View Full Version : Disappointed With Zombieland

11-Oct-2009, 07:14 PM
There be SPOILERS below...

So my dad, who is another avid zombie-movie lover like me -- I blame him for allowing me to see NOTLD '68 when I was about 7 and stunting my growth, and I went to see "Zombieland" yesterday. We were both looking forward to seeing it especially with all the hype surrounding it.

Unfortunately, we both left the theatre feeling quite disappointed in it. It's not that it's bad (it is far superior to DAY 08 and most other contemporary zombie excuses for films in almost all ways), but that it's just not all that good, IMHO. Don't get me wrong, it had a few good moments, but overall I was just expecting an all-around better film.

One, they can run, which is turn-off Numero Uno for me. Then again, these really aren't "zombies" but infected people a la "28 Days/28 Weeks" with sprinting ability even though they probably haven't eaten anything in weeks and should be starving from hunger. Perhaps that could explain why we only see handfuls of them until the ending at the amusement park where the dumb-ass lead actresses decide it's a good idea to turn on the lights and rides at the park to go on a ride? And then they act surprised that the zombies would show up in the park? Give me a break...

My biggest problem with this movie is that the characters are dumb-assed idiots that realistically would be dead within a day or two after this happening. Yes, my first goal in a Zombie Apocalypse is to go to Dollywood and ride some rides!

I consider "SHAUN" to be a comedic-zombie masterpiece. The characters are also not-quite-there in the head, but they at least do semi-realistic things that I could see happening if the Zombie Apoc was to happen. Like the cover reads: "It's a love story, with zombies." Plus Bill Nighy is just brilliant in anything he does.

On the positive side, I thought Bill Murray was great. The tongue-in-cheek "Ghostbuster" references were wonderful, and Woody Harrelson was generally entertaining throughout as well. As far as "Columbus", there were moments in the film I personally wanted to shoot him myself. He was just so damned annoying. If I were to die in a Zombie Apoc and someone like him was to survive as long as he does I think I'd come back as a poltergeist just to haunt his dumbass until he finally bit the dust.

Another issue I had with this movie (other than the characters not making logical choices and creatures that can still sprint after going without food for possibly quite awhile) was the lack of other survivors and other "zombies". They drive across the country and we don't see any other survivors and we hardly see any creatures. If the creatures are that fast, you would think we would see far more of them throughout the towns. There is a scene in particular where they drive through L.A. and we see what, five creatures run after them?

I know this flick was intended for pure comedy only, but I just couldn't suspend belief in thinking any of this was realistic in the slightest. Stupid people doing stupid things throughout the movie -- maybe we are all better being devoured by zombies as a society if these people are indicative of what survivors there will be if this was to ever take place.


11-Oct-2009, 07:38 PM
dude, you pretty much summed it up for me entirely. while i concede it was better than most modern "zombie" films, i too left the theater feeling pretty let down.

running zombies totally suck, and there were waaay too few of these running "zombies" (kinda how dj criticizes land of the dead for not having a "land of the dead", zombieland had surprisingly few zombies across the land).

i cannot fucking stand that little twerp from little miss sunshine, she almost ruined the film by herself. that columbus kid is an total rip-off of the kid from superbad, michael cena or whatever his name is....it's almost like they couldn't get that kid to do the film, so they just hired a kid that kinda looked like and acted EXACTLY like him.

and fucking A, the ignorant chicks turning on all the lights and rides at the amusement park had me litterally groaning out loud...i mean, seriously....come the fuck on.

woody's twinkie bit was annoying. the little "rules" animation that kept popping up was annoying. running and hissing infected people (because they are not fucking zombies) are annoying. the only saving grace of this film was the bill murray part.

so yeah, you summed it up well, i just wanted to back you up. definitely not getting the dvd of this, unless it's in the 5 dollar bin at wallyworld or something. overall, i'd give it about a 4/10, probably less than that if it wasn't for the bill murray scenes.

guess i was expecting too much after reading some of the reviews on here...:|

12-Oct-2009, 02:27 AM
Sounds like what my reaction would be if I saw it...
I will rent it, at least... but not beyond.
Geez... where' WWZ when you need it?

12-Oct-2009, 10:10 AM
It's just not a serious movie. . .trust me , I was tempted to apply some logic to it as well, but then decided that would be a mistake. It's just good fun. I enjoyed it quite a bit, flaws and all.

12-Oct-2009, 11:46 AM
As I've said in one of the several other threads on the film....It's a comedy first. If you're looking for the next big zombie film, you're going to be let down.

12-Oct-2009, 12:53 PM
It's just not a serious movie. . .trust me , I was tempted to apply some logic to it as well, but then decided that would be a mistake. It's just good fun. I enjoyed it quite a bit, flaws and all.

What he said.

As I've said in one of the several other threads on the film....It's a comedy first. If you're looking for the next big zombie film, you're going to be let down.

What he said too.;)

12-Oct-2009, 12:58 PM
guess i was expecting too much after reading some of the reviews on here...:|

Sounds like what my reaction would be if I saw it...
Look on the bright side: with the upcoming Cirque du Freak, vampires ain't got nothing on zombies.

12-Oct-2009, 02:39 PM
If you don't like running zombies who are really infected then you really shouldn't have been expecting much.

It seemed to me that the numbers of zombies were okay. Look at the two big gripes here - the infected should've died from starvation - and there weren't enough zombies. Well, put two and two together. They were riding the tail end of the apocalypse. The few remaining zombies were likely those that got infected late in the game.

The chicks going to the amusement park was stupid - if you were planning to survive. But look at the whole motive. The older girl was clearly aware that they would die as a result of their actions. You can see it on her face. I took it as a final act to let the little girl live the fantasy for a moment rather than a life of misery.

If we can talk about Ben trying to kill himself at the end of Night, and Peter trying to kill himself at the end of Dawn, then the girl trying to kill herself and her sister at the end of Zombieland makes perfect sense.

12-Oct-2009, 02:50 PM
Well, different strokes and all that. If someone wants a film that expressly hues to the zombie movie formula, this will not be a film for them. It's too high budget, too well-stocked with known Hollywood talent, too polished (and some of the associated creative baggage from that process, perhaps) and has too many elements from other types of films.

This was never going to be Redneck Zombies with 20-odd million to 'amp it up'.

13-Oct-2009, 01:27 AM
This was never going to be Redneck Zombies with 20-odd million to 'amp it up'.

Although I might like to see that!!

13-Oct-2009, 10:12 PM
Agree with both JDFP and the Prof. I really wanted to like this film but I couldn't get into it. It seemed to be aimed primarily towards those under 18.

woody's twinkie bit was annoying.

They threw that in there just to justify the Hostess plug.

The older girl was clearly aware that they would die as a result of their actions.

Didn't the older girl state, in the BM mansion, that she and her sister would do anything it takes to survive? Unless she was lying, her sentiment would contradict a death wish attitude.

13-Oct-2009, 10:43 PM
yeah, i doubt those girls had anything but pure fucking ignorance going through their heads when they arrived at the amusement park. they really did act shocked that all the lights and sounds would attract the infected (cuz they're not zombies, remember). they tried to run away, but ended up doing something even dumber by going and getting stuck on the most prominent feature of the park, giving the michael cena rip-off and twinkie freak a reason to show up and save the day.

ignorant characters in an ignorant plot...and while i realize that this was supposed to be a fun comedy-type film, i hardly laughed at all, aside from the bill murray scenes...and it got compared to shaun of the dead way too much, which is how a zombie comedy should be handled.

14-Oct-2009, 01:42 AM
Well, as long as everyone agrees on how much better Shaun was, then I think the comparisons are okay. And let's face it, what else would you compare it to? Return? Resident? Dawn '04? Nah....
The more I hear about this movie, the more I hate it. ... Besides Bill Murray.
Too many days to get lost... Many many people I've known, got lost... - 2D

14-Oct-2009, 01:47 AM
As I've said in one of the several other threads on the film....It's a comedy first. If you're looking for the next big zombie film, you're going to be let down.

It works as a light comedy (though it's nowhere near Shuan of the Dead's level). I didn't actually realize that the zombies weren't undead untill after I saw it (I misunderstood Columbus's explanation). Other than the girls' sudden onset of stupidity my only problem was with the electricity being on everywhere. Not only was the power still on everywhere they stopped, but the lights (& neon signs) we on even before they arrived. :annoyed: Which begs the quesion how did Columbus get the gaspump to working in the first place? He didn't appear to have broken into the store, but was pumping normally so he must have used a credit or debit card. Which apparently still work weeks after civilization has collapsed. :rolleyes:

14-Oct-2009, 01:49 AM
Well, as long as everyone agrees on how much better Shaun was, then I think the comparisons are okay. And let's face it, what else would you compare it to? Return? Resident? Dawn '04? Nah....
The more I hear about this movie, the more I hate it. ... Besides Bill Murray.
Too many days to get lost... Many many people I've known, got lost... - 2D

I think a good comparison with ZOMBIELAND would be RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD 2.


14-Oct-2009, 12:18 PM
And let's face it, what else would you compare it to?

Before comparing it to Shaun, I think it would be more appropriate to compare it to Fido, Dance of the Dead, Night of the Living Dorks, Return, and the like. Shaun is just a whole different realm of comedy than these flicks, imo.

22-Nov-2009, 05:13 AM
So. I just watched it online, and.... sucked. balls. (Not me, the movie). Weak-ass plot, stupid characters (exempted of course are Bill and Tallahassee), sprinters, obvious plot devices, nothing at all surprising if you've seen the previews... the list goes on. I would have titled this film Search for Twinkie, but then it probably wouldn't do that well... maybe. Shoot, I've been spoiled by the good stuff. Namely Romero's stuff and Shaun. Did anyone else feel deja vu for the interactions between the young people? I'm sick of young people's relationships in movies! Damn! You know, I'm thinking Diary. Fuck Columbus' "rules". I can't believe he survived! In fact, I can't believe he shot Murray! They practically just sweep that under the rug! Why the hell do we need a visualization for the stupid rules, anyway? Sure it's graphically interesting, but... I think it demeans the audience. And how were those girls so stupid, anyway? I mean, I understand wanting to have fun with a preteen, but... seriously? A theme park? At... night? Why not wait until morning where visibility is better? Then there's more enjoyment, and easier warning of an attack! And they completely threw away their Hummer! They could have shaken them off! "Enjoy the little things"? That's a life lesson, it's not zombie-exclusive! I'm also upset that everyone was white. The way they destroyed the Native American display I found to be slightly offensive. Seriously! The ghostbusters scene was the best part, and they were just reenacting a different movie! And where the hell were all the zombies?! Oh yeah, rooting through garbage... man... the ending sucked ass. Yay, Tallahassee got his Twinkie! Okay... but the world's still screwed and his son is still dead... I'm gonna watch Zombie Hunter Rika. I got to get my head straight... Damn...

22-Nov-2009, 06:04 AM
don't take this the wrong way, but that's your best post ever.

22-Nov-2009, 06:45 AM
So. I just watched it online, and....

Meh. Valid points all, which I've seen raised before. But I still enjoyed it. IMO it doesn't make any pretensions about what it IS, or try to be what it ISN'T. Accepted in the context of a silly, fun movie, it worked for me just fine.


22-Nov-2009, 12:33 PM
Thanks, Prof.
I guess so, Moon, but... it seemed to me that they could have had more jokes. I was also disappointed that they didn't show the shears decapitation. I still think it's racist too. I mean, every single character that had a line was white! What's the deal with that? Maybe I should do a review of Rika thread. I don't think it's been done yet...

22-Nov-2009, 01:32 PM
I'm in the minority here that didn't like Shaun of the Dead so much. I do however, really enjoy Zombieland.

22-Nov-2009, 04:05 PM
Meh. Valid points all, which I've seen raised before. But I still enjoyed it. IMO it doesn't make any pretensions about what it IS, or try to be what it ISN'T. Accepted in the context of a silly, fun movie, it worked for me just fine.

The problem is; as Romero fans, we're just spoiled. We have a tendency to approach every zombie movie with a bias and with expectations that simply can't be met. We're always looking for the next great zombie film... Really? Someone thought Zombieland was gonna be it? Really? :lol:

This movie works for what it was intended to work as, entertainment. ;)

Personally, if I were looking for the next great zombie flick, it would be Shaun. SotD brought out the GAR playbook and followed it step-by-step. (The only scene in that entire film that bothered me was where they play dead to get past the zeds, but even that scene was funny enough to make me forgive the transgression) Shaun will always stand out in my mind as a great homage to Romero's body of work. More importantly, despite the fact that it was a comedy, it handled the zombies with more maturity than some so-called serious zombie flicks. I've gotsome slacker friends that I could totally see handling the zombie apoc in exactly the same off-hand manner. :evil:

22-Nov-2009, 05:05 PM
I'm in the minority here that didn't like Shaun of the Dead so much. I do however, really enjoy Zombieland.

i love shaun, but loved zombieland more, it reminded me of left 4 dead, and the dark carnival "movie" in left 4 dead 2 was eeiry similar in places. im sure in a patch the will be a Tallahassee reference in there.

22-Nov-2009, 06:28 PM
The problem is; as Romero fans, we're just spoiled. We have a tendency to approach every zombie movie with a bias and with expectations that simply can't be met. We're always looking for the next great zombie film...

True that. Even when it comes to Romero VERSUS Romero. Leave all expectations at the door. Take things for what they are. Much harder to be disappointed that way. And if you ARE, at least it's because of the film ITSELF, & not in comparison to something else.

(Not necessarily saying that anyone who did didn't like ZL are guilty of this. Just a general observation.)

22-Nov-2009, 06:30 PM
Even when it comes to Romero VERSUS Romero.

OMFG...there's a reason to bring back Celebrity Death Match, after all!!!!!:elol:

22-Nov-2009, 06:40 PM
OMFG...there's a reason to bring back Celebrity Death Match, after all!!!!!:elol:

Oh god...don't even get folks to start laying odds on Classic Romero vs New Romero....MADNESS I TELL YOU....MADNESS!!!!!:lol:

22-Nov-2009, 07:33 PM
Yeah... but ZL is still more full of crackers than a box of Ritz... when will we address the racism in Hollywood?

22-Nov-2009, 07:40 PM
Yeah... but ZL is still more full of crackers than a box of Ritz... when will we address the racism in Hollywood?

forest whitaker and his well deserved oscar called, he wants to know what the weathers like in 1965

22-Nov-2009, 07:52 PM
Yea really. Just because they don`t cast a minority in a title role means shit. Calling it racism is just grasping at straws, and trying to come up with more reason to dislike a film that you are not very fond of in the first place.

22-Nov-2009, 07:54 PM
See now, the 60s were before my time. Also anyone with the name Forest (including Tom Hanks). Also, one thing that struck me weird, they're in California, and this film's supposedly geared toward the young people, and yet... no skateboarding!

22-Nov-2009, 08:03 PM
See now, the 60s were before my time. Also anyone with the name Forest (including Tom Hanks). Also, one thing that struck me weird, they're in California, and this film's supposedly geared toward the young people, and yet... no skateboarding!

uh huh.

check please.

22-Nov-2009, 08:13 PM
No check for you until you've eaten your meat! It's not "title", mo, it's "at all". If you look at the extras, the zombies, ANYBODY IN THE FREAKIN' FILM, they're all Caucasian! All of 'em! It's just lunacy!
Calm down, blind, it's really not important... - Noodle
Yeah, get a grip, man... it's not like it's even worth your time at this point. - Russel

22-Nov-2009, 11:47 PM
I seem to recall an African- American zombie/infected in at least one scene. Nevertheless, one minority actor does not make a film non-racist, just as an all white cast of main characters does not automatically make it racist. What I do find offensive in many modern films is when they have obviously gone out of their way to have every ethnic group represented in the cast. You know, the white kid, the Asian, the Latino and the middle easterner all cast together just for the sake of political correctness. But, for me I didn't find zombieland to be racist. Insipid, yes. Geared toward the idiot kid crowd, yes - though I appreciate that it wasn't adjusted to get a PG-13 rating.

Personally, I did enjoy Zombieland for what it's worth, but I didn't walk into the theater expe ting another Shaun of the Dead or DOTD 78. So maybe I enjoyed it because my expectations were low in the first place.

23-Nov-2009, 12:09 AM
same here, i dont see it as racist....i see it as people making a film from their point of view. period. romero did it best with dawn.

23-Nov-2009, 12:18 AM
Yeah, all right... I've dropped it. Cheap entertainment, as it is. At least Murray was good...

23-Nov-2009, 12:48 AM
I seem to recall an African- American zombie/infected in at least one scene. Nevertheless, one minority actor does not make a film non-racist, just as an all white cast of main characters does not automatically make it racist. What I do find offensive in many modern films is when they have obviously gone out of their way to have every ethnic group represented in the cast. You know, the white kid, the Asian, the Latino and the middle easterner all cast together just for the sake of political correctness. But, for me I didn't find zombieland to be racist. Insipid, yes. Geared toward the idiot kid crowd, yes - though I appreciate that it wasn't adjusted to get a PG-13 rating.

Personally, I did enjoy Zombieland for what it's worth, but I didn't walk into the theater expe ting another Shaun of the Dead or DOTD 78. So maybe I enjoyed it because my expectations were low in the first place.

indeed, political correctness is, in many ways, the new racism, these are the kinds of people who see the skin colour, not the person behind it.

23-Nov-2009, 02:09 AM
indeed, political correctness is, in many ways, the new racism, these are the kinds of people who see the skin colour, not the person behind it.

You don't have to look far to see some pretty damn fine examples of that either. The big ticket that springs to mind: Samuel L Jackson as Sgt Nick Fury.

Listen, I looooove Samuel L as much as the next guy. He kicks major ass. The problem is; the guy is known for two things. He plays strong-willed, independent black men well, because he actually is one. And, he can drop an F-bomb better than anyone on the planet. Neither of these qualities are really gonna shine through for Nick Fury...

Marvel's motivations for hiring a black actor for a huge role are pretty paper thin. There are very, very few black superheroes. No shit. But, in all honesty, when I see a comic book brought to life on the big screen, the first thing I'm looking at is to see if they did it right. I'm a fanboy, thats my job :D

I find the idea of making Fury black, in order to fill a political-correctness-void, to be unnecessary and slightly insulting to my intelligence. Everytime I watch the last 30 seconds of Ironman, I'm wholly distracted when Jackson appears. :rockbrow:

23-Nov-2009, 02:15 AM
I agree, why make Fury black? It's just weird... You know what would make a good movie from a comic book though? Night Thrasher! That nigga's half Asian and doesn't take shit from nobody!

23-Nov-2009, 02:18 AM
I agree, why make Fury black? It's just weird... You know what would make a good movie from a comic book though? Night Thrasher! That guy's half Asian and doesn't take shit from nobody!

I was a huge New Warriors fan. Nova and Speedball were great in that too. Even Marvelboy wasn't bad. Night Thrasher was hands down the best character though. Would make for a great movie :)

23-Nov-2009, 02:36 AM
You don't have to look far to see some pretty damn fine examples of that either. The big ticket that springs to mind: Samuel L Jackson as Sgt Nick Fury.

Listen, I looooove Samuel L as much as the next guy. He kicks major ass. The problem is; the guy is known for two things. He plays strong-willed, independent black men well, because he actually is one. And, he can drop an F-bomb better than anyone on the planet. Neither of these qualities are really gonna shine through for Nick Fury...

Marvel's motivations for hiring a black actor for a huge role are pretty paper thin. There are very, very few black superheroes. No shit. But, in all honesty, when I see a comic book brought to life on the big screen, the first thing I'm looking at is to see if they did it right. I'm a fanboy, thats my job :D

I find the idea of making Fury black, in order to fill a political-correctness-void, to be unnecessary and slightly insulting to my intelligence. Everytime I watch the last 30 seconds of Ironman, I'm wholly distracted when Jackson appears. :rockbrow:

actually thats because ultimate nick fury IS samuel L. jackson, so its completely valid really, its either the modern ultimate version or the grizzled chain smoking corld war paranoia nick fury who is a character form a bygone age that has no place in a modern retelling of a marvel story. you can't really expect all that "cant trust anyone but americans" stuff to resonate with the teen audience compared to the ultimates "generic badass" version:


23-Nov-2009, 02:42 AM
actually thats because ultimate nick fury IS samuel L. jackson, so its completely valid really, its either the modern ultimate version or the grizzled chain smoking corld war paranoia nick fury who is a character form a bygone age that has no place in a modern retelling of a marvel story. you can't really expect all that "cant trust anyone but americans" stuff to resonate with the teen audience compared to the ultimates "generic badass" version:


I hate Ultimate. I like to pretend that aspect of Marvel doesn't exist. :D

23-Nov-2009, 02:45 AM
I hate Ultimate. I like to pretend that aspect of Marvel doesn't exist. :D

well then your fucked, the utimates franchise was created in response to the huge bank made by spiderman to bring an entire new generation into marvel with a new starting point and continuity instead of having to read 70 years of backstory. This is what these kids know as there first forays into comic books, and with the most disposable income there the primary target audience. hence why spidey 2 was the flick to introduce the 12A.

To be blunt "your welcome to watch but your moneys no good here"

-and ultimate spidey and ff4 are pretty good, god knows the regular spidermans been shit for the last few months. but then ive go so sick of marvel bullshit lately the only things on my standing order by them now are thor, the incredible hulk, nova and runaways. I woudnt have thought it ten years ago but dc is really putting out what i want in writing right now. geoff jhons made gl decent again and im hoping he does the same with the flash.

23-Nov-2009, 02:54 AM
well then your fucked, the utimates franchise was created in response to the huge bank made by spiderman to bring an entire new generation into marvel with a new starting point and continuity instead of having to read 70 years of backstory. This is what these kids know as there first forays into comic books, and with the most disposable income there the primary target audience. hence why spidey 2 was the flick to introduce the 12A.

To be blunt "your welcome to watch but your moneys no good here"

-and ultimate spidey and ff4 are pretty good, god knows the regular spidermans been shit for the last few months. but then ive go so sick of marvel bullshit lately the only things on my standing order by them now are thor, the incredible hulk, nova and runaways. I woudnt have thought it ten years ago but dc is really putting out what i want in writing right now. geoff jhons made gl decent again and im hoping he does the same with the flash.

I honestly couldn't tell you the last time I picked up a current comic book. I do some light shopping for collectables and tuck them away for my boys, but thats about it. Comic books really lost their magic for me about 10 years ago. I don't care for the new feel.

If I read anything these days, it's a graphic novel.

23-Nov-2009, 03:02 AM
I honestly couldn't tell you the last time I picked up a current comic book. I do some light shopping for collectables and tuck them away for my boys, but thats about it. Comic books really lost their magic for me about 10 years ago. I don't care for the new feel.

If I read anything these days, it's a graphic novel.

i'd recommend ultimate spideys first trade, its good stuff, back to peter parker as a high school kid with spider powers, not this bizarre child man that serves only to spout one liners and gasp at another bad guy coming back from the dead.
Honestly spiderman was boring people as a married 30 something so they did the best retcon ever "DUUUR, IT WAS THAT THAR' MAGIC THAT DID IT" and made him single, trying to get work and living with aunt may again.
Not only is that boring bur no one wants to read about the awkward 30 something who has no friends or job, its agonizing, the teen spider was, to paraphrase stan the man "a character with troubles everyones been through and can relate to, under that mask you could have been spidey worrying about the girl he has a crush one or something". nowadays petter parker is just a boring character who exists only so spiderman can exist to tell jokes. but it still ships out new issues because its frankly impossible to imagine marvel without him.

Then youve got the last run of the flash where sales were so low they literally killed him, brought the older flash back form the dead and ended the issue with the character actually saying "well at least i had a good run"

both examples of terrible writing. but ultimate spideys pretty decent, and if i had kids thats how i'd get them into comics.

23-Nov-2009, 06:58 PM
As someone who was hands down, utterly and completely against the Ultimates line when it was first announced, and who saw the idea as the hangover-hubris of the maniacal, big money writer-artists who helped to bring you the great collector’s bubble , I will say there is some damn fine storytelling and characterization at the heart of the end product. Damn fine.

Yes, I think it would be a slap in the face to completely supplant the original time line. Yes, I realize it’s a continuity that stretches people’s lives out over an unnaturally lengthy period and exposes the readers to some out of step chronology and contemporaneous oddities, but I do remember I was able to handle this with a wink, a smile and all due deference to the ability of people to suspend their disbelief. Yes, I think that the idea of spontaneously changing a character’s race by editorial fiat or other retcon is stupid, greedy and insulting (to every race, actually), but this doesn’t actually happen much. I don’t hold this against the Ultimates versions too much, as it’s an alternative, yet traditional take on the characters through a more modern prism, hence a more culturally and racially inclusive prism. Yes, I am annoyed that instead of creating strong, new gay and lesbian characters, some writers and editors seem to throw the gay label at a lot of characters to see if it’ll stick. You get away with that sometimes, but it seems like a lot of people are fishing in that well, these days.

Oh, well, some minor thoughts on that OT strain of thought. I still am casually picking my way through the ultimate stories in trade format, as they are fun and pretty compressed story arcs, in that you don’t need to follow too many different books for a given line. They are great stories, but they will never be my Marvel--not the one I grew up with--and they don't have to be, really. When you deal with a creative media that stretches across decades, encapsulating vast cultural and social changes within the periods covered and try and also reconcile that with not only the possessiveness that each generation of fans (and each fan) have, but with the need of the companies who are producing these products to maintain viable, sensible continuity and product, there will always be concessions that need to be made to the current generation of storytellers and comic book readers.

'Nuff said, bitches ;)

24-Nov-2009, 01:24 AM
As someone who was hands down, utterly and completely against the Ultimates line when it was first announced, and who saw the idea as the hangover-hubris of the maniacal, big money writer-artists who helped to bring you the great collector’s bubble , I will say there is some damn fine storytelling and characterization at the heart of the end product. Damn fine.

Yes, I think it would be a slap in the face to completely supplant the original time line. Yes, I realize it’s a continuity that stretches people’s lives out over an unnaturally lengthy period and exposes the readers to some out of step chronology and contemporaneous oddities, but I do remember I was able to handle this with a wink, a smile and all due deference to the ability of people to suspend their disbelief. Yes, I think that the idea of spontaneously changing a character’s race by editorial fiat or other retcon is stupid, greedy and insulting (to every race, actually), but this doesn’t actually happen much. I don’t hold this against the Ultimates versions too much, as it’s an alternative, yet traditional take on the characters through a more modern prism, hence a more culturally and racially inclusive prism. Yes, I am annoyed that instead of creating strong, new gay and lesbian characters, some writers and editors seem to throw the gay label at a lot of characters to see if it’ll stick. You get away with that sometimes, but it seems like a lot of people are fishing in that well, these days.

Oh, well, some minor thoughts on that OT strain of thought. I still am casually picking my way through the ultimate stories in trade format, as they are fun and pretty compressed story arcs, in that you don’t need to follow too many different books for a given line. They are great stories, but they will never be my Marvel--not the one I grew up with--and they don't have to be, really. When you deal with a creative media that stretches across decades, encapsulating vast cultural and social changes within the periods covered and try and also reconcile that with not only the possessiveness that each generation of fans (and each fan) have, but with the need of the companies who are producing these products to maintain viable, sensible continuity and product, there will always be concessions that need to be made to the current generation of storytellers and comic book readers.

'Nuff said, bitches ;)

excelsior motherfucker.;)

11-Jan-2010, 02:43 AM
well, i for one was not disappointed by zombieland. i really dig it as a matter of fact. it is a nice, fun ride and i 'll have to say that other than shaun, i enjoyed this flick more than any other "zombie" movie that's been out in eons.

so what if there weren't hordes of zombies (i'd find that kinda boring anyway) and they were runners. big fucking deal. i am a complete hater of dawn 04 but to base even your first impression of a movie around something like running zombies is fucking childish. period.

this movie is entertaining as all hell from start to finish and that is a damn sight more than i can say for anything that romero has done in the last quarter century or more.

11-Jan-2010, 02:56 AM
well, i for one was not disappointed by zombieland. i really dig it as a matter of fact. it is a nice, fun ride and i 'll have to say that other than shaun, i enjoyed this flick more than any other "zombie" movie that's been out in eons.

so what if there weren't hordes of zombies (i'd find that kinda boring anyway) and they were runners. big fucking deal. i am a complete hater of dawn 04 but to base even your first impression of a movie around something like running zombies is fucking childish. period.

this movie is entertaining as all hell from start to finish and that is a damn sight more than i can say for anything that romero has done in the last quarter century or more.

true enough. i saw plenty of good films last year but that was the only one i would have paid to see again straight away, it was just entertaining, not the best, but good stuff like moon you gotta let settle.
Zombieland reminded me a lot of left 4 dead, and not just because of the zombies, but its like when its done you have so much fun you wanna go back to the menu and restart it again.
-in left 4 deads case i conjure dark carnivals name for this.

11-Jan-2010, 05:48 AM
I definitely liked it and I wanted to see it again right after. For some reason the trailer turned me off, but I finally broke down and noticed it was playing at the dollar theatre so I gave it a go.
There are a couple homage's to Dawn if you can catch them and I love to see that respect was given. You may not agree with me that they're present but they sure felt like it to me. The duping scene in the grocery store where the one sister may need to be offed, were reminiscent of the tragic yet tender final moments between Roger, Peter, Stephen, and Fran before Roger turns and is shot by Peter.
The other I believe was in the Native American souvenir shop. The music playing sure felt jungle to me, like when the gun shop was discovered in Dawn.

Bill Murray was added bliss. I was not expecting him and the whole "actor acting while honoring celebrity" dynamic by Harrelson was memorable.
Being on a quest for a simple treat like a twinkie is also brilliant.
The turned over Hostess truck with only snowballs inside was ironic and flat out genious.