on moore's tax documents found his net worth in the 8 figure range. he also found that moore:

Over the past five years, Moore's holdings have "included such evil pharmaceutical and medical companies as Pfizer, Merck, Genzyme, Elan PLC, Eli Lilly, Becton Dickinson and Boston Scientific," writes Schweizer, whose earlier works include "The Bushes" and "Reagan's War."

here's the poetical portion:

"And in perhaps the ultimate irony, he also has owned shares in Halliburton. According to IRS filings, Moore sold Halliburton for a 15 percent profit and bought shares in Noble, Ford, General Electric (another defense contractor), AOL Time Warner (evil corporate media) and McDonald's.

"Also on Moore's investment menu: defense contractors Honeywell, Boeing and Loral."

halliburton?:lol: guess that kind of takes a bit of wind out of his self-righteousness.

02-Oct-2009, 02:11 PM
i cannot stand this man, hes a manipulative assehole "okay, lets badger people who are late for work heading in, then when they cant talk becasue there late we make everythign grayscale, slow it down as they look over there shoulder and add sinister music- its a new lie i call "the truth" ":rolleyes:

02-Oct-2009, 03:32 PM
I think some of us really need to be aware of what it means to be a capitalist. Look that one up and get back to work. ;)

When a person hire a financial adviser in a discretionary way...you have very little control over what the person is investing in. If you own a Mutual fund...good luck finding one that doesn't have at least one of the companies listed above. I understand Moore's movie techniques...but what he does is no different than what Limbaugh or Hannity or even O'Reilly do in their books. They use other sources to prove a point that may very well be incorrect in the original source. This is a trick the left and right use to propagate their own agenda.

His movie entertain and that works for me. I come away more interested and ready to look into some of the topics he raised. It works. People are not mad because some of these big Wall Street guys are rich...they are m at the way in which they get rich. When the CEO of the Worlds largest bank (Jiang Jianqing) makes $234,700 and the CEO (Dimon) of the worlds third largest bank makes $19.6 million, one can only conclude that there is something wrong with the system.

02-Oct-2009, 05:42 PM
When a person hire a financial adviser in a discretionary way...you have very little control over what the person is investing in. \

that is completely beside the point and is making excuses.
if he feels sooooo strongly about evil corporations then it should be incumbent upon him NOT to make a profit for himself through their actions. period. there is no other way to look at it. you cannot run with the hares and then hunt with the hounds.

the extreme hypocrisy of michael moore's rants about money ought to be obvious to anyone, regardless of political view.

02-Oct-2009, 05:49 PM
Exactly, if he's so fussed about "evil corporations" and so on, then don't hire a financial advisor, or specifically inform them not to invest in such companies.

Or, you know, he could have just bunged the lot in a bank and gather interest and that'd be that.


Now I really wanna see that "Manufacturing Dissent" film. My ire's all up in this bitch. :D

03-Oct-2009, 09:47 AM
ends/means springs to mind sometimes.