View Full Version : "Naked X-Ray" trial in Manchester airport?!?!

13-Oct-2009, 06:24 PM
How sick is this?!


A human X-ray machine that produces "naked" images of passengers has started a trial at Manchester Airport.

The authorities say it will speed up security checks by quickly revealing any concealed weapons or explosives.

But it also means intimate parts of the human body will be revealed to airport staff.

How about a nice tall slice of motherfuck that! What a gross invasion of privacy! The only people you should be revealing yourself in front of is loved ones, people you're about to shag, or your doctor - that's fucking it. Not some berk in an airport.

Just because you have the technology, doesn't mean you should use it! :rant::annoyed::rant::annoyed:

13-Oct-2009, 06:27 PM
What's wrong mz? Ashamed of your package?

I would go through there doing a hoolahoop or gyrating somehow. :lol:

Jokes aside.....yeah, that's bit of an invasion, but on the other hand they've always had the right to strip you down and search "randomly". They do that here, anyway.

13-Oct-2009, 07:49 PM
Jokes aside.....yeah, that's bit of an invasion, but on the other hand they've always had the right to strip you down and search "randomly". They do that here, anyway.

Regardless, it's utter bullshit. Everyone is assumed guilty, everyone becomes a potential criminal, everyone is subjected to a massive invasion of privacy.

And I ask you - what about children - would they get scanned? And if not, the criminals can just stash whatever it is on the children themselves.

Also - the recent case of a bomber who has the explosives inside his body, like that guy in The Dark Knight with a mobile phone ringing inside him and then kablooie.

A gross violation of the public's privacy.

13-Oct-2009, 08:07 PM
This story sounds real familiar. I think I read here or somewhere else when the tech first broke.

Doesn't really bother me in theory, the privacy thing I mean, aside from any possible health hazards. That aside, it's just naked skin.

darth los
13-Oct-2009, 08:48 PM
What's wrong mz? Ashamed of your package?

I would go through there doing a hoolahoop or gyrating somehow. :lol:

Jokes aside.....yeah, that's bit of an invasion, but on the other hand they've always had the right to strip you down and search "randomly". They do that here, anyway.

I was gonna say the same thing !! :lol:

Perhaps this will shame people into living healthier. Most overweight people's solution to their obesity problem is to just buy bigger clothes. Perhaps shaming them into not having slovingly, sloppy bodies is just what the doctor ordered. If this goes into effect i wonder if there will be a correalation between those two things.

And for the record they can photograph me naked anytime they want. No shame in my game. :evil:


14-Oct-2009, 10:23 AM
This story sounds real familiar. I think I read here or somewhere else when the tech first broke.

Doesn't really bother me in theory, the privacy thing I mean, aside from any possible health hazards. That aside, it's just naked skin.
Well perhaps you lot are all for running around the streets naked, but there's millions and millions of people who are reserved, or shy, or body conscious, or even outright ashamed of their bodies - this sort of garbage is just a gross violation of people's personal privacy.

And again - what about the children?


I belive that San Francisco airport is trying it out or some wank.

Needless to say, I'm totally against this stupid, offensive, intrusive idea.

14-Oct-2009, 11:07 AM
And again - what about the children?


Exactly, fucking nonces would be queuing up around the block for that job if kids get scanned too, and its guaranteed even if perverts dont get the job, you'll still get piss taking idiots working behind there! :mad:

14-Oct-2009, 11:26 AM
If I went through that all the operators would see is a mass of brown and red hair.

14-Oct-2009, 12:03 PM
If I went through that all the operators would see is a mass of brown and red hair.



"What is that?...is that an Ewok?"

14-Oct-2009, 12:12 PM


"What is that?...is that an Ewok?"


knowing mo, he'd tell them some crazy shit like, "i'm a quarter sasquatch. really, you can ask my uncle harry."

this tech is one of those things that kinda sounds like a good a idea but is fraught with so many issues that it's probably better not to use it.

besides, every pervert within a light year is going to be trying to get a job at an airport. i really don't want to see mad fapping going on behind the security counter when i'm trying to get by baggage "checked."

14-Oct-2009, 12:50 PM
I agree. It is an invasion of privacy. You want to strip me down, then take me too a rom and do it, and make sure it is a female security officer who is really hot and really horny. :p

I don't want Bubba the fat as hell sweaty security guard checking me out on a scanner and wanking off while he is swallowing a twinkie.

Although I could have fun with a machine like this... Ask an FX shop to make a me a 24" Prostetic penis that i can attach and then I will buy a $0.99 shower hook and attach it to my leg so it looks like I have to drape it up so i don't step on it. :lol::elol:

14-Oct-2009, 01:09 PM

Put a bow tie on it, dj. Then give the camera a teasing smile as if you know whos back there.

14-Oct-2009, 02:08 PM
And again - what about the children?

So, if I read you correctly MZ, if we resort to using this highly invasive technology...not only do the terrorists win, but so do the kid-touchers? Someone's turning into a conservative in their 20s :p

That aside, I think I've found my favorite MZ quote. I don't know why, but it cracked me up when I read it, as I pictured you emotionally imploring us not to forget about the children :)

However, it's a fair point you bring up, but still seems a bit weak to me.

14-Oct-2009, 02:24 PM
It has been being tested at Heathrow since 2004.


They are supposedly working on it so it 'masks' certian
areas of the body, and you can choose a regular
search if you dont want to be scanned by this machine.

There isnt any mention of children going thru it but
I would imagine it would be illegal to use any media
to take naked pictures of children.

If it can be made to not violate people it could be
a good device. I guess it all depends on how much of
an uproar people make about it.

the air industry in the US is bad enough where they
wouldnt dare give anyone another reason not to fly.
so they are holding off on its use for now.

And I am also going to banish the mental picture Mo provided, thank you.

darth los
14-Oct-2009, 03:22 PM
And doncha just love how everytime the gov't wants to pull shit like this they try to assure us that the process has "safegaurds" in place and it will never be used by anyone or be abused in any way? :rolleyes:

If anyone here believes that I've got a bridge to sell you.


14-Oct-2009, 03:24 PM
It's only natural, it's only me
Everyone here wishes they were this hairy
My jungle of fur keeps me warm in the snow
Are you an idiot, what do you really know
about the amount of coarse body hair sprouting from my chest
you are all hairless fairy men with big ample breasts
my beard catches all my food crumbs
while dark brown hair erupts from my bum
my moustache filters food like a baleen plate
these thick side burns? Yea, they're all natural mate
My eyebrows are joined as one
and with this I am nearly done
except for this final line
I just showed you all big time.

14-Oct-2009, 03:38 PM
How sick is it that I want to see this thing in action?

14-Oct-2009, 03:48 PM
How sick is it that I want to see this thing in action?


Did you watch the video in the link provided?

14-Oct-2009, 03:59 PM
lol, I wrote the quote and immediately heard that ninny priest wife from The Simpson's, hehe ... but regardless, it's a valid concern.

Nor do I believe in any "safeguard" you get told about whenever something like this comes along - bullshit to that - especially "oh, we won't allow mobile phones in", well gee, cos people always do what they're told, don't they?

Aces - I'm already a Conservative, I vote Conservative ... but I'm what you'd say a "liberal conservative", someone who follows essentially modern day "liberal conservatism" ... essentially, financially conservative & socially liberal - but also, with great respect for tradition and especially privacy.

Ultimately, it's a gross and offensive invasion of people's privacy, and it needs getting rid of. I don't care what "safeguards" or whatever they try to sticky plaster onto a piss poor idea, it's an immoral way to tackle security.

This constant drip-drip-drip of eroding our privacy pisses me off to no end, especially in the UK, home to the most CCTV cameras in the fucking world. :rant:

It's embarrassing enough having to drop your drawers for a multitude of doctors and nurses (as I had to do between November and July - I had a hernia, you see), but that's okay because - it's for your health, and that's a part of hospitals, and medicine and so on.

It's not part of going on a stupid holiday, on a stupid aeroplane! :eek:

The top priority is about the public, and the vast majority are going to be very uneasy about this idea, offended, intruded upon, ogled, glared at, mocked, and so on. It's a basic human nightmare to be naked in public - like so many a nightmare had by many a person for many a generation - this is just the 21st century version of that.

14-Oct-2009, 04:07 PM

Did you watch the video in the link provided?

I was making a pervy joke meaning I wanted to actually see a woman walk through that thing and be able to see everything (which they'd never show on the news).

14-Oct-2009, 04:08 PM
I was making a pervy joke meaning I wanted to actually see a woman walk through that thing and be able to see everything (which they'd never show on the news).

HA. Yeah...didn't catch that. My mistake.

darth los
14-Oct-2009, 04:23 PM

And this is exactly why it's a bad idea. :p

Not singling anyone out, it's just human nature.


14-Oct-2009, 08:57 PM
It could pay for itself and make a profit
for the airlines if they streamed the signal
right into a cable channel.

what to name the show?

The Hidden Genetalia of Travelers?

Airport Exposed?

I think capatalsim could raise its ugly head here.

Imagine the thrill of starring in such a show,
better than pics from your vacation thats
for sure.

And Mo.... It's your deliberate, disgusting, revolting
prose that is responsible for all disease.

Someone should publish you.

Chic Freak
14-Oct-2009, 10:25 PM
besides, every pervert within a light year is going to be trying to get a job at an airport. i really don't want to see mad fapping going on behind the security counter when i'm trying to get by baggage "checked."

You honestly think people are going to be wanking in the security department of the airport? And there are plenty of other jobs that involve seeing actual naked or semi-naked people, not just images of them.

I agree. It is an invasion of privacy. You want to strip me down, then take me too a rom and do it, and make sure it is a female security officer who is really hot and really horny. :p

I don't want Bubba the fat as hell sweaty security guard checking me out on a scanner and wanking off while he is swallowing a twinkie.

How is someone seeing an image of you on a screen less invasive than seeing you in the flesh?
People have probably wanked over you in the past and will do so again in the future, whether or not they have seen you naked.

There isnt any mention of children going thru it but
I would imagine it would be illegal to use any media
to take naked pictures of children.

It might not be- in the UK at least, I don't believe taking nude images of children is automatically illegal unless the photos can be interpreted as being sexual in some way. E.g. the classic "naked laughing baby lying on its tummy on a sheepskin rug" shot is not illegal because it is not sexual.

Ultimately, it's a gross and offensive invasion of people's privacy, and it needs getting rid of. I don't care what "safeguards" or whatever they try to sticky plaster onto a piss poor idea, it's an immoral way to tackle security.

It's embarrassing enough having to drop your drawers for a multitude of doctors and nurses (as I had to do between November and July - I had a hernia, you see), but that's okay because - it's for your health, and that's a part of hospitals, and medicine and so on.

It's not part of going on a stupid holiday, on a stupid aeroplane! :eek:

I'm actually surprised at the strength of your negative reaction to this MZ. I didn't think you'd necessarily be down with it but I'm surprised at just how angry about it you seem! Genuine questions:

Why do you think it is gross, offensive and immoral?
Don't you think that security measures at airports are for your health too- namely, preventing you from potentially being injured or killed in a terrorist attack?

Personally, even if I wasn't a borderline naturist I would still be up for this. It seems like an almost foolproof way of preventing nutters with weapons getting on planes. And that's fine by me!

EDIT: I'd also like to add that you're all a little arrogant to assume that people's first reactions upon seeing an extremely poor representation of your naked self, along with hundreds of other travellers, would be uncontrollable horniness rather than total indifference :p

14-Oct-2009, 10:54 PM
I Have to admit, im with chick on this one.. you know me MZ, i hate labour as much as you do and i cant wait for the next general election when the blues get voted in.. But i honestly dont see the big deal here, you do seem to be over-reacting to, what in my opinion, is a perfectly reasonable security measure when you consider that airport security do have the right to do a strip search on anyone they randomly choose anyway, this just seems like the next step up from that.

15-Oct-2009, 06:51 AM
It seems like an almost foolproof way of preventing nutters with weapons getting on planes.
When conventional wisdom dictates that a handful of people can easily take over a jumbo jet by wielding box cutters and shaving razors, it seems to me that no system will ever be foolproof. (In US airports, shoes are after all considered deadly weapons capable of wreaking great havoc once airborne.)

That being said, I'd have no problem with running around naked in the airport if everyone else has to do it, too (especially in Japan where more often than not the women are smoking hot). Sometimes you simply have to sacrifice for the greater good.

15-Oct-2009, 10:22 AM
I'm actually surprised at the strength of your negative reaction to this MZ. I didn't think you'd necessarily be down with it but I'm surprised at just how angry about it you seem! Genuine questions:

Why do you think it is gross, offensive and immoral?
Don't you think that security measures at airports are for your health too- namely, preventing you from potentially being injured or killed in a terrorist attack?

I Have to admit, im with chick on this one.. you know me MZ, i hate labour as much as you do and i cant wait for the next general election when the blues get voted in.. But i honestly dont see the big deal here, you do seem to be over-reacting to, what in my opinion, is a perfectly reasonable security measure when you consider that airport security do have the right to do a strip search on anyone they randomly choose anyway, this just seems like the next step up from that.

There's security measures, and then there's security measures. It's all the drip-drip-drip of invading people's privacy, and if you just say "yeah, whatever, let anything happen" to these sort of measures, then you end up in a hell of a goddamn state.

Hell, the UK sticks its nose into everyone's business far too much as it is already, and it's because nobody has been paying attention to it, or waving their hand going "so what" or "if you've got nothing to hide...blah blah blah".

At the most this technology should be purely a matter of choice. No citizen should ever be forced to use this crap if they don't want to, and instead choose to go through the nromal, existing procedure.

Just because you have the technology, and just because you've been doing one thing for a while, doesn't mean you should use the tech, and move onto another way of doing things.

Plus, they've been doing a bang-up job of preventing terrorists blowing up planes without this crap, so clearly it's not necessary.

Like I said, at most this should be purely optional. Those that don't mind waltzing through some "naked scanner", then fine, but those that don't want to, should be fully within their rights as a human being to go through the normal procedure.

That's what I'm saying.


Also, it's been said that people under 18 won't go through the scanner. So therefore it's not really necessary is it, if you can avoid using the machine because of one set of morals, why not another for everyone else?

A person's privacy is their personal domain to do with it what they want, and it is immoral to invade people's privacy.

If terrorists, or whatever the buzz word for another privacy-raping bit of technology or procedure is that week, are really determined they'll either:

1) Use a child to smuggle something on board.
2) Do like that guy tried to do recently, and smuggle explosives on board by concealing them inside his body.


I.D. Cards as another example - another idea to ass-fuck people's privacy, oft-touted (among other desperate attempts) as an anti-terrorist device - what absolute horse shit, for one - for two, we're dealing just fine without them, therefore why are they at all necessary?

Just because you have the technology, doesn't mean it's right to use it.

15-Oct-2009, 12:30 PM
in retrospect, since this thing is going to deal with the general public, it'd probably be more of a horrorshow than the playboy channel. there are quite a lot of people that i have zero desire to see naked. if you know what i mean...

15-Oct-2009, 01:14 PM
I still say it would make a great cable show.
You might get a business man wearing womens
underwear or something.

Hell you could even get John Waters to host it.

But on another note MZ I do believe at this point it is
optional and u can choose the regular search if you
want to.

And Amy I don't think that it is people are in the belief
that everyone wants to see them naked, its just the opposite
in that they are uncomfortable with having thier bodies exposed
before strangers, almost an assault on thier dignity and privacy.

From a web page on phobias:

"Many people have a fear of public nudity. In fact, only the fears of death and public speaking top public nudity for inducing sheer terror in the hearts of most of us."

I don't think many people here have this phobia, cuz lets face
it this bunch is a bit kinky, but some do.

I dont think you should expose people to a major phobia
they have and assault thier dignity over boarding a plane
when there are other methods for safety.

Unless of course its all filmed and put on a cable
show with John Waters hosting.

Chic Freak
15-Oct-2009, 02:04 PM
Do you guys think that people should be strip-searched, even if they don't want someone to see them naked?

15-Oct-2009, 02:16 PM
Do you guys think that people should be strip-searched, even if they don't want someone to see them naked?

if there is a decent reason for it, then yes. i don't know about randomly strip searching people, it seems that is a bit over the top.

it goes without saying though that strip searches should only be conducted by persons of your same sex. would you want a couple of gross male security guards leering at and possibly touching your naked body while they "searched" you? that'd be the creepiest thing ever.

15-Oct-2009, 02:25 PM
it goes without saying though that strip searches should only be conducted by persons of your same sex. would you want a couple of gross male security guards leering at and possibly touching your naked body while they "searched" you? that'd be the creepiest thing ever.

That sounds pretty creepy were it to happen to me!

I've had bags searched, had to shed footwear for searching, been frisked, been groped while being frisked, but never strip searched.

That said, I'd rather go through a machine, voluntarily, to speed up the boarding process. Not sure about mandating it for air travel, though the idea doesn't bother me all that much.

Chic Freak
15-Oct-2009, 02:38 PM
would you want a couple of gross male security guards leering at and possibly touching your naked body while they "searched" you?

No, I wouldn't. If they needed to check I wasn't hiding anything I shouldn't be I'd much rather they looked at an image of me on a computer screen, kept their distance and let me keep my clothes on!

15-Oct-2009, 02:50 PM
No, I wouldn't. If they needed to check I wasn't hiding anything I shouldn't be I'd much rather they looked at an image of me on a computer screen, kept their distance and let me keep my clothes on!

i'd much rather go through the machine too. i'm one of those folks that does not like to be touched by other people i'm not gonna get freaky with.

15-Oct-2009, 04:31 PM
I am going to assume that most of you have
never been strip searched.

It is usually done in a private room
with a member of the same sex doing the
searching, and another there as a witness

It can be as simple as removing your shirt and shoes
and being patted down, or it can go all the way
to fully naked and a finger wave (thats the rubber
glove in the body cavity).

It all depends on the level of security threat they
deem you to be. On the average the a strip
search does NOT include full nudity where this
machine does on EVERY occasion.

And this machine produces an image of a person
where a search does not.

Also, if the image on the screen shows something they
cant identify for some reason, you will be stripped searched
anyways, even if you are not carrying anything illegal.

so it is possible that not only will you be stripped searched
but the cause of it will be because this machine falsely
alerted them to do so.

darth los
15-Oct-2009, 04:42 PM
No, I wouldn't. If they needed to check I wasn't hiding anything I shouldn't be I'd much rather they looked at an image of me on a computer screen, kept their distance and let me keep my clothes on!

If you think about it's not really being naked at all. This machine simply gives the illusion of nudity. It's like sticking your head on a maked picture of some other woman.


Chic Freak
15-Oct-2009, 04:45 PM
If you think about it's not really being naked at all. This machine simply gives the illusion of nudity. It's like sticking your head on a maked picture of some other chick.

Well, not really, because the "other chick" would be me! But I can honestly say I couldn't give a shit about people seeing my naked butt within a professional context when it is for my benefit and safety anymore than I care about them seeing my naked hands and face like they do anyway. If one thinks rationally about it for a moment one realises there is no difference.

darth los
15-Oct-2009, 04:51 PM
Well, not really, because the "other chick" would be me! But I can honestly say I couldn't give a shit about people seeing my naked butt within a professional context when it is for my benefit and safety anymore than I care about them seeing my naked hands and face like they do anyway. If one thinks rationally about it for a moment one realises there is no difference.

Dammit you caught it!

I frantically went back and changed it to "woman" once i re read it and realized it might be offensive. My apologies. I didn't mean any harm. :o

But as to your point it's not really you. It's a computer image of the contours of your body. If given the choice I'd rather be virtually naked the actually naked, no?



15-Oct-2009, 05:48 PM
But on another note MZ I do believe at this point it is
optional and u can choose the regular search if you
want to.

And Amy I don't think that it is people are in the belief
that everyone wants to see them naked, its just the opposite
in that they are uncomfortable with having thier bodies exposed
before strangers, almost an assault on thier dignity and privacy.


I dont think you should expose people to a major phobia
they have and assault thier dignity over boarding a plane
when there are other methods for safety.

Well said right there. Part of the point of what I've been banging on about summed up perfectly.

Also, indeed it's optional now - but is there any guarantee it wouldn't be made compulsory? :rockbrow: I simply don't trust those in charge of this technology.

Do you guys think that people should be strip-searched, even if they don't want someone to see them naked?

Strip searches should only be carried out with a bloody good reason.

And I hope I never ever ever ever have to suffer the indignity of being felt up by some random dude with donut stickiness all over their fingers. :eek::shifty::eek:

But as to your point it's not really you. It's a computer image of the contours of your body. If given the choice I'd rather be virtually naked the actually naked, no?

Given the option of being felt up naked in a back room by real people right there up-close-and-personal with you ... breathing their sweaty breath, grunting away as they bend you over with a torch wedged between their teeth, or going through a scanner (what about the radiation issue though? :rockbrow:) ... I'd choose the scanner ... ... but I'd still bitch about it the whole time.


I heard some vague mumble at one point t'other day about 'maybe like blurring the face, or covering up the groin or something' - well I should bloody well think so.


In the end, the reason for my absolute bitch-a-thon about this tech, is the moral assault it represents ... and I therefore refer back to Kortick's piece above.