View Full Version : A critic steps up to Uwe Bolls challenge.

17-Oct-2009, 02:52 AM
Let us all have a moment of silence for this brave champion among movie critics. His courage is an inspiration to us all.
He speaks of it at the end of the video.

17-Oct-2009, 02:56 AM
If Boll takes him up on it, then we finally have something with his name on it worth seeing!;)

17-Oct-2009, 03:14 AM
i would absolutely love to see someone beat the crap out of uwe boll in a boxing match.

17-Oct-2009, 07:50 AM
oh this thing's a bit old aint it? Boll challenged people to boxing matches to somehow prove he's a good filmmakers - I shit you not.

Unfortunately I think he won the boxing....but Uwe Boll movies? Epic fail. Just pure epic fail.

they invented the failometre for this prick...

17-Oct-2009, 01:02 PM
This is not old this is a new challenger!

17-Oct-2009, 01:55 PM
He's fought about five or six critics over the past couple of years. The fights were broadcast on Pay Per View and everything. Unfortunately, every one of the challengers got their asses handed to them, I shit you not: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uwe_Boll#Critic_boxing_matches_.28Raging_Boll.29

17-Oct-2009, 02:06 PM
Still I could take a shit on the train tracks but it doesn't make me a good film maker...

17-Oct-2009, 05:31 PM
Boll also chooses who he will and will not fight
There have been a few occaisons when he
refused to participate.

In all honesty I think hed beat the ever loving
shit out of this new challenger.

I dont have a problem with his movies being
funded by some German govt program.
Cronenberg got his first movie SHIVERS
done the same way with a similar program
from the Canadian government.

Its just that Boll makes shitty movies and
Cronenberg is a true filmaker, not an
asshole like Boll, that is the problem.

Did it ever occur to him in that caveman skull
that if he made a good film then he would have
no problem with critics?

Thats where he should be focusing his attention
not on these stunts to draw attention to his
money losing films.