View Full Version : Issues with Dead Rising

10-Oct-2009, 11:37 AM
I was so looking forward to this a couple of years ago but when i finally bought it i just could not get into it. I think its because i find the time limit so restrictive and daunting. Ive only ever got about 3 hours in an ended up quitting in frustration. I never know which 'events' to go to and the fact its possible to lose the whole game if you run out of time just makes it seem like more stress than fun.


should i try again and stick it out?

10-Oct-2009, 01:01 PM
I didn't think you could "lose" at dead rising, if you miss a case you get a different ending sure but most of the acheivements require you to blow the case off and do something else, I found it nice and open personally.

10-Oct-2009, 01:08 PM
Then maybe i should try not adhering to the schedule. the sense of urgency just freaks me out for some reason.

10-Oct-2009, 05:39 PM
They've got so much going on so that the game has great replay value. They don't really expect you to do everything in one run-through. Plus, you don't HAVE to be at the helicopter on the 3rd day.

11-Oct-2009, 09:32 AM
I've only ever done the first two or three missions, and then specifically said "bugger that" so I could just kill zombies and explore. That's all I've done on Dead Rising, but I've played the 3 Day schedule through like 6 times now - just killin' zeds.

Only did the first couple of missions to open up that gate on the left of when you first enter the mall itself (after coming out of the storage room, that in-turn leads to the roof, that in-turn leads to that generator room). Apart from that, screw doing any of those missions - not only are they often too hard or fiddly, but the time limit is retarded, the lack of saving options restricts you unfairly, and the piss-poor gun aiming system is dreadful.

While DR is a flawed game, I've had plenty of use out of it just running around killing zombies.

I'm still looking for the idea zombie game with a full narrative you can play through, however.

Incidentally, I got the entire plot by downloading and watching all the cutscenes off the internet. :p

11-Oct-2009, 12:53 PM
that was good thinking. yeah i HATE the aiming and the fact there are only two savepoints, its too oldskool for this day and age and not in a good way.

11-Oct-2009, 05:15 PM
There's more than two save points, but just the bathrooms around the mall, and the generator room at the start.

That's one issue I hope they sort out in DR2, as well as the weapon aiming, and story mode.

11-Oct-2009, 05:20 PM
i started playing it again today and did 3 case missions then died on my way back to the security room before saving my game, 2 hours or so of my life wasted. never again lol

11-Oct-2009, 05:33 PM
It's been confirmed that the save system is identical in Dead Rising 2, and I couldn't be happier. I loved the sense of urgency, and making it all the way to the true ending in the original felt like an accomplishment.

11-Oct-2009, 05:56 PM
i think developers should be able to come up with far mroe creative ways of creating a challenging game than just giving it an extremely poor save system. especially coming from a company like Capcom.

11-Oct-2009, 07:17 PM
It's been confirmed that the save system is identical in Dead Rising 2, and I couldn't be happier. I loved the sense of urgency, and making it all the way to the true ending in the original felt like an accomplishment.

I agree with coin 100%, you youths of today have no sense of accomplishment at all.

11-Oct-2009, 07:22 PM
I agree with coin 100%, you youths of today have no sense of accomplishment at all.
Coming from a dude who's younger than me! :lol:

Developers should be producing games that have plenty of modes so that anyone can play their goddamn game, because you know what, it'll mean more people will buy the fucker.

I have to say I'm pissed the save system isn't getting sorted out. It wasn't my biggest issue with the game, but still, LAME-PEE just splashed all over some intarweb-kidz parade out there...

11-Oct-2009, 07:39 PM
i think developers should be able to come up with far mroe creative ways of creating a challenging game than just giving it an extremely poor save system. especially coming from a company like Capcom.

^ this +1

11-Oct-2009, 07:42 PM
i'm glad they kept the save system the same. i loved the first game, and even if they don't add much to the game, don't fix what's not broken, ya know?

11-Oct-2009, 08:29 PM
i'm glad they kept the save system the same. i loved the first game, and even if they don't add much to the game, don't fix what's not broken, ya know?

Exactly, I too liked the save system, it reminds me of classic resident evil and silent hill, which does genuinely add to the challenge IMHO. It seems to me, those who played dead rising properly and got the most out of it had no problems with the save system or the cases or even the acheivements.

Those lazy bastards, who will remain nameless, who couldn't be assed doing the story or anything, or even worse, wanting to use cheats, are the ones doing the whining cuz they dont have the pussy-option of saving everytime they hit pause.

11-Oct-2009, 08:38 PM
The thing is, a game like Dead Rising I just want to pick up and play - it's a free-roaming stress buster, not some deep, rewarding piece-of-art. I just want to kill zombies in different fun ways within a mall setting. I don't have time in my life to spend ten minutes fighting my way back to a safe haven every time I want to stop playing.

11-Oct-2009, 09:20 PM
The thing is, a game like Dead Rising I just want to pick up and play - it's a free-roaming stress buster, not some deep, rewarding piece-of-art. I just want to kill zombies in different fun ways within a mall setting. I don't have time in my life to spend ten minutes fighting my way back to a safe haven every time I want to stop playing.

I'm not trying to take that away from you, I enjoy that every now and then too. But ask yourself, if your just randomly killing and not out to accomplish anything, why do u need to save the game when your done? I don't..
What I am saying is that a well thought through game has been made, with a good story and a couple of challenging stages and acheivements to earn and I'm also pointing out that it seems to be the same people who couldn't be assed with that who are whining and picking out flaws that people who have done the game properly don't think are a problem. DR is not a flawless game at all, but I honestly don't think the save system is a issue and it actually annoys me that people who piss and moan the story is too hard or there's no cheats that are the same people moaning about minor flaws in a great game.

Also, if it's taking you 10 minutes to get to a save point then your doing something wrong pal :p

11-Oct-2009, 09:53 PM
I've only ever done the first two or three missions, and then specifically said "bugger that" so I could just kill zombies and explore. That's all I've done on Dead Rising

So are you saying you've never seen the tunnels or the grocery market?!?! I hope that's not the case, cause those are my two favorite areas!

11-Oct-2009, 10:02 PM
I'm not trying to take that away from you, I enjoy that every now and then too. But ask yourself, if your just randomly killing and not out to accomplish anything, why do u need to save the game when your done? I don't..
What I am saying is that a well thought through game has been made, with a good story and a couple of challenging stages and acheivements to earn and I'm also pointing out that it seems to be the same people who couldn't be assed with that who are whining and picking out flaws that people who have done the game properly don't think are a problem. DR is not a flawless game at all, but I honestly don't think the save system is a issue and it actually annoys me that people who piss and moan the story is too hard or there's no cheats that are the same people moaning about minor flaws in a great game.

Also, if it's taking you 10 minutes to get to a save point then your doing something wrong pal :p

I want the pleasure of being able to just explore the mall, kill zombies and reload back at nearby location when I die, so my exploration can continue. I rented the game for four nights and I must have only explored about one fifth of the mall in that time - but that small area, I had to go through over and over and over. And I was so sick of the sight of it. Getting around started to feel like a chore, and a game like DR shouldn't feel like that. Perhaps it's because I just rented it. When you've only got a game for a short time, you want it to put out like a French harlot, not demand commitment while denying you pleasure like a prissy chastity queen. See what I mean? :D

12-Oct-2009, 04:35 AM
It seems to me, those who played dead rising properly and got the most out of it had no problems with the save system or the cases or even the acheivements.

i'm just mad that when i finally got around to doing the pp collector and transmissionary achievements, i didn't have my xbox connected to XBL, and when i got back online, i had to recover my profile and lost those LAST 2 achievements for the game.

i still have the mall employee outfit and hockey mask unlockables, but the achievements don't show up...which sucks cuz it's one of the few games i've got all achievements for...

and aside from the 7-day survivor achievement:bored:, they were all fun (some challenging ones required patience and youtube assistance) to get.

but yeah, the save system wasn't a big deal, IMO.

12-Oct-2009, 09:52 AM
The thing is, a game like Dead Rising I just want to pick up and play - it's a free-roaming stress buster, not some deep, rewarding piece-of-art. I just want to kill zombies in different fun ways within a mall setting. I don't have time in my life to spend ten minutes fighting my way back to a safe haven every time I want to stop playing.

I want the pleasure of being able to just explore the mall, kill zombies and reload back at nearby location when I die, so my exploration can continue. I rented the game for four nights and I must have only explored about one fifth of the mall in that time - but that small area, I had to go through over and over and over. And I was so sick of the sight of it. Getting around started to feel like a chore, and a game like DR shouldn't feel like that. Perhaps it's because I just rented it. When you've only got a game for a short time, you want it to put out like a French harlot, not demand commitment while denying you pleasure like a prissy chastity queen. See what I mean? :D

Well said Kraken.

Games developers should provide a mode for every mood, every level of player ability, rather than being fascistic snobs that look down on people that just wanna have a bit of fun. :rockbrow:

12-Oct-2009, 05:29 PM
I agree with coin 100%, you youths of today have no sense of accomplishment at all.
Dude I am 3 years older than you :D. and resident evil had a typewriter every ten or fifteen minutes to save with. i have no fear of a challenging game, a cheap method of making it seem challenging annoys me though.

12-Oct-2009, 06:57 PM
Dude I am 3 years older than you :D. and resident evil had a typewriter every ten or fifteen minutes to save with. i have no fear of a challenging game, a cheap method of making it seem challenging annoys me though.

And with a save point in each section of the mall aswell as the security office/safe room your never further than 5 minutes away from a save point.

Sorry but i still dont see the difference and still think you guys are nitpicking.

12-Oct-2009, 08:01 PM
And with a save point in each section of the mall aswell as the security office/safe room your never further than 5 minutes away from a save point.

Sorry but i still dont see the difference and still think you guys are nitpicking.

I only ever saw one in the security room and one in some public toilets.

12-Oct-2009, 09:01 PM
Yeah, I wasn't a fan of the save system either.

TBH, I wasn't much of a fan of the game in general. The game lost it's appeal after only a few hours and I never finished. I just wasn't compelled to keep going....

12-Oct-2009, 09:10 PM
I only ever saw one in the security room and one in some public toilets.

Security room.
North Plaza, empty store near the gun store and in the hidden area that isabela takes you to.
Wonderland plaza, Bathroom.
Paradise Plaza, Bathroom.
Al fresa plaza, Gym.
Leisure Park, one of the lakes.
Underground tunnels, back of a van near one of the entrances, i cant remember exactly which one.

The only area that dosnt have a save point is the food court, and how big is that?

12-Oct-2009, 09:11 PM
Yeah, I wasn't a fan of the save system either.
Seems like me, you and Octo are alone in this.

12-Oct-2009, 09:58 PM
seems perhaps i should have been paying more attention to the map :D

12-Oct-2009, 10:51 PM
Seems like me, you and Octo are alone in this.

if they were more lenient in saving the timeframe wouldve become a moot point, but its different strokes for different folks, some people think left 4 dead is to frantic, i like dead rising fro what it was, it gave an illusion of post apocalyptic freedom when actually your a mouse in a lab, set to a time limit to find the cheese scattered about. it wasnt the freeroaming mmo romero world game everyone wants but theres nothing like it out so its got nothing to compete against.

13-Oct-2009, 07:30 AM
For me the game is just piss poor. Bottom line. Yay I killed a zombie with a machete, yay I killed one with a shopping trolley...that's only SO much fun, which is routinely destroyed by trapsing back and forth and back and forth trying to see everything that the game has to offer but never actually seeing anything because its too easy to miss shit.

then you realise you're almost weaponless in a built up area of zombies, so a save point becomes stupid because god forbid if you DO save there, you'll only wake back up with zero weapons and an onslaught of zombies that you can't break through - making their way into your "safe" save area.

Then the game takes a turn for the worse with the darker "under construction" part of the mall which is just sooooo annoying, having to traverse shitty scaffolding with barely a weapon to your name and one of the worst and most frustrating bosses in game history - the gun shop owner.

That's not even mentioning the clown on the fairground ride...I mean, wtf?? why is that even there? It's like all the shitty Dr Robotnik bosses x1000, repetitive moves, tiny timeframes to make an active hit, and a million deaths...over and over.

The photography element to it is a major pain simply because your aim system is swapped with a camera...and half the time I can't be bothered to take pics when I've got a swarm of zombies attacking me with half a baseball bat to defend myself...taking photos just gives them the chance to get closer.

Really didn't enjoy it, and just can't get into it.

13-Oct-2009, 09:53 AM
if they were more lenient in saving the timeframe wouldve become a moot point, but its different strokes for different folks, some people think left 4 dead is to frantic, i like dead rising fro what it was, it gave an illusion of post apocalyptic freedom when actually your a mouse in a lab, set to a time limit to find the cheese scattered about. it wasnt the freeroaming mmo romero world game everyone wants but theres nothing like it out so its got nothing to compete against.
Having been playing a lot of Fallout 3 of late - what we really need, is a GAR zombie FPS-RPG world along the exact same lines as Fallout 3 (minus the nuclear futuristic fallout scenario).

Seriously - how much bulbous ass would that kick up and down the block? Fucking LOADS is what. Dead Rising was a big hit, so I'm damn skippy sure a GAR zombie version of Fallout 3 would pwn not only gamer's arses, but the sales charts too.


13-Oct-2009, 10:19 AM
agree with MZ...open world RPG in a huge city packed with zombies...

13-Oct-2009, 11:59 AM
agree with MZ...open world RPG in a huge city packed with zombies...
Just think how awesome that would be eh? :cool:

13-Oct-2009, 01:48 PM
I'd shit my pants and dump my girlfriend....

13-Oct-2009, 05:53 PM
sometimes i just go to ther subway tunnels in FO3 with a shotgun to ventilate zombies for a few hours.

13-Oct-2009, 06:12 PM
I'd shit my pants and dump my girlfriend....


Oh man that made me giggle.

sometimes i just go to ther subway tunnels in FO3 with a shotgun to ventilate zombies for a few hours.

Yeah, I like blasting the feral ghouls they have in Fallout 3 ... it's still not an army of shambling zombies though ... that's what I want, just like I said before ... man I hope they do a game like that soon, because it'd be hilarious to just set up a camcorder sneakily on Symph's shelf somewhere, and record him seeing the news that such a game was coming out ... and then his aforementioned reaction. :lol:

It'd be like Beadle's About.

darth los
13-Oct-2009, 06:16 PM
I was so looking forward to this a couple of years ago but when i finally bought it i just could not get into it. I think its because i find the time limit so restrictive and daunting. Ive only ever got about 3 hours in an ended up quitting in frustration. I never know which 'events' to go to and the fact its possible to lose the whole game if you run out of time just makes it seem like more stress than fun.


should i try again and stick it out?

You should just quit and play left 4 dead and see how you like it. Imo, dead rising is an o.k. game but it got tired qickly for me. I've been playing left 4 dead a few night a wee for almost a year already. I guess it's all a matter of personal taste.

You shouldn't have to feel bad about a game having zombies in it and not calling it the greatest thing since sliced bread.


13-Oct-2009, 06:48 PM
i am a HUGE fan of Valve and a HUGE fan of zombies, why I never got Left4Dead is a mystery. i will get it though eventually

darth los
13-Oct-2009, 07:46 PM
i am a HUGE fan of Valve and a HUGE fan of zombies, why I never got Left4Dead is a mystery. i will get it though eventually

Do you mean "got it" as I don't get why everyone thinks it's so great or "got it" as in i suck at this game?


13-Oct-2009, 10:12 PM
no i mean i have not acquired it :D

14-Oct-2009, 12:06 PM
The ultimate zombie game for me would be like Dead Rising Chop Till you Drop but with tweaked everything.
- Zombies are faster paced and more agressive (think Land and Diary of the Dead) and at night they run, no poodles, parrots or bees.
- The day/night cycle would be restored though there's no story, what your doing is purely riding out a storm and rescuring people.
- There would be no mall music, the audio would take cues from Doom 3 and Dead Space
- cultists and special forces operate like RE4's Ganados with various weapons like handguns, swords, grenades and flamethrowers.
- You can block doors like in RE4 amd stronger zombies can break them down.
- During the day well lit plazas are empty there's a few lurkers (zombies that sit or play dead) and sprinters, at night they come out in greater numbers.
- motion plus for various ways of dismemberment.
- You can arm survivors.

The original was alright but really flawed, sometimes I put it in to do it all again then after a hour or two I take it out due to boredom.

14-Oct-2009, 01:48 PM
Dead Rising quickly fell flat for me, as well and everything I see about the new one irks me a bit. It's not a zombie game to me, so much as a zomedy.

darth los
14-Oct-2009, 04:36 PM
no i mean i have not acquired it :D

Ah, the infamous door number 3. :o
