View Full Version : Zombieholics Anonymous

17-Oct-2009, 09:03 PM
Hello my name is Paranoid and I'm a Zombieholic

I've been a zombieholic ever since My older bother made me sit through Night of the Living Dead back in the early 80s

Hmm lets start again maybe lol, well Hello all, I've been a long time lurker on this site I'm sorry to say, but now I've finally decide to come to terms with my addiction, stop lurking in the shadows and post something.

Hope I don't end up jumping into the party feet first and landing squarely on the cake, after treading through something soft and squidgy.

Ok where to start hmmm I wonder, yep that seems like a good Idea, I will list my DVD zombie movie collection, maybe also giving them a score and small write up.

My collection

Before I start (wonder if people are starting think for godsake get on with it) I like all zombie movies, what can I say I've sat through some of the worse movies ever put on screen and still had a grin on my face.

28 Days Later.
Love this movie, not really zombies in it,but has that zombie feel (maybe shouldnt have start with this in a zombie movie list)
28 Weeks Later
Not as good as the source material, but still a damn fun sequel, could have been alot worse
48 Weeks Later
Cheap B movie trying to cash in on the popularity of 28 days later, story 2 gangs and cops trap in a warehouse after a meteor make the homeless into zombies, load of rubbish (still sat through it Told you I'm a gluten for punishment when it comes to zombies)
Day Of the Dead Remake
Ok apart for the names of some of the stars, what the hell this had to do with the original I do not know, oh and Bub being a vegetarian so he didn't attack them, makes me wonder what the script righter was smoking on the toilet when he wrote this turd.
Dead Set
British made series which included the Big Brother phenomenon, Gory, funny and well acted, one of the Best things I've seen on T.V in a long time, the producer character will stay with you for a long time.
Dairy of the Dead
You know I still don't know to this day if I like this film or not, I've watched it 3 times so far and still at the end say to myself did I enjoy that or not, seem to be suck in some sort of parallel universe mediocrity.
1/10 or 10/10 we shall never know
Black Sheep
Thankfully not some weird Chris Farley movie, were he comes back from the dead and chases David Spade round for the entire movie trying to devour him though his arse, but a zombie movie from New Zealand with Zombie Sheep and weresheep what's not to like.
Flight of the Living Dead
Fun movie, to get this movie just think Snakes on a Plane, but replace said Snakes with Zombies, that's it you got it.
Dead Snow
Well there's snow and there Nazi Zombies, damn funny film if your willing to put up with subtitles.
hmm are they Zombies or Demons, now zombie films Tbh don't really scare me, this film and one other in the list did, again subtitles, but a roller-coaster of a a film.
An American remake of the above film Rec, Better special affects, little bits of changed story, as good as Rec? No not even close, a bad film? nope very enjoyable, if you have seen this without seeing Rec. then you haven't missed anything major, its just that if you watch them both you will see witch is better.
Night of the Living Dead
What can I say, its the granddaddy that has spawned more than a generation of great movies, for its time its ground breaking, don't think I need to say much more on this site about this movie, you guys know what i mean
Night of the Living Dead Remake
Tom Savini did George proud with this movie, nice changes to the original story.
Planet Terror
I remember when this came out in the Grindhouse Double bill, how every was going on about the Quentin Tarantino Section, turns out that was shit and Planet Terror was mental, gun for a leg classic.
Return Of the Living Dead
Great 80s Zombie movie, nice twist with the zombies being nearlly unkillable and talkative, "Send more paramedics"
Resident Evil films all 3
Wont bother going through them individually, total pop corn movie, loud, brash and totally forgettable, still I don't mind these films, what we must remember that tosh like this will end up funding future zombie flicks.
Pretty good aussie zombie film, memorable moments zombie fish and a 3 barrelled shotgun, fun.
Mad Japanese Zombie gangster movie, pretty bonkers.
Zombie Daires
For the budget they had for this film, they did ok, not great but not a load of rubbish too.
House of the Dead
Ok this is the movie were I probably end up getting kicked from the forums, I LOVE THIS MOVIE, there I've said it, got it off my chest, turns out I'm bit of a Uwe Boll fan, please before you run screaming from the post hear me out.
I know Uwe Boll is one of the worse movie makers ever but some how he seems to continue getting funding and surprisingly Stars, but i love his films cause of how bad they are and this film is a stinker, crazy zombie fight in the middle reminds me of my dreams when I have a flu bug.
9/10 and for your guys score I'm thinking -10/10
House of the Dead 2
I don't know how they could have made a cheap cash in on a Uwe Boll film, I mean how cheap do you have to go, film was well its meh average and a little bit crap.
Dawn of the Dead 78
My favorite Zombie in this list, won't bother talking about it here, because as with night you guys know this film well.
Dawn of the dead 04
Now I've seen this film in some very hot debates, my point of view on this film is, I like it, I like it a lot, is it as good as Dawn78 nope, but then again apart for the mail, its a different type of film, its an action movie, were I feel that Dawn 78 is a siege character driven movie, so if you can separate them and Just take them as they are, I feel you will find some fun in Dawn 04.
Land of the Dead
I like this George Romero film, could it have been better? probably could it have been a lot worse? Oh yes, but the one thing that keeps nagging me everytime I watch it, is why the importance and need for money, in a dead world surrounding them I could only see it being useful for lighting fire or wiping your..........ok wont go there
Let Sleeping Corpse Lie
As I posted in REC Review there was that and one other zombie movie that ever scared me, this is the other, what a creepy film, once you get past the 70s hair cuts and cloths, this is a great zombie film, maybe cause it was filmed not so far away from me gives me the creeps.
Day of the dead 85
Now my son who I am trying to get into the whole zombie film way of thinking, seems to think that this film is boring, myself its a wonderful film showing the break down of a small group under massive pressure, he sees it as a bunch of people shouting, I shall continue to try and get him to see it for what it is.
Nightmare City
No idea why this one ended up last, but here we are at the finish, what can I say about this Italian film, well its a mad as a bag of spanners and Dallas stole the whole dream idea.

Well that's it hope you enjoyed me talking about my movies (hmm now I think about it, I bet your bored to tears), what I would like is that if you guys could let me know what am I really missing from this collection? please don't say taste or sanity.

17-Oct-2009, 09:10 PM
Awesome post, welcome to the board...great way to introduce yourself, and a nice collection of movies - some of which I havent' seen so it's nice to have a small write up on them :)

my name is Trevelyan and I'm a zombieholic...

We should all say the serenity prayer together...hands joined...

God grant me the power to accept the zombies I cannot kill
Kill the zombies that I can
and the wisdom to run the fuck away screaming

17-Oct-2009, 10:27 PM
Thank you very much for the warm welcome (maybe that should be cold clammy welcome on a undead forum), Why does my mind get sidetracked like this, oh god its done it again ask that question :D

Before I disappear into a sidetrack blackhole, I forgot a film on my list.

Shaun of the Dead
Now I knew of Simon Peggs and Edgar Wright work before this film by watching the fantastic TV series Spaced (well worth a watch if you like Shaun), the was one episode of Simon Peggs character dreaming that hes in a resident evil game, you can almost see the seeds of Shaun being spawned at that very point.
Onto Shaun Great film very British feel to it, cricket bats no guns apart for the end, cups of tea etc, you see from watching this the film the love for George Romero films mainly Dawn 78, it parody's Georges films but never takes the piss out of them, there are so many great scenes, but the one that sticks in my mind is when Shaun goes to the shop with all the zombies and devastation around him, playing just like the day before shop run scene is brilliant.

I've also found the Clip from Spaced zombie episode (contains a bit of Gore)


A quick mention must go to a DVD called Nick Frost's Danger 50,000 volts, staring Nick Frost (Ed from Shaun), Its a joke safety and survival video showing you (wrongly) what to do in many different disasters etc, but at the end of the DVD it has a how to survive a Zombie attack also Staring Simon Pegg as a Trained Zombie killer

Oh Ive manage to find all 3 parts of 50,000 zombies from this DVD on Youtube to watch

Part 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnNIs4YKtZM&feature=PlayList&p=92DE749839E8DF6D&index=0&playnext=1
Part 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKABcFtDLDU&feature=PlayList&p=92DE749839E8DF6D&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=1
Part 3 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbnxcMtkf0M&feature=PlayList&p=92DE749839E8DF6D&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=2

18-Oct-2009, 02:55 AM
Hey! Welcome aboard.

I'm pretty new too. I am also fully intoxicated most of the time.

18-Oct-2009, 03:27 AM
from one of the old fockers around here: welcome paranoid. you dig day and that is something i can totally get with. day is my fav of the dead films and my second fav horror movie ever.

take a look around, read some of the older threads and get to know us, hopefully, you'll decide to hang around.

18-Oct-2009, 04:35 AM
Mad welcomes from another old focker. I have a feeling you'll fit right in. Most of your opinions are pretty similar to mine in regards to the movies you have listed. Here's my list if you ever want to compare notes:


PS- you earn bonus points for this:

Hope I don't end up jumping into the party feet first and landing squarely on the cake, after treading through something soft and squidgy.

And this:

Dairy of the Dead

Moooo!!! :lol: