View Full Version : Yob attacks Cross Dressers = FAIL

07-Oct-2009, 03:00 PM
Two drunken thugs have learnt a lesson after the pair of cross-dressing men they attacked turned out to be cage fighters in fancy dress.

Puffed-up Gardner, followed by Fender, runs up to the innocent reveller, who was dressed up for a stag party, and punches him in the face.

But the victim's friend, - wearing a short black dress, stockings and suspenders - suddenly appears behind them felling them both with two devastating punches.


I suspect they'll still be out on the streets in weekends to come though, attacking more innocent folks...

darth los
07-Oct-2009, 03:22 PM
Most racists, homophobes, etc. are not only asshole but like to attack in packs and don't count on too much resistance, just like any bully.

Serves them right. They got off light if you ask me.

People, no matter what their lifestyle choices are and no matter how much one might disagree with them have a right to live hapily and peacefully just like everyone else.


07-Oct-2009, 04:58 PM
Saw a classic one when I was drunk in Bromley one night some years ago. There was this guy walking down the parade, he was totally prancing and stopped at the bus stop where I was at. His cell phone goes and he spoke in the most high-pitched feminine voice I have ever heard. Even I was kind of sniggering.

Anyway, this big fella walks past and he cracks this prancer right in the face real sharp, and went to grab the phone. Thing is this prancer was one mean mofo. He pulled the muggers hand towards him, headbutted the him about three times (each one was accompanied by a bone crunching sound) and threw the mugger right through the bus shelter window. :stunned::D

07-Oct-2009, 05:30 PM
I never understood why these thugs think of transvestites/transgendered folks as easy victims.

It would stand to reason that a man who dresses/lives as a woman would have had to learn to defend hirself at some point. In heels, no less.

But if these yobbos used reason, they'd be doing something constructive, I s'pose.

darth los
07-Oct-2009, 06:06 PM
Saw a classic one when I was drunk in Bromley one night some years ago. There was this guy walking down the parade, he was totally prancing and stopped at the bus stop where I was at. His cell phone goes and he spoke in the most high-pitched feminine voice I have ever heard. Even I was kind of sniggering.

Anyway, this big fella walks past and he cracks this prancer right in the face real sharp, and went to grab the phone. Thing is this prancer was one mean mofo. He pulled the muggers hand towards him, headbutted the him about three times (each one was accompanied by a bone crunching sound) and threw the mugger right through the bus shelter window. :stunned::D

I never understood why these thugs think of transvestites/transgendered folks as easy victims.

It would stand to reason that a man who dresses/lives as a woman would have had to learn to defend hirself at some point. In heels, no less.

But if these yobbos used reason, they'd be doing something constructive, I s'pose.

I was thinking the same thing. You would think that having to deal with bullshit like that your entire life you be ready to open up a can of whipass on someone at a moments notice.

You know, it's the same reason they call us Hispanics and blacks "hotheaded" and "uppity." :rolleyes:


07-Oct-2009, 09:42 PM
Why is the guy in the white shirt in trouble? It appears to me that he was holding his shirtless friend back and was choked from behind. There must be more to the video that I am not seeing.

08-Oct-2009, 10:06 AM
Saw this on Sky News last night, funny as fook - wanker got what he deserved.

Also - in this myriad of CCTV footage - notice the distinct lack of police for quite a long time. The whole thing has ended and they're on their way home before the cops even show up.

A prime example of why I hate this CCTV-instead-of-cops mentality in this country. :mad:

08-Oct-2009, 10:41 AM
Why is the guy in the white shirt in trouble? It appears to me that he was holding his shirtless friend back and was choked from behind. There must be more to the video that I am not seeing.

I thought that too...

08-Oct-2009, 11:07 AM
greatest chav bash I ever saw was in Bridgwater about 3 years ago, a crowd of skater hoody types & metal kids (about 6 or 7) walked past these two chavs sat by the side of the road eating chips or whatever.

Anyway the chavs start the usual "oi mate you wanker, cut your hair gayboy", etc, so the crowd went over, a kerfuffle ensued, but one of the chavs ended up getting picked up by his arms & legs (like a war casualty), the dudes walked over to a brick wall and started swinging him back and forth...1...2...3... then they let go of him and he went SMACK against the wall, about 2 metres above the floor


Weirdest thing was when he hit the wall, he seemed to stay suspended in mid air for about half a millisecond before crashing to the ground :lol: we were like "there is no spoon!"

But yeah, violence is nasty, but I can't deny I do like seeing these thuggish idiots get it. I think something to think about is that perhaps by revelling in these stories, we contribute to fostering a culture where casual violence is more acceptable, a culture which produces chavs

08-Oct-2009, 11:32 AM
this thread has chuckles!

08-Oct-2009, 11:39 AM
Weirdest thing was when he hit the wall, he seemed to stay suspended in mid air for about half a millisecond before crashing to the ground we were like "there is no spoon!"


But yeah, violence is nasty, but I can't deny I do like seeing these thuggish idiots get it. I think something to think about is that perhaps by revelling in these stories, we contribute to fostering a culture where casual violence is more acceptable, a culture which produces chavs

Nah, the twats come first, and they deserve their beatin's, the bastards. :p

Ghost Of War
08-Oct-2009, 11:50 AM

Nah, the twats come first, and they deserve their beatin's, the bastards. :p

Right on. If someones going to step up to me then they deserve all they get. Happened to me once years ago, gang of lads having a go while I was waiting for a bus, at the time I was in my long-haired metal-head phase so I was an obvious target for the shellsuit wearing mob. I tried ignoring them but it got nasty so I picked out the biggest one and knocked him clean out. It was broad daylight too. I used to know a guy who did kickboxing at the same place I trained, and he was the gayest, campest man I've ever seen, but he could kick some arse, I saw him do some damage to two BIG men once, just for calling him a fag.

08-Oct-2009, 05:04 PM
Most racists, homophobes, etc. are not only asshole but like to attack in packs and don't count on too much resistance, just like any bully.

Yep. Back in 2003, at an Iron Maiden show, there was a big group of white power fuckheads that were harassing people in the lawn area. A friend of mine strayed away from us to use the bathroom and ended up getting knocked down by one of the assholes, then his friends proceeded to hail and scream racist shit at him. Little did they know was that my friend had about 25 of us. As the 25 of us marched across the lawn, many people joined us as they figured out what we were doing. Once we reached the group of neo-nazis, we had grown from 25 people to probably close to 40. There were probably between 25 to 30 of the nazi morons. Needless to say, that was one hell of a brawl that was reminiscent of The Outsiders. We had one casualty; my friend that had originally been knocked down got his nose broken in the brawl. However, many of them were hauled off in ambulances and those that weren't hurt were ejected by security. Might I add, this all happened during DIO!

ANYWAY, hopefully the cunts in that news report learned their lesson and will stop bashing others just because they're different.

08-Oct-2009, 05:07 PM
Yep. Back in 2003, at an Iron Maiden show, there was a big group of white power fuckheads that were harassing people in the lawn area. A friend of mine strayed away from us to use the bathroom and ended up getting knocked down by one of the assholes, then his friends proceeded to hail and scream racist shit at him. Little did they know was that my friend had about 25 of us. As the 25 of us marched across the lawn, many people joined us as they figured out what we were doing. Once we reached the group of neo-nazis, we had grown from 25 people to probably close to 40. There were probably between 25 to 30 of the nazi morons. Needless to say, that was one hell of a brawl that was reminiscent of The Outsiders. We had one casualty; my friend that had originally been knocked down got his nose broken in the brawl. However, many of them were hauled off in ambulances and those that weren't hurt were ejected by security. Might I add, this all happened during DIO!

ANYWAY, hopefully the cunts in that news report learned their lesson and will stop bashing others just because they're different.

Isn't Iron Maiden a bit too cerebral for Nazi skinhead fucks? I'm suprised they were at the concert in the first place.

08-Oct-2009, 05:12 PM
Isn't Iron Maiden a bit too cerebral for Nazi skinhead fucks? I'm suprised they were at the concert in the first place.

Yeah, I was certainly baffled. Motorhead was the opening act, so that could possibly be the reason. You know, really great bands always seem to draw shitheads as fans.

08-Oct-2009, 05:40 PM
Yep. Back in 2003, at an Iron Maiden show, there was a big group of white power fuckheads that were harassing people in the lawn area. A friend of mine strayed away from us to use the bathroom and ended up getting knocked down by one of the assholes, then his friends proceeded to hail and scream racist shit at him. Little did they know was that my friend had about 25 of us. As the 25 of us marched across the lawn, many people joined us as they figured out what we were doing. Once we reached the group of neo-nazis, we had grown from 25 people to probably close to 40. There were probably between 25 to 30 of the nazi morons. Needless to say, that was one hell of a brawl that was reminiscent of The Outsiders. We had one casualty; my friend that had originally been knocked down got his nose broken in the brawl. However, many of them were hauled off in ambulances and those that weren't hurt were ejected by security. Might I add, this all happened during DIO!

ANYWAY, hopefully the cunts in that news report learned their lesson and will stop bashing others just because they're different.

That's awesome! I wished I could have been there with you to see that. During Dio, too. :lol: