View Full Version : Toy Story 3 Trailer

12-Oct-2009, 06:53 PM
Let me just say that Toy Story is one of my all time favorite films. To me, it's the perfect film. I've loved it ever since I first saw it and the love never lacks with further repeat viewings. The sequel was also a nice little addition, and this looks to be just as great...


Quicktime HD: http://www.apple.com/trailers/disney/toystory3/

Note: Embedding was disabled, but i'll put it up here as soon as I find it.

13-Oct-2009, 03:12 AM
WOW!!! I can't wait! Buzz in Spanish... hee!!

13-Oct-2009, 10:28 AM
I'm so up for this, looks like it's got a good plot too.

13-Oct-2009, 12:07 PM
I just realized that Slinky Dog has some words in the trailer. Jim Varney died years ago....yet it sounds just like him.:shifty:

13-Oct-2009, 01:19 PM
I just realized that Slinky Dog has some words in the trailer. Jim Varney died years ago....yet it sounds just like him.:shifty:

Sounded like Blake Clark to me, who played the Cajun guy in "The Waterboy" and "Joe Dirt".

13-Oct-2009, 01:30 PM
Sounded like Blake Clark to me, who played the Cajun guy in "The Waterboy" and "Joe Dirt".

After looking around it seems you're right. He was brought in because he could do a good Varney/Slinky impression.

It has been claimed in the last few months that a friend of Jim Varney (the previous voice of Slinky) will provide the voice of Slinky. Producer John Lasseter has stated that the as-yet-unknown person has been credited as "sounding an awful lot like him" (Varney).

It has now been confirmed that the voice actor is none other than Blake Clark.

13-Oct-2009, 02:29 PM
After looking around it seems you're right. He was brought in because he could do a good Varney/Slinky impression.

I thought so. He appears on several Adam Sandler cds as well and was funny as hell on those.
The trailer looks great and I can't wait for this film.

13-Oct-2009, 02:42 PM
i've been excited about this since i first heard they were making a third film....i'm kinda old for toy story, but having younger brothers and a sister gives me a pretty solid excuse for liking a cartoon.:p

i imagine i'll be seeing this in imax on opening weekend. that new trailer looks great, btw. that part with the toys getting donated to a pre-school had me laughing my ass off.

13-Oct-2009, 03:13 PM
Nonsense, prof. You're never too old for Toy Story. It's great for any age.:D

Just watched it again and the Spanish Buzz still made me lol...

13-Oct-2009, 06:02 PM
I just realized that Slinky Dog has some words in the trailer. Jim Varney died years ago....yet it sounds just like him.:shifty:

Ah man! When did he die? I loved that movie he was in where he was like a janitor at a kid's summer camp ... there was a catapult that firing toilets, if I remember right. Man, that was one of my favourite childhood movies.

Nonsense, prof. You're never too old for Toy Story. It's great for any age.:D

Just watched it again and the Spanish Buzz still made me lol...

That's the great thing about Pixar, their movies are open to all ages. WALL.E for example, what a bloody great film that is. The bit at the end where you think he's lost all his personality and he's now just a robot (like he's died or something) doesn't half put a lump in my throat.

13-Oct-2009, 06:10 PM
Ah man! When did he die? I loved that movie he was in where he was like a janitor at a kid's summer camp ... there was a catapult that firing toilets, if I remember right. Man, that was one of my favourite childhood movies.

Ernest Goes to Camp. The Earnest P Worrel series is a favorite of mine. He died in 2000. A lifetime of smoking caught up to him.

WALL.E for example, what a bloody great film that is.

Ugh....that flick doesn't deserve to be mentioned the same thread as Toy Story.:barf:

13-Oct-2009, 06:17 PM
Ugh....that flick doesn't deserve to be mentioned the same thread as Toy Story.

I ... I feel like I don't even know you anymore, man...:eek:




darth los
13-Oct-2009, 06:25 PM
i've been excited about this since i first heard they were making a third film....i'm kinda old for toy story, but having younger brothers and a sister gives me a pretty solid excuse for liking a cartoon.:p

i imagine i'll be seeing this in imax on opening weekend. that new trailer looks great, btw. that part with the toys getting donated to a pre-school had me laughing my ass off.

Great movies are great movies whether they be animated or not. This is definitely one of them.


14-Oct-2009, 01:51 AM
Watch it again, bass... WALL-E is lord of the robot films. Kicks "Robots" ass all the way to Mars. R2 cried when he first saw it! Cried! I think they're equal.

14-Oct-2009, 06:50 AM
Nonsense, prof. You're never too old for Toy Story. It's great for any age.:D

Actually, I'm pretty sure that's even the morale of the story.

14-Oct-2009, 12:00 PM
Watch it again, bass... WALL-E is lord of the robot films. Kicks "Robots" ass all the way to Mars. R2 cried when he first saw it! Cried! I think they're equal.

I'm not judging it from a "robot movies" standpoint. I just didn't like the film. Too preachy and over the top for my liking. Which is funny considering I'm on a George Romero fansite. :lol:

Although I did think it was a stroke of brilliance to have Sigourney Weaver as the voice of Mother on the ship....

darth los
14-Oct-2009, 04:43 PM
Well, you have to draw the line somewhere. If you can't even turn to cartoons to escape from political/satirical browbeating then we're all screwed.


14-Oct-2009, 07:17 PM
The Simpsons... maybe not browbeating, but it's always been there.

11-Feb-2010, 05:01 PM
Full Length Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZF59DBmYAq4)


11-Feb-2010, 05:42 PM
wow, and i was already pretty impressed. i may have to go see this one on opening weekend, help set some box-office records.

it's funny how many of my friends (most in their mid-to-late 20's) are psyched about this film. seems like every week someone brings it up as one of their "must-see" films of 2010.

darth los
11-Feb-2010, 05:54 PM
wow, and i was already pretty impressed. i may have to go see this one on opening weekend, help set some box-office records.

it's funny how many of my friends (most in their mid-to-late 20's) are psyched about this film. seems like every week someone brings it up as one of their "must-see" films of 2010.

I attribute that to childhood nostalgia. what other reason would there be for so many people of that age group to anticipate this so highly?


11-Feb-2010, 05:56 PM
I attribute that to childhood nostalgia. what other reason would there be for so many people of that age group to anticipate this so highly?

I would fall into that age group as well, but I know plenty of people of all ages that love the first two films. The Toy Story films are just fantastic pieces of entertainment, no matter what age you are.

11-Feb-2010, 06:01 PM
yeah, i'd have to agree. it's awesome, though, as i've got a nephew who'll be about 19 months (maybe a bit young to follow along, but we'll go anyway) and a niece who's 3 (and LOVES the first 2 films), so i've got a couple of legit reasons to go, in addition to my own inner-geek.

what amazes me, though, is the wide appeal of toy story and all the age ranges who appreciate it. i recall when the first one came out and how much older people (my parents and the parents of my younger siblings' friends) raved about how awesome it was, and now a decade later my younger kinfolk and children of my friends are still totally gaga over woody, buzz and the rest of the gang.

i predict that this film will do over $100 million on opening weekend. and probably at least $50 million by the end of the 2nd weekend. this movie will probably be the biggest earner this summer.

12-Feb-2010, 12:46 AM
I would fall into that age group as well, but I know plenty of people of all ages that love the first two films. The Toy Story films are just fantastic pieces of entertainment, no matter what age you are.

I totally agree with you. I like the first two films and I can't wait to see the third one with my little brother :) Toy Story 1 & 2 was my favorites as a kid and I'm still enjoying them!