View Full Version : Zombieland - Poll

03-Oct-2009, 03:39 AM
I didnt know what to think when I first heard about Zombieland. It is a movie that I would WANT to like, but didnt know if I actually would. Well, I just got back and I must say.....I thought it was awesome!! I thought that the humor was handled quite well, the action was good, there was really cool shots in it, and the cast did a great job. Luckily for me, I did not read any spoilers about a "surprise guest star" in it......I about jumped out of my seat! If I was on the edge between 4 and 5 stars, the guest star definitely pushed it to a 5! Just curious what everyone else thinks (I assume most here will see it)

03-Oct-2009, 03:45 AM
Showing tomorrow in London so I'll get back atcha in the morrow, Phil.

06-Oct-2009, 03:16 AM
The movie 'got me' a few times but while it had zombies it still lagged a bit and left me saying 'meh' when I left. I'll buy the DVD but there's gonna be some FFing. Glad to see that some movies houses are still keeping the zombie theme alive these days though especially the spoofs.

06-Oct-2009, 04:13 AM
Definitely enjoyed it; very fresh for a zombie movie!

06-Oct-2009, 10:23 AM
Showing tomorrow in London so I'll get back atcha in the morrow, Phil.

Make sure you go at night with a crowd. ZOMBIELAND is not a MATINEE flick. infact a Matinee showing will only dull the experience.

07-Oct-2009, 12:45 AM
Twinkies are bad for you... Kind of angry that they made this movie before WWZ... I mean, Shaun of the Dead! It's. Been. Done! Y'know? - Murdoc
Stop it, I'm sure they worked hard to make it! Nothing wrong with more zombies, even if it isn't Romero! -2D
Shut it, you guys! None of us have even SEEN it yet! -Me

07-Oct-2009, 12:48 AM
Ya know....I liked the film by itself, but I love it that most people are giving it a higher rating based on the cameo.:lol:

I understand why. It's probably one of the best handled cameo's in movie history...

07-Oct-2009, 02:29 AM
It was mediocre at best.

The first fifteen minutes were good and the cameo was pretty cool, but the rest of the movie...well...kinda sucked.

Where were all of the fucking zombies? There are 300 million people in the USA. Other than the finale, there were rarely groups of zombies larger than 2 or 3. WTF? Where were the hordes of zombies as they drove through los angeles?

And the finale devolved into such ridiculous slapstick that it actually took away from the enjoyment of the movie.

Not much gore either. Zombies drooling blood does not equal gore. No good headshots, no zombies ripping people apart etc.

For a movie clocking in at only 81 minutes, about 45-50 of it was worthless filler.

07-Oct-2009, 05:52 AM
I was underwhelmed too. It was fun, but the story that drive the movie - the shy nerd becoming a man, was too cliche. Besides, they weren't even zombies. Like the 28 Days later franchise they were just people with hyper rabies. Maybe I'm being a stickler but to me, the one traight all zombies have to have is that they are undead.

07-Oct-2009, 11:29 AM
I was underwhelmed too. It was fun, but the story that drive the movie - the shy nerd becoming a man, was too cliche. Besides, they weren't even zombies. Like the 28 Days later franchise they were just people with hyper rabies. Maybe I'm being a stickler but to me, the one traight all zombies have to have is that they are undead.

THEY WERE ZOMBIES - the director of the flick says so, as do the writers. ZOMBIES! End of argument!

Yes they run, and based on the science of Rigormortis it is possible for a zombie to run.

WELCOME to ZOMBIELAND! :elol::D:lol::rant:

07-Oct-2009, 04:36 PM
Par. That's about it really. I don't see what all the fuss was about.

07-Oct-2009, 10:40 PM
Par. That's about it really. I don't see what all the fuss was about.

Don't really see a fuss...split 50/50 right now between good/great, so...eh...:|

08-Oct-2009, 01:24 AM
Just saw it for the third time and still enjoyed the hell out of it. Easily one of the best "zombie" movies of the last 5 years. Even though I consider it a comedy more than a zombie flick.

BTW....are they even dead? They're described more like they have a disease. Like Rage from 28 Days...

08-Oct-2009, 04:22 AM
THEY WERE ZOMBIES - the director of the flick says so, as do the writers. ZOMBIES! End of argument!

Yes they run, and based on the science of Rigormortis it is possible for a zombie to run.

WELCOME to ZOMBIELAND! :elol::D:lol::rant:

They weren't dead though. They were like the infected from 28 Days Later like I mentioned in my post.

08-Oct-2009, 04:58 AM
Interesting article from the filmmakers about the origins of the project & what the future might hold.


08-Oct-2009, 11:59 AM
They weren't dead though. They were like the infected from 28 Days Later like I mentioned in my post.

That's what I was thinking. The line goes something like, "It's the mad cow disease for a new age. Ya know....except for humans. It starts with a fever, then your brain swells, puss flows from your mouth, and you get a really big case of the munchies."

They really LOOK dead but it's never addressed outside of that quote. Plus....I think 406 was acting awefully strange to be dead. She moved more like she remembered Columbus but still wanted to eat him.

08-Oct-2009, 02:41 PM
promised my new ladyfriend i'd wait to see this with her, and tomorrow i'll finally get around to checking this out. from what i've read here, i'm pretty excited about it. will vote in the poll after the weekend.

08-Oct-2009, 02:54 PM
^^ same here except you've given me the idea to take the fiancee to go see it...

08-Oct-2009, 03:49 PM
I liked it.

The nerdy character was a great paradigm shift from the cliche zombie survivalist. His rules of survival made as much sense as any non-comedy zombie movie has yet to offer, yet the way they were reinforced throughout the movie was hilarious.

Woody was pure awesomeness. Quirky and hilarious, yet approachable and real. Not too over the top. Yet a total badass.

The cameo was good, but I think they missed some obvious awesomeness in it.

Detractions? Yeah, a few... There were not enough zombies. And there were areas of plot that just were wtf.

The movie has one remarkable thing going for it (similar to Shawn of the Dead) - it took the zombie apocalpyse/survival thing seriously enough to be a contender outside of a comedy film.

It's worth it.

08-Oct-2009, 03:59 PM
I liked it.

The nerdy character was a great paradigm shift from the cliche zombie survivalist. His rules of survival made as much sense as any non-comedy zombie movie has yet to offer, yet the way they were reinforced throughout the movie was hilarious.

Woody was pure awesomeness. Quirky and hilarious, yet approachable and real. Not too over the top. Yet a total badass.

The cameo was good, but I think they missed some obvious awesomeness in it.

Detractions? Yeah, a few... There were not enough zombies. And there were areas of plot that just were wtf.

The movie has one remarkable thing going for it (similar to Shawn of the Dead) - it took the zombie apocalpyse/survival thing seriously enough to be a contender outside of a comedy film.

It's worth it.

Great summation of the high points and acknowledgment of the areas of weakness. This is also the first real parallel I've seen someone draw between this film and Shaun that made absolute sense to me.

08-Oct-2009, 05:17 PM
The movie has one remarkable thing going for it (similar to Shawn of the Dead) - it took the zombie apocalpyse/survival thing seriously enough to be a contender outside of a comedy film.

I feel differently. Zombieland is a straight up comedy with zombies tossed in there. Shaun however feels like a zombie movie with comedy tossed in. I suppose it's because I felt that the characters in Shaun were in real danger. In Zombieland there was never any sense of danger. Almost like the zombies were an after thought and possed no real threat.

Oh well. Different strokes for different folks and all that.:)

08-Oct-2009, 08:01 PM
Yeah, I gotta admit - that viewpoint surprises me.

Shaun seemed more like the comedy to me than Zombieland. The charactes themselves seemed more serious in Zombieland and the zombies never broke character for gags like they did in Shaun. In both movies the characters never seemed to be in danger until the final scene.

I felt like the Zombieland world was the exact right amount of dangerous. They did a good job of depicting how anyone could survive with some thought and diligence, but how one misstep could spell disaster. The crisis had in many ways died down as the population dwindled - I don't think it was intended to be as dangerous a world as say 28 Days or Dawn Remake. If the world had been more dangerous either the plot or plausibility would've suffered, imo.

But, you know, that's the fun of hearing varied opinions. :)