View Full Version : How sick can you get? When it involves children it's horrible!

02-Oct-2009, 09:50 AM

Ghost Of War
02-Oct-2009, 10:31 AM
Been reading about this for a couple of days, it is horrifying. It's for cases like this that I think they should bring back hanging. The evil bitch won't even tell the police which children it was she abused, I really feel sorry for the parents as well as the children. I've got 2 young kids, and I know what I'd like to do to anyone who hurt them.

02-Oct-2009, 10:37 AM
This has come up before, how do these nutters/murderers/pedophiles or general sickos meet up?

In the article it says the police still have no idea how these people came into contact with each other... It's not like they can put an 'wanted' posted out...

Ghost Of War
02-Oct-2009, 11:10 AM
^Good question, never ever thought about it. I mean, how do you break the ice with a sicko..."hey, I abuse young children, what about you?". Didn't they meet via Facebook or something? Anyway, if it was up to me I'd tie them to a chair and leave them locked in a room with all the parents of the kids for half an hour.

02-Oct-2009, 12:30 PM
Finally it is being acknowledged that woman play just as big a part as men in all this vile paedophile shit. It was virtually unheard of before but this is like the fourth or fifth case I've seen of a woman involved in child sexual abuse this year. It's quite staggering.

02-Oct-2009, 12:37 PM
The video has been removed, what is it about?