View Full Version : Family Killed in Virginia by Horrorcore music fan and artist

06-Oct-2009, 08:24 PM

06-Oct-2009, 09:05 PM
I fucking hate media hysteria relating to "outsider" musical/film genres. It's the same as shit along the lines of: "following his murder-suicide spree, horror-obsessed was found to be in possession of six gruesome zombie films featuring protracted scenes of dismemberment and gun violence", like the perpetrator's enjoyment of horror films/music/games is the [I]cause of their crimes. I'm willing to accept that obsession with horror might, in some cases, be a symptom of a disturbed mind, but banish the thought that someone might actually be responsible for their own actions. But individual nutters do not sell papers, for that you need to inject a little more hysteria and the suggestion that a new bugbear most middle-class suburbanites have never heard of is raping the minds of our youth scares up a storm just nicely.

That said, however, the case itself is fucking horrendous. Poor family. I can't even imagine what they went through... :(

07-Oct-2009, 12:23 AM
Saw this on the news about ten days ago. Sad stuff, really. Yeah, I hope this doesn't turn into that kind of frenzy, like with the stupid Parental Advisory stickers... oh well, people kill people. Happens all the time. Sad, but that's life. Another meaning for "bad rap"? ... I'm bad.

07-Oct-2009, 04:41 PM
I fucking hate media hysteria relating to gun violence. It's the same as shit along the lines of: "following his murder-suicide spree, gun obsessed was found to be in possession of six loaded magazines featuring armor-piercing bullets", like the perpetrator's enjoyment of recreational shooting is the [I]cause of their crimes. I'm willing to accept that obsession with guns might, in some cases, be a symptom of a disturbed mind, but banish the thought that someone might actually be responsible for their own actions. But individual nutters do not sell papers, for that you need to inject a little more hysteria and the suggestion that a new gun most middle-class suburbanites have never heard of is blowing the heads off of our youth scares up a storm just nicely.

That said, however, the case itself is fucking horrendous. Poor family. I can't even imagine what they went through... :(

Edited it a bit to show something...

08-Oct-2009, 06:59 AM

nice arcades057...and very true, but I disagree with the ethos.

Funny how the guy was arrested and he said "jesus made me do it" - yet....somehow....this news item isn't called "jesus-freak goes on rampage"

08-Oct-2009, 04:55 PM
"God wouldn't allow this to happen! This is Satan's working!"

Give me a break, you fucking whackjobs; this is the working of someone who is severely mentally ill.

08-Oct-2009, 04:58 PM
"God wouldn't allow this to happen! This is Satan's working!".

I love that argument. Because if god wouldn't allow this to happen, then there is no god. :D