View Full Version : Day of the Dead (1985) versions

03-Oct-2009, 07:31 PM
So I have a one-disc region 2 bare bones version of Day and also a newer two-disc remastered version both from Arrow Films. The weird thing is that the newer 2-disc version is only 97 minutes long and the older version (a bad transfer too) is 102 minutes long! wtf?

It would be nice to see a remastered edition of the full 102 minute cut.

And also, does anyone know what was cut?

03-Oct-2009, 07:39 PM
Nothing was cut, it's just the difference between R1 and R2 transfer speed.

03-Oct-2009, 07:48 PM
I checked the running times of both versions in my dvd player and the earlier dvd is 5 minutes longer, both are Region 2. Five minutes is far too long to be just an affect of a transfer.

102 minutes

97 minutes


03-Oct-2009, 07:59 PM
Well, if it's not transfer speed then I honestly have no idea. But I can assure you that nothing has been cut from the 97 minute version.

03-Oct-2009, 08:04 PM
Strange though, its kind of inexplicable because the different runtimes are legit. I read somewhere that the BBFC released a 97 minute version to video with five minutes cut when it was first released in the UK and Ireland so perhaps its that version? And i also read that there was an unrated directors cut released to video at the same time so there are definitely two different versions of Day out there.

IMDB lists the runtime as 102 minutes but Norway is 97, Australia 97 and Canada 96. i know for sure that the Canadian version had a lot of scenes cut such as the autopsy being much shorter and the scene where the guy gets his face ripped off being completely removed.

03-Oct-2009, 08:18 PM
I remember the original UK VHS version of Day and it was cut terribly. Fortunately I was able to acquire an uncut American VHS copy before it was finally released on DVD. I think that version was 101 minutes.

For all the versions that have subsequently been released on DVD, I have never noticed anything different. But I do acknowledge that there are differences in running time.

03-Oct-2009, 08:21 PM
hmm weird. i will watch both of them and see what the deal is. i have already seen Day about 20 times though so it feels like a bit of a chore : (

04-Oct-2009, 12:12 AM
The 97 minute version would be the PAL running time. If the 102 minute version is also in PAL, then it is likely to be a NTSC->PAL conversion.

Native PAL has speed up, but is progressive. NTSC->PAL is interlaced.

04-Oct-2009, 01:52 PM
Yeah i ended up watching the 97 minute version last night and i couldnt see any difference.

I think Day and Zombie 2 are the two most disturbing Zombie flicks ever made, watched them both back to back last night and had'nt seen either in a couple of years. There are far more violent zombie flicks (Braindead for example) but those two have an unsettling atmosphere and really extreme gore in small doses which makes it more disturbing.

04-Oct-2009, 02:37 PM
The 97 minute version would be the PAL running time. If the 102 minute version is also in PAL, then it is likely to be a NTSC->PAL conversion.

Native PAL has speed up, but is progressive. NTSC->PAL is interlaced.

Spot on....it's a framerate issue.

NTSC has 30fps (frames per second) whilst PAL has 25fps - I *think* it's a 4% difference in running time all told - I bet if you do the maths it reaches 4%...

04-Oct-2009, 04:11 PM
I couldnt find any information anywhere which is how i stumbled upon this forum so i joined up to ask the people in the know. glad i signed up now as it seems like a good community :D

04-Oct-2009, 04:47 PM
I couldnt find any information anywhere which is how i stumbled upon this forum so i joined up to ask the people in the know. glad i signed up now as it seems like a good community :D

Yes, please stick around!!!

Just remember to bar all your doors and windows...

04-Oct-2009, 04:52 PM
indeed. no cheap wood in my house!

04-Oct-2009, 06:30 PM
Notice that one of the hands through the wall grabs her breast in the beginning of the VHS version. In a directors commentary she mentioned her husband was on the set that day and did it as a joke.

04-Oct-2009, 06:35 PM
lol i never noticed that. Did you see in the specal features she literally has not aged at all? she looks hotter now

05-Oct-2009, 09:34 AM
Notice that one of the hands through the wall grabs her breast in the beginning of the VHS version. In a directors commentary she mentioned her husband was on the set that day and did it as a joke.

You mean there's a different shot in different copies of the film? :confused:

I'm currently re-watching the commentary now, and specifically wound back to re-watch that bit when she said to see if I could see, but I couldn't see it. Funny story though.

lol i never noticed that. Did you see in the specal features she literally has not aged at all? she looks hotter now

Indeed, she's aged very well indeed.


I can certainly say that the special Tin box edition of Night of the Living Dead was cut horribly. It had 4 minutes of stuff torn out of it, so that there was barely any zombie action.

It's the "Contender" Region 2 copy ... from a DVDTimes member (the actual guys didn't notice the cuts AT ALL!!!):

Zombie fighting over large amount of intestines on floor - MISSING
Zombie eating flesh off bone - MISSING
Zombie biting/ripping flesh off hand - MISSING
Zombie eating offal then turning to camera - MISSING

The trowel murder has been reduced from 14 stabs to...*3*!!!
Almost the entire scene has gone, including shots of blood on the wall during the stabbing. It's been destroyed!

It's this one 'ere:

I bought it when it came out, saw that it was cut to ribbons, and returned it the next day and got my money back. I then went and bought the Millennium Edition on Region 1, which is what you want.


Went off on a tangent about Night, rather than Day, but the running time thing reminded me of this issue with this particular copy of Night on DVD.

Avoid it like the plague.

05-Oct-2009, 07:40 PM
Wow that is the same edition as what i have. and i actually got rid of an older edition of the dvd too. DAMN!!! why is it even 18's if its cut? yeah the feeding sequence did seem really tame but i thought i had just remembered it being more graphic! faill!!! and only 3 stabs? wtf!!

05-Oct-2009, 07:42 PM
Went off on a tangent about Night, rather than Day, but the running time thing reminded me of this issue with this particular copy of Night on DVD.

Avoid it like the plague.
I kept it 'cos I like the flashy box. ;)

05-Oct-2009, 07:52 PM
Mine isnt even in a flashy box but its the same title "special collectors edition" by Contender and the run-time is only 91 minutes,i must have the cheapo version !! :S arghhh. i just found a region free one on amazon which is 96 minutes so i shall purchase that tonight. that will be my Third time buying night on dvd not including the remake *rage*


just ordered this version


05-Oct-2009, 08:18 PM
You mean there's a different shot in different copies of the film? :confused:

I'm currently re-watching the commentary now, and specifically wound back to re-watch that bit when she said to see if I could see, but I couldn't see it. Funny story though.

Indeed, she's aged very well indeed.


I can certainly say that the special Tin box edition of Night of the Living Dead was cut horribly. It had 4 minutes of stuff torn out of it, so that there was barely any zombie action.

It's the "Contender" Region 2 copy ... from a DVDTimes member (the actual guys didn't notice the cuts AT ALL!!!):

It's this one 'ere:

I bought it when it came out, saw that it was cut to ribbons, and returned it the next day and got my money back. I then went and bought the Millennium Edition on Region 1, which is what you want.


Went off on a tangent about Night, rather than Day, but the running time thing reminded me of this issue with this particular copy of Night on DVD.

Avoid it like the plague.

I own that version, but I've never watched it. I had no idea it was cut.

WHY was it cut!? Can anyone explain that? Night of the Living Dead has not been touched by a British censor since the early 1970s. The uncut version has actually been re-rated 15 recently. So why was this 18-rated version cut?

05-Oct-2009, 08:22 PM
yeah i have been researching for the last few minutes and the reason its cut is a mystery unless they unwittingly 'extensively restored and remastered' the version the BBFC had originally censored in 1969.

If you want an uncut version follow the link in my previous post. i just bought it for a fiver region-free.

05-Oct-2009, 08:23 PM
yeah i have been researching for the last few minutes and the reason its cut is a mystery unless they unwittingly 'extensively restored and remastered' the version the BBFC had originally censored in 1969.

YEAH! That actually crossed my mind. That would be pretty ironic, don't you think? :p

If you want an uncut version follow the link in my previous post. i just bought it for a fiver region-free.

Cheers, man!:D

darth los
05-Oct-2009, 08:35 PM
I checked the running times of both versions in my dvd player and the earlier dvd is 5 minutes longer, both are Region 2. Five minutes is far too long to be just an affect of a transfer.

102 minutes

97 minutes


I couldn't comment either way. The one thing I do know is that the only true cover to GAr's Day of the dead has bub on it.

That is all. :D


05-Oct-2009, 08:46 PM
i know the cover you mean, i love bub but the yelow background is a bit too similar to Dawn : P . of those two i posted i actually love that cheap ass one on top lol

06-Oct-2009, 12:09 AM
yeah i have been researching for the last few minutes and the reason its cut is a mystery unless they unwittingly 'extensively restored and remastered' the version the BBFC had originally censored in 1969.
I've been doing some detective work myself and it seems Contender unknowingly acquired a heavily censored cut and submitted it to the BBFC. It is wholly possible that the stupid bastards remastered this useless censored version, what a waste of time.

Ghost Of War
06-Oct-2009, 07:46 AM
Is the version of Night on archive.org uncut? I've got the dvd linked in octo7's post, so I've never bothered to check out the one on archive.org.

EDIT: Just had a peek at archive.org, THIS ONE (http://www.archive.org/details/Night.Of.The.Living.Dead_1080p) looks like it's uncut, 1080p too. The last chapter starts at 01:33:46.

06-Oct-2009, 10:17 AM
Indeed, Contender really made a balls up of that one.

Thank fuck for the internet, DVDCompare.net, DVDTimes (although they didn't notice the 4 minutes of cut footage!! :eek: in this case) and forums such as this.

I'm always so careful when making DVD purchases these days, for exactly this kind of reason. Plus the differences between R1 and R2 so often, and now of course - futhermocking BluRay stealing extra features that would normally be on DVD.

FUCK YOU DISTRIBUTORS, I'll get BR when I damn well want, stop trying to force people. Who do you think you are, Gordon Brown?! :mad:

08-Oct-2009, 08:19 PM
yeah i don't want blu ray because i have 100's of euros worth of dvd boxsets that I never want to be obsolete :'( i will be buying spare dvd players for the future. my Night of the Living Dead arrived from amazon today :D looking forward to watching the documentary on it with interviews with John Landis and Tobe Hooper.

09-Oct-2009, 10:53 PM

Yo guys!

Anybody know if there is a difference between these two? I got the Anchor Bay two disc one you see below with a velcro Bub head latch. Other than that the Day of the Dead logo is in red instead of blue. I'm wondering about the color of the logo and if it's lacking(extras, features, commentary participants, aspect ratio, etc.)compared to the latest 2 disc special edition shown above, the one with all the zombie hands.

The 39 minute documentary "The Many Days of DAY OF THE DEAD" on my Anchor Bay release is very fun to watch. The actors tell many stories including the conditions within the mines and how a bucket of real intestines went totally wrong. It never gets old.

10-Oct-2009, 10:11 AM

The spec of that 2-disc R0 is:

R0 SE United Kingdom - (Arrow Films)
*The Film
Audio commentary by special effects team members Greg Nicotero, Howard Berger, Everett Burrell and Mike Deak

"The Many Days of Day of the Dead" documentary (38:40)
"Behind-the-Scenes footage" featurette (20:19)
Original Press Photo Gallery (8 pages)
Biography and filmography for director/writer George A. Romero (2 pages)
Theatrical trailer (1:57)
Bonus trailers for "Night Of The Living Dead" (2:00) and "Dawn Of The Dead" (2:44)
Aspect Ratio:
Picture Format:
TV System:
English Dolby Digital 5.1
English Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo
Case type:
2-Disc Amaray (Keep) Case
Comes packaged with a slipcase.

The spec of the R1 Divimax (that I also own) is:

R1 SE America - (Anchor Bay - Divimax)
New anamorphic transfer from the original negative
Audio commentary by director/writer George A. Romero, special make-up effects artist Tom Savini, actress Lori Cardille and production designer Cletus Anderson
Audio commentary by filmmaker Roger Avery

"The Many Days of Day of the Dead" documentary (38:40)
"Day of the Dead: Behind the Scenes" documentary (30:50)
(Last) audio interview with actor Richard Liberty conducted by actor Taso N. Stavrakis and Telleria (16:08)
"Gateway Commerce Center" featurette (8:12)
Photo galleries:
- "Production stills"
- "Behind the Scenes, part 1"
- "Behind the Scenes, part 2"
- "Posters and Advertising"
- "Memorabilia"
- "Zombie Make-Up"
- "Continuity Stills"
Biography and filmography for director/writer George A. Romero
- Trailer #1 (1:59)
- Trailer #2 (2:04)
- Trailer #3 (1:10)
TV spots:
- TV spot #1 (0:32)
- TV spot #2 (0:32)
- TV spot #3 (0:32)
DVD-ROM content:
- Original 166-page draft of "Day of the Dead"
- A series of production memos
Aspect Ratio:
Picture Format:
TV System:
English DTS-ES 6.1
English Dolby Digital 5.1 EX
English Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround
Case type:
Special Case
Comes with a 16-page booklet containing an essay by Anchor Bay's Michael Felsher and sketch art by Rob B. Webb.
The disc also contains English closed captions (CC).

So the Divimax is the clear winner as it has these:

(Last) audio interview with actor Richard Liberty conducted by actor Taso N. Stavrakis and Telleria (16:08)
"Gateway Commerce Center" featurette (8:12)

As well as a whole bunch of various "other" materials.


Also, the commentary on the R1 Divimax is GAR & Co (and Roger Avary - but why bother with that one, it's mostly dead air seemingly) ... while on that R0 2-disc it's a commentary that I would like to hear - Nicotero, Berger & Co.

All's said and done, the Divimax is the clear winner, this 2-disc would only be worth getting for sod-all money just to get the SFX team's commentary.


You will notice on that link that there's information about "dialogue substitutions" - I think this was because of doing the new audio mix. The Australian DVD has the original mono track.

* R0 America- Anchor Bay - No cuts.
* R0 Australia- Force Video - No cuts.
* R0 SE Australia- Umbrella Entertainment - No cuts, the disc does not suffer from the dialogue alterations.
Special thanks to Rewind user GIZMO35 for confirming this.
* R0 SE United Kingdom- Arrow Films - No cuts, but there are audio substitutions - see the overall for additional information.
* R1 SE America- Anchor Bay - Divimax - No cuts, but there are audio substitutions - see the overall for additional information (100:48 NTSC).
* R2 Germany- Astro - No cuts.
* R2 SE Italy- Alan Young Pictures - No cuts, but there are audio substitutions - see the overall for additional information (100:45 PAL).
* R2 Japan- Happinet Pictures - No cuts, but there are audio substitutions - see the overall for additional information.
* R2 United Kingdom- Arrow Film Distributors - No cuts, the disc does not suffer from the dialogue alterations.
* R5 Russia- Viking Video - No cuts.

The lines in question are (inc. dialogue overdubbed by different actors and brief alterations to language) - times NTSC:
*0:09:15 - "It's crazy" provided by a different voice
*0:09:35 - "Shit" to "Right"
*0:58:48 - Gunshot is partially missing
*1:01:33 - "It's the Spic" provided by a different voice
*1:11:20 - "Oh, Jesus" to "I can't look"
*1:20:30 - "Jesus" to "Stuck"

Why they didn't replace the dialogue verbatim is beyond me though ... still, one speck of poop to an otherwise gleaming package.

10-Oct-2009, 11:30 AM
Yo guys!

Anybody know if there is a difference between these two? I got the Anchor Bay two disc one you see below with a velcro Bub head latch. Other than that the Day of the Dead logo is in red instead of blue. I'm wondering about the color of the logo and if it's lacking(extras, features, commentary participants, aspect ratio, etc.)compared to the latest 2 disc special edition shown above, the one with all the zombie hands.

The 39 minute documentary "The Many Days of DAY OF THE DEAD" on my Anchor Bay release is very fun to watch. The actors tell many stories including the conditions within the mines and how a bucket of real intestines went totally wrong. It never gets old.

Love your scanners avatar btw :hyper:

11-Oct-2009, 02:03 AM
Love your scanners avatar btw :hyper:

Thanks! Are you a Cronenberg fan? He is the king of twisted tales.

11-Oct-2009, 12:49 PM
I am indeed. suprisingly though my favorite Cronenberg movie is his least twisted, Spider. i do love all of his films though, have yet to see eastern promises

11-Oct-2009, 05:30 PM
I am indeed. suprisingly though my favorite Cronenberg movie is his least twisted, Spider. i do love all of his films though, have yet to see eastern promises

Yeah Spider was interesting. If your looking for the usual Crone elements in Eastern Promises you won't find them. The pacing and tone is there but you are in for a whole lot of tension in this one. Amazingly crafted scenes that build and explode beautifuly.

I have not seen all of his films but my favorite would have to be Existenz, but that could change.

11-Oct-2009, 05:33 PM
I have not seen all of his films but my favorite would have to be Existenz, but that could change.
That film is a proper treat. I like Shivers and Videodrome too.

11-Oct-2009, 05:37 PM
yeah both classics, as are rabid and scanners. i havent seen existenz actually is it good? i also loved naked lunch. he is brilliant in Night Breed as Dr Decker

11-Oct-2009, 05:51 PM
yeah both classics, as are rabid and scanners. i havent seen existenz actually is it good? i also loved naked lunch. he is brilliant in Night Breed as Dr Decker


Cronenberg is awesome in Nightbreed. Love his stuff, though I haven't seen most of it in a looong while. Videodrome= awesome.

11-Oct-2009, 07:30 PM
i havent seen existenz actually is it good?

Yes! Rent it! Buy it! If not for the trippy story then for the chance to see Jennifer Jason Leigh.
By the middle of the film you may be asking yourself. "What in the world is going on here?" But by the end I guarantee you will... Should I say it guys? Would I be accused of spoilage?

If you can't stand video games don't bother, but forget that. Watch it my friend.
Oh and remember to tell the video store clerk that the Chinese waiter recommended it, or pass that information on to Netflix.

13-Oct-2009, 06:43 PM
movie was fucking awesome!!!! i love how cronenberg basically used the port-holes in their back as an excuse to show rectal tonguing and fingering and get away with it lol. seriously though it was a great movie, i didn't like the performances much until about half-way through when i realised there was something more going on than what met the eye :D

darth los
13-Oct-2009, 07:20 PM
show rectal tonguing and fingering and get away with it

I was staying out of this thread until now but when there's talk like that how can a man resist?


13-Oct-2009, 07:24 PM
yeah there is one hilarious scene when he starts fingering and tonguing her ''port' in close-up. i can imagine the grin on Cronenberg's face behind the camera.

14-Oct-2009, 01:11 AM
yeah there is one hilarious scene when he starts fingering and tonguing her ''port' in close-up. i can imagine the grin on Cronenberg's face behind the camera.




14-Oct-2009, 03:10 AM
movie was fucking awesome!!!!

So I hear you liked it? How many times did you watch it?
I got myself so hyped about it from telling you to see it that I went out and rented it again. I may have to buy it eventually.

So whudya think of the Chinese special? I'm kind of ashamed to say I got some enjoyment out of seeing the Chinese waiter lose a piece of cheek. He annoyed me and I think Cronenberg set up that scene on purpose. He played on our tolerances.
But seriously am I the only one who can't stand it when it's freezing cold at the Chinese Buffet? They do it on purpose so you'll be uncomfortable and not eat as much.

14-Oct-2009, 09:35 AM
When Land of the Dead came out, I remember noticing that the Sci-Fi Channel over in the US had Day of the Dead on its schedules... at one in the afternoon. Turns out, at TV edit of the film exists with ALL of the swearing and gore censored/replaced, basically turning Day into a kid-friendly movie.

When Anchor Bay was remastering the movie, they found some print damage on their best master. They went hunting for the best-looking print they could find, so that they could splice in the unblemished version of the damaged footage and the audience would have the prettiest-possible version of every scene. It transpired that the best available master was the heavily censored TV edit. Hence why some scenes have dialogue substitutions and some don't.

Now - am I the only one who's curious to see the PG-rated Day?

14-Oct-2009, 10:42 AM
When Land of the Dead came out, I remember noticing that the Sci-Fi Channel over in the US had Day of the Dead on its schedules... at one in the afternoon. Turns out, at TV edit of the film exists with ALL of the swearing and gore censored/replaced, basically turning Day into a kid-friendly movie.

When Anchor Bay was remastering the movie, they found some print damage on their best master. They went hunting for the best-looking print they could find, so that they could splice in the unblemished version of the damaged footage and the audience would have the prettiest-possible version of every scene. It transpired that the best available master was the heavily censored TV edit. Hence why some scenes have dialogue substitutions and some don't.

Now - am I the only one who's curious to see the PG-rated Day?
Well that explains it...

And yes, I am interested to see this shoddy, dreadful TV-edit of Day of the Dead. I mean damn, that must be hilarious ... and really short.

14-Oct-2009, 12:22 PM
And yes, I am interested to see this shoddy, dreadful TV-edit of Day of the Dead. I mean damn, that must be hilarious ... and really short.

I'm not so interested in the gore scenes being edited out, but how the hell would they handle some of the scenes litered with profanity?

"I'll have to lay off the DARN booze because there wouldn't DARN be any DARN left"

"Jello? Is that how the PERSON says yellow? Jello?!?"

14-Oct-2009, 04:57 PM
So I hear you liked it? How many times did you watch it?
I got myself so hyped about it from telling you to see it that I went out and rented it again. I may have to buy it eventually.

So whudya think of the Chinese special? I'm kind of ashamed to say I got some enjoyment out of seeing the Chinese waiter lose a piece of cheek. He annoyed me and I think Cronenberg set up that scene on purpose. He played on our tolerances.
But seriously am I the only one who can't stand it when it's freezing cold at the Chinese Buffet? They do it on purpose so you'll be uncomfortable and not eat as much. LoL the chinese man deserved it for being so stereotypical and annoyingly friendly. i only watched it the once but absolutely loved it. especially the end when the accents changed :D surreal or what? imagine seeing it for the first time on acid?

14-Oct-2009, 06:08 PM
"I'M RUNNING THIS MONKEY FARM NOW, FRANKENSTEIN AND I WANNA KNOW WHAT THE *blazes* YOU'RE DOING WITH MY TIME!! ...'cos if we're just *joking* off here... I'm gonna have my men blow the *heck* out of your precious specimens..."


14-Oct-2009, 06:51 PM
"I'M RUNNING THIS MONKEY FARM NOW, FRANKENSTEIN AND I WANNA KNOW WHAT THE *blazes* YOU'RE DOING WITH MY TIME!! ...'cos if we're just *joking* off here... I'm gonna have my men blow the *heck* out of your precious specimens..."


McDermot : "I'll have to lay off the fuckin' booze Steel 'cause there won't fuckin' be any of it fuckin' left! In the meanwhile I will continue to indulge myself and I will continue doing my best in the good fight against dryrot and rust."

What could they possibly do to clean this movie up?

Captain Rhodes: What the fuck is wrong with you people? They're dead! They're fuckin' dead!

darth los
14-Oct-2009, 06:56 PM
I'm not so interested in the gore scenes being edited out, but how the hell would they handle some of the scenes litered with profanity?

"I'll have to lay off the DARN booze because there wouldn't DARN be any DARN left"

"Jello? Is that how the PERSON says yellow? Jello?!?"

I've seen it on sci-fi and let me tell you what you lose with the editing you get back in pure entertainment value. It's hilarious, sometimes the voices don't even match.


14-Oct-2009, 07:20 PM
Maybe it's like Shaun of the Dead, or Hot Fuzz.

"Funk yeah!" ... "Proper action and silt!" and so on. :p

14-Oct-2009, 07:29 PM
Or Ferris Bueller:

"Pardon my French, but you're an....idiot!"

14-Oct-2009, 10:00 PM
imagine seeing it for the first time on acid?
No fucking way man! I'd end up locked in a perpetual mind meld and probably never come down.

I'm not so interested in the gore scenes being edited out, but how the hell would they handle some of the scenes litered with profanity?

I'm thinkin, what would be left? It'd be a waste of time I say. They did that with Halloween too. There is a soft edited for tv version with a couple extra scenes that are not in the original release. Did they figure we needed the extra footage to understand Michaels pathology?

14-Oct-2009, 10:14 PM
like the TV version of A Fistful of Dollars with the Harry Dean Stanton scene spliced in to give the man with no name a justified motive for all the killing and mayhem he causes :D

14-Oct-2009, 11:13 PM
I'm thinkin, what would be left? It'd be a waste of time I say. They did that with Halloween too. There is a soft edited for tv version with a couple extra scenes that are not in the original release. Did they figure we needed the extra footage to understand Michaels pathology?

Yeah, I think I've seen that version of Halloween pre-watershed on ITV2 a few years back. It's really not THAT different to the original - the boob shot is trimmed and there's a little less blood (wasn't a huge amount to start with) and the swears are overdubbed, it's pretty goofy but it still feels like the same movie, thank God.

Day, on the other hand, I struggle to see how they could pull it off. Think, for example about the long dialogue scene between Logan and Sarah while the Doc disects various squirming, oozing, snarling corpses. They probably wouldn't leave in any of the dissection, but the dialogue in that scene is important to the plot, so how would a TV censor deal with that?

15-Oct-2009, 09:58 AM
They probably wouldn't leave in any of the dissection, but the dialogue in that scene is important to the plot, so how would a TV censor deal with that?

Goodness knows, zoom in on the shots? :eek: Good god.

15-Oct-2009, 10:04 AM
Goodness knows, zoom in on the shots? :eek: Good god.

Maybe they digitally composit some potted ferns into the bottom half of the shot? :D

Close up of Cooper's dissected head? BOOM! INCONVENIENTLY-PLACED LAMPSHADE (a la softtcore cable TV porn)! :lol:

15-Oct-2009, 10:34 AM
Close up of Cooper's dissected head? BOOM! INCONVENIENTLY-PLACED LAMPSHADE (a la softtcore cable TV porn)! :lol:

Best quote of the day, right here people. :D