View Full Version : the big three poll re-re-re-visited...

16-Oct-2009, 03:51 PM
bassman wanted to see it again and with all the newer folks who seem to sticking around, this could be interesting.

simple question:
which of the original 3 is your fav?

i went with day for reasons that are voluminously chronicled elsewhere on this site.

16-Oct-2009, 03:53 PM
Stealing my ideas....


I am interested to see what newer members think. Alot of Day fans seem to be coming out of the wood work. It probably won't happen, but man it would be crazy if Day won.

darth los
16-Oct-2009, 04:06 PM
Well, it depends how the question is posed. If it's which one is my fav as the poll says then it's DAwn.

Now as to which one is the best film, that's a different question. Imo, it's day. Technically, effects wise, acting wise. As i always say If you're gonna show someone a GAr dead film for the first time and not turn them off immediately, day is probably your best bet.


16-Oct-2009, 04:13 PM
Count me in as # 3 for DAY as my favorite...

Not only favorite Romero flick but favorite horror movie ever made.


16-Oct-2009, 04:17 PM
i wanted to stick with night, since it's the original and the first romero film i saw, but in the end i had to go with dawn. such an epic adventure....

this was almost an impossible poll to answer, cuz all three are almost a seamless holy trilogy in my book, it's honestly hard to choose a "favorite"...

darth los
16-Oct-2009, 04:24 PM
i wanted to stick with night, since it's the original and the first romero film i saw, but in the end i had to go with dawn. such an epic adventure....

this was almost an impossible poll to answer, cuz all three are almost a seamless holy trilogy in my book, it's honestly hard to choose a "favorite"...

Perfectly put. It's like picking which one of your children is your favorite, it's an impossible choice. (For most people and their children anyway. ) :lol:

16-Oct-2009, 04:25 PM
Dawn. By miles.

16-Oct-2009, 04:36 PM
i wanted to stick with night, since it's the original and the first romero film i saw, but in the end i had to go with dawn. such an epic adventure....

this was almost an impossible poll to answer, cuz all three are almost a seamless holy trilogy in my book, it's honestly hard to choose a "favorite"...

I Agree, its impossible to pick a single favourite between the original 3 as these are the holy trinity of horror movies.. not only that but each movie has its own unique style and feel, their 3 entirely different movies from each other and i love all 3 for their differences.

16-Oct-2009, 04:52 PM
Dawn always has been, and always will be, not only my favorite of the "Dead" movies but also my favorite movie of all-time.

16-Oct-2009, 04:57 PM
I'm a Day man, myself and voted that way. However, this is from an enjoyment perspective. Yes, it's got a few things over the other two, but I agree that Night and Dawn are, and should be heralded as, the hallmarks of the genre.

Let the dust settle and then we need to look back and see if there has been a poll done yet regarding the viewing order of the films (not sure off the top of my head and I'm too lazy to do so at the moment).

Edit: Did a quick search and saw discussion popped up about viewing order,but didn't see a poll. This info was in the Age You Were Introduced to GAR (http://forum.homepageofthedead.com/showthread.php?t=11519) poll.

16-Oct-2009, 05:11 PM
Look, I'm a dedicated Night fan. Classic film, benchmark of cinema history, even moreso the Horror genre.

However, my favorite, currently, is Day.

I keep going back to it lately. And it holds up better and better every time.

16-Oct-2009, 05:17 PM
Dawn by far my favourite...

Its a good movie you guys should watch it!

16-Oct-2009, 05:18 PM
I keep going back to it lately. And it holds up better and better every time.

I've been doing the same thing, except with Dawn. I've been on this kick of watching Dawn a whole lot lately. Like....a few times a week. Don't know why. Anyone else get spells like that?

Lately one of my favorite things to do is put my kid and wife to bed, then get a few jack and cokes and watch Dawn...

16-Oct-2009, 05:21 PM
I've been on this kick of watching Dawn a whole lot lately. Like....a few times a week. Don't know why. Anyone else get spells like that?
Yup, done Dawn four times this week already.

16-Oct-2009, 06:08 PM
Yup, done Dawn four times this week already.
I watched it twice when I was laid up in bed after my operation, and I've just started re-doing it with the GAR/Savini/Chris Romero/Perry Martin commentary (which I've already listened to once).

I've been on a right old "re-listening to GAR commentaries" kick of late (Day, Land, Knightriders, Creepshow, now Dawn).


Anyway, I plopped my sack in Dawn's ring ... ... why I can't just say "I voted for Dawn" is beyond me, I guess it just wouldn't be funny enough would it? :p

So yeah - Dawn - the reason being is that it's the movie that made me want to make movies.

Out of these three, for me, it's Dawn-Day-Night ... and they're all awesome. I actually watched them in reverse order too, which was weird, but just the order in which they became available to me when finding videos in shops.

16-Oct-2009, 06:13 PM
Damn....twelve votes and still none for Night?

16-Oct-2009, 06:15 PM
Yeah, bit of a choker that...

darth los
16-Oct-2009, 06:22 PM
Damn....twelve votes and still none for Night?

i was gonna say the same thing.

It's not so suprisig that day and dawn are neck and neck but that night has yet to garner a single vote up until this point. Also, it would be interesting to see the ages of those who voted for day as their fav as compared to dawn.


16-Oct-2009, 06:32 PM
after watching autopsy of the dead the other day, i decided to rewatch all 3 just the other night. and while i almost chose night, there's just something about dawn....i love the "on-the-run" beginning, the thrill of them discovering a perfect spot, the sweeping and clearing of the mall, the emptiness they discover once it's theirs, the biker raid, and fuck it, even the pie fight.

so while night is the spark for the firestorm of ghoul horror romero gives us, dawn is the inferno of fucking living dead, simply put. best zombie film ever.

16-Oct-2009, 06:35 PM
Damn....twelve votes and still none for Night?

I know it's a surprise, but we all know there'll be some old school love for Night on this poll.

darth los
16-Oct-2009, 06:41 PM
I know it's a surprise, but we all know there'll be some old school love for Night on this poll.

That's exactly why the ages of the voters intrigued me. I want to see if there's a correalation between ages and what films they picked.

Perhaps no one who was alive when night came out has voted yet.


16-Oct-2009, 06:42 PM
Damn....twelve votes and still none for Night?
Fixed. :D

Ghost Of War
16-Oct-2009, 06:53 PM
Day for me. It's what a Zombie apocalypse film should be, it's dark, it's hopeless, it's gory.

16-Oct-2009, 06:54 PM
It's what a Zombie apocalypse film should be, it's dark, it's hopeless, it's gory.
Yup, that describes NIGHT alright.

16-Oct-2009, 07:31 PM
i'm glad there's been some love given to night. i was beginning to feel a bit embarrassed for us.

darth los
16-Oct-2009, 07:59 PM
i'm glad there's been some love given to night. i was beginning to feel a bit embarrassed for us.

And i knew it wa gonna be him to be the reliable night vote.

it's just like if dawn were getting shut out. You just know philly would vote for it at some point.


Ghost Of War
16-Oct-2009, 08:15 PM
Yup, that describes NIGHT alright.

I know, but Day is darker, more hopeless and gorier.:p

16-Oct-2009, 08:28 PM
I know, but Day is darker, more hopeless and gorier.:p
I love DAY, too, but... NIGHT brings the horror to your home. It put a dead body at the top of your stairs, a truck explosion in your front yard and a trowel stabbing in your basement.

Y'all really love NIGHT best and just don't realize it yet. :p

16-Oct-2009, 08:51 PM
i feel bad for Night with only one vote : ( i voted day

16-Oct-2009, 09:19 PM
I felt that I should not vote because I suffer from a medical condition that my doctor has yet to name. I am torn between Dawn and Day for favorite. Until you tweak the poll to allow ties I must forego my vote. This is a sad day indeed... :rockbrow: Please give me some space :lol:

Let the dust settle and then we need to look back and see if there has been a poll done yet regarding the viewing order of the films (not sure off the top of my head and I'm too lazy to do so at the moment).I too saw them out of order and completely backwards, but I swear I am not from Alabama. It went Day, Dawn, Night.

I've been doing the same thing, except with Dawn. I've been on this kick of watching Dawn a whole lot lately. Like....a few times a week. Don't know why. Anyone else get spells like that?

Back when I was first introduced to Dawn I happened to fall in love with it and pleasently slipped into a peaceful intoxicated state. I was not keeping count but I know I got my fill. (No regrets though.)

17-Oct-2009, 06:24 PM
Day for me. Though that can change to Dawn without notice.

This is, btw, so Not the poll which would tell us Yay, Meh, Bah for Night and Day...

18-Oct-2009, 05:24 AM
GHAH!!! This is one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make. It's like the Sophie's Choice of movie-dom for me. For the longest time I would have answered Dawn,nearly with out hesitation, but after long thought, I've answered Night.

There is just so much to love about it.

It really is the beginning, from whence all others have flowed.

I love that it starts at the beginning.

It's the most "believable" of the 3 to me. The characters are the ones that I can most readily identify with. Common everyday people.

The scenario is one I can readily identify with & seems like it would be the most common scenario the average person would be confronted with in the beginning.

All of the elements of it, from "boarding up the house" to the "run for the gas" & more have almost passed into an archetypal status, which speaks volumes of the almost universal commonality of it.

The radio & TV reports, the interviews with the military & scientists, all of it lends a sense of weight, gravity, seriousness & most importantly REALISM.

It's beautifully shot in GLORIOUS black & white. The stark contrasts really make for some gorgeous shots.

Speaking of how it was shot, the sort of "low tech" look of it gives it a grainy, gritty feel...it feels like newsreel footage of something that is actually happening, which also lends to the authenticity.

Between Night & Dawn I actually think Night has aged slightly better, Night has a "classic" look to it, whereas Dawn now has a SLIGHTLY dated/retro/70's look.

None of this is to detract from Dawn or Day. Both of them have things that they are better in respectively. And really, the difference between the 3 is as thin as a razor in which I like best. But after much thought & consideration, as I've gotten older I've come to appreciate Night more & more & now I realize it is indeed my favorite.

I've barely scratched the surface on all the reasons why. I could analyze all of the reasons why endlessly. To me it's that deep and complex. After all, here we are 41 years later still dissecting it.

18-Oct-2009, 06:09 AM
but after long thought, I've answered Night.

After all, here we are 41 years later still dissecting it.
Don't I know it! :D

18-Oct-2009, 10:31 AM
I cannot vote on this. I dig the Three. To me, they are one.



18-Oct-2009, 12:18 PM
Day is my favourite film of all time.

18-Oct-2009, 01:13 PM
I'm torn between Day and Dawn, but if I have to pick one by having a gun put to my head, then Dawn wins

18-Oct-2009, 01:43 PM
I cannot vote on this. I dig the Three. To me, they are one.


There can be only one! :D


18-Oct-2009, 02:45 PM
This is, btw, so Not the poll which would tell us Yay, Meh, Bah for Night and Day...

i can't yoink all of bassman's thunder.:D

18-Oct-2009, 03:04 PM
i can't yoink all of bassman's thunder.:D
What of bassman can you yoink?

18-Oct-2009, 03:30 PM
I imagine dawn will win. almost everyone i know says its their favorite

18-Oct-2009, 04:07 PM
What of bassman can you yoink?

Giggidy giggidy.;)

18-Oct-2009, 04:24 PM
Giggidy giggidy.;)

um, please explain to me why the hell this funny. yoink to me means to take something away on the sly.

18-Oct-2009, 05:09 PM
What of bassman can you yoink?

Giggidy giggidy.;)

um, please explain to me why the hell this funny. yoink to me means to take something away on the sly.

Perhaps we've just got more perverted minds that you? I immediately went to a filthy place. :elol::D:p


I'd imagine the "yay/yay/yay" option for Night/Dawn/Day in a "yay/meh/boo" poll would be the out-right winner by a bazillion miles.

I can't imagine any of them getting anymore than one or two boo's, or even meh's.

Zombie Snack
19-Oct-2009, 02:31 AM
Day and Night...my 2 favorite films...really its a tie dammit...but I gave my vote to Day!

19-Oct-2009, 03:27 AM
Day for me as well. It's been my favorite of the three for quite some time. I've already gone into detail about my reasonings but to sum it all up, it comes down to the atmosphere. To me, it creates such a wonderful feeling of dread and hopelessnes. I absolutely love seeing what became of the world after the outbreak.

19-Oct-2009, 03:58 AM
1. Dawn
2. Night
3. Day

In that order. A wide gap between #1 and #2.

On a side note about Night, it's interesting that we NEVER see anyone get bitten in that movie - ever. Instead, we get a zombie troweling someone to death. Is it that a decent bite was beyond their special effects capabilities at that time...?

19-Oct-2009, 04:51 AM
It's a tough one, but Day. The make-up, the friction between the characters, the way the zombies behave and attack (even a single bite comes across as brutally savage compared to the other two) all combine to give Day a nightmarish, hellishly bleak atmosphere that has yet to be beaten by any horror film.

edit: Cripes I forgot to mention the music and the lighting adding to the atmosphere as well.

20-Oct-2009, 01:33 AM
Dawn. Absolutely, without a doubt, THE greatest movie ever made.

20-Oct-2009, 01:35 AM
who would have farking believed it. day is 2 up on dawn.

day is one of those films that i think people will continue to re-evaluate and as time goes on, more and more folks will surrender to its dark beauty.

20-Oct-2009, 01:45 AM
Yeah, Day is a movie I keep in my back pocket as a surprise for certain types of people. A lot of folks haven't actually seen the film, or if they have it was a severely cut version, but for those who can stomach it and give it a fair hearing (to look past the acting) the movie really pushes buttons.

20-Oct-2009, 02:07 AM
Yeah, Day is a movie I keep in my back pocket as a surprise for certain types of people. A lot of folks haven't actually seen the film, or if they have it was a severely cut version, but for those who can stomach it and give it a fair hearing (to look past the acting) the movie really pushes buttons.

i have found it very interesting to watch the change in attitude to day. those of us that have been around here for eons will know what i mean. when i first discovered this magnificent place in like '99 or so (back when MZ needed a booster seat to reach the keyboard:p), there were a lot of folks who thought of day as the bastard step-child. yet, year after year, more and more folks seem to be coming to realize day's immense darkness and power.

day is like a strong gravitational field, slowly and surely it pulls more and more folks into its grip.

Ghost Of War
20-Oct-2009, 07:14 AM
Day had me from the first time I viewed it, and that was after watching Dawn countless times. I just love the whole darkness of it.

20-Oct-2009, 08:47 AM
(back when MZ needed a booster seat to reach the keyboard:p)

Hey, I was like 14 at the time, I'd just had a right old growth spurt. :D Damn you and your lies! :lol:

Day had me from the first time I viewed it, and that was after watching Dawn countless times. I just love the whole darkness of it.

Same here. It was the first GAR film I ever saw, and I loved it from the off. I was actually quite stunned by it, shocked even. I was blown away by the gore and the swearing and the zombies and the whole damn thing. LOVE IT.

But Dawn is still my winner.

20-Oct-2009, 01:43 PM
Hey, I was like 14 at the time, I'd just had a right old growth spurt. :D Damn you and your lies! :lol:

i guess they grow them tall in zombie lapland then?:lol:

a bit off the topic but i got to thinking that this place has been around for so long and many of us have been coming here for so long that we've actually watched a couple of you grow up! :stunned:

hell, i was still in my 20s the first time i strolled on in here.:eek:

20-Oct-2009, 04:19 PM
i guess they grow them tall in zombie lapland then?:lol:

a bit off the topic but i got to thinking that this place has been around for so long and many of us have been coming here for so long that we've actually watched a couple of you grow up! :stunned:

hell, i was still in my 20s the first time i strolled on in here.:eek:
Indeed Sir. I myself have been on HPOTD for a decade, and have witnessed three versions of the forum itself, having joined first in the old DiscussionApp days. :)

20-Oct-2009, 04:30 PM
I simply can't imagine the rants of a 14 year old MZ.

Did you say gash more, or less???

21-Oct-2009, 01:42 AM
a bit off the topic but i got to thinking that this place has been around for so long and many of us have been coming here for so long that we've actually watched a couple of you grow up! :stunned:

*sniff* They grow up so fast....:(:rolleyes::p:moon:

21-Oct-2009, 10:13 AM
I simply can't imagine the rants of a 14 year old MZ.

Did you say gash more, or less???


Less I would say, if at all. I think I said "fuck" more though. :D

I don't think I ranted so much in those days, I was much younger with far less cares in the world, so it was more fanboy fawning ... although I did rant angrily about Zombi 2 back in those days, a movie which I initially liked, then hated, but several years ago I re-liked it again and that's where it's stayed in my mind. :)

21-Oct-2009, 02:42 PM

Less I would say, if at all. I think I said "fuck" more though. :D

you were certainly more well behaved that most of the folks that were two or even three times your age. the board was filled with all manner of asshats back then. it was like a zoo only without the manners of the animals.

darth los
21-Oct-2009, 05:04 PM
1. Dawn
2. Night
3. Day

In that order. A wide gap between #1 and #2.

On a side note about Night, it's interesting that we NEVER see anyone get bitten in that movie - ever. Instead, we get a zombie troweling someone to death. Is it that a decent bite was beyond their special effects capabilities at that time...?

That could have been it.

My theory is that they wanted to keep it secret till the end of the film. During the whole film it was being built up as "the dead are returning to life and commiting acts of murder." Their "canabalistic" tendancies were never mentioned. Although, it was mentioned that karen was bit on the arm it was more implied that it was done by these "crazed people" as a method of attack and not sustinence.

It was never known what their true motivation was until the Tom and Judy Death scene. That was the horror of it all. They didn't just want to hurt or kill them, they were after them because they wanted to eat them !! Probably the most shocking revalation in the history of cinema at the time.


22-Oct-2009, 07:25 AM
you were certainly more well behaved that most of the folks that were two or even three times your age. the board was filled with all manner of asshats back then. it was like a zoo only without the manners of the animals.


Ah the old days...when free range douche bag-ery lurked around every corner...:|