View Full Version : Australia Approves Censored Version Of Left 4 Dead 2

darth los
08-Oct-2009, 08:49 PM

This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Why even release the game then. A true artist would never compromise the integrity of their work in order to make a few extra dollars.


08-Oct-2009, 09:12 PM
A true artist would never compromise the integrity of their work in order to make a few extra dollars.


dude what have you been smoking and where can i buy some for people?, in this day and age the web has over saturated every medium of creativity to its limit, being a rock and not compromising to get your stuff out there is not compromising integrity, its a damn standard nowadays. First and foremost there a company that makes games for revenue, not the love of there fans. if they have to alter something to get it out there they will do it. if thats not being integral to the artists work then you should tell every single filmmaker who recuts there film to please the film ratings boards that there sell outs.

darth los
09-Oct-2009, 03:48 PM
dude what have you been smoking and where can i buy some for people?, in this day and age the web has over saturated every medium of creativity to its limit, being a rock and not compromising to get your stuff out there is not compromising integrity, its a damn standard nowadays. First and foremost there a company that makes games for revenue, not the love of there fans. if they have to alter something to get it out there they will do it. if thats not being integral to the artists work then you should tell every single filmmaker who recuts there film to please the film ratings boards that there sell outs.

So i guess they're not true artists then. And you're spot on about the money making aspect of it but imo, it makes no sense to censor a game to the point where it's not the same game anymore which is what they have done here.

They are also enabling censorship. Gov'ts want to tell grown, consenting adults what is good for them and what is not, what they can view and what they can't How is that different than communist china?

Governments who engage in censorship such as Germany and Australia know that they can get away with censoring things because the companies want to make money so bad that they will fold like a tent. But if the companies held firm and didn't compromise their product and enough adults stand up and say "wait a minute we're not children we can make that decision on our own" the conservative nutjobs who advocate stuff like this crap would have to fold themselves.

Oh, and what I'm smoking is called cush. Real high grade stuff but damn is it expensive. ;)


12-Oct-2009, 07:49 AM
A game is a game I guess, It's a money making venture so I can see entirely why they want to release it for the most worldwide exposure. The chain of command on this issue probably reaches far higher than the "creatives" who hold some sort of artistic ownership over the game.

But wtf is wrong with Aus? I mean...bodies disappearing when they hit the floor? no piles of bodies? I'm so glad there are people out there looking out for us, eh...because all this poison is sooooo going to make us loopy.

Ironic how I feel more violently inclined when hearing about this nonsensical, pathetic attempt at blinkering the world off from itself.

Now, where's my bloodied axe?

12-Oct-2009, 09:55 AM
Whats next? Censoring my erotic films? Why, If I want to watch hardcore porn at 3 in the afternoon, well, that is my choice damnit!

darth los
13-Oct-2009, 05:16 PM
Ironic how I feel more violently inclined when hearing about this nonsensical, pathetic attempt at blinkering the world off from itself.


Now that you mention it i feel the same way. Abridgement of fundemental liberties will do that to a person you know. And this is happening to Australians, imagine the uproar if it were happening here !!

On the flipside it's their country and their freedom at stake and if they aren't upset enough to be willing to fight over it then why should we?


13-Oct-2009, 05:32 PM
Hmm...you just opened my mind to the question "what would I fight and die for?"

Maybe not Left for Dead....haha

I'm gonna mull that one over!

darth los
13-Oct-2009, 05:36 PM
Hmm...you just opened my mind to the question "what would I fight and die for?"

Maybe not Left for Dead....haha

I'm gonna mull that one over!

Sriously, that's a question we al lneed to ask ourselves. (at the risk of veering off topic because you know i would never do that :shifty: )

Our freedoms have been being steadily eroded since 9-11 and us freedom loving, gun toting, give me liberty or give me death Americans are content to let it hapen as long as they keep their handsoff our I pods, fatty foods and my space pages. Truly pathetic.


13-Oct-2009, 05:46 PM
Patriot act springs to mind! I think we're guilty of that over here too....

"fuck you, Jack...I'm OKAY!"...too prevalent in today's times...

But then again I love life and don't want to get my head blown off cos I'm fighting to have a horror film released!! haha

darth los
13-Oct-2009, 06:18 PM
Patriot act springs to mind! I think we're guilty of that over here too....

That's all I'm saying. Before we condemn other countries citizens for not standing up to the man we need to take a good, long hard look at ourselves.


darth los
22-Oct-2009, 05:04 PM



29-Oct-2009, 04:02 PM
Some footage of the censored version. No dismemberment and bodies disappear before they hit the ground:

29-Oct-2009, 04:15 PM
Some footage of the censored version. No dismemberment and bodies disappear before they hit the ground:

That doesn't seem too bad, did they do the same with the first game? it does seem kind of bland and empty, what about the piles of bodies by the abandoned police blockades and the rows of body bags by the army processing centre? are the inanimate "furniture" of the level bodies removed.

darth los
29-Oct-2009, 04:50 PM
I'm sure they have been removed as well. Otherwise what's the point.

It wouldn't be so bad if you didn't have the gory version to compare it to. I also noticed that in the demo options you can switch the game from high to low gore anyhoo.
