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View Full Version : "Night of the Living Dorks"???

25-May-2006, 08:19 PM
Anyone ever heard of this film?


Apparently its a German film that's sort of in the style of "Shaun". It was made a few years back and is just now getting an english dub and the DVD treatment from Anchor Bay.

Check it out here (http://joblo.com/arrow/index.php?id=4270)

25-May-2006, 08:25 PM
I never have.

Guru ofthe Dead
26-May-2006, 04:29 AM
Man everybody has a movie. Maybe I should talk to Anchor Bay and get my screenplay looked at. Wait they only do movies that are finished. DAMNIT!!!:)

26-May-2006, 04:55 AM
Never heard of it, but I'm interested in seeing it. The title sounds a little cheesy, but it might be good.

26-May-2006, 05:35 AM
Is it just me or does Night of the Living Dorks sound like a porn flick?

26-May-2006, 05:42 AM
Doesnt sound anything like a porn flick to me...

26-May-2006, 08:34 PM
Anyone ever heard of this film?


Apparently its a German film that's sort of in the style of "Shaun". It was made a few years back and is just now getting an english dub and the DVD treatment from Anchor Bay.

Check it out here (http://joblo.com/arrow/index.php?id=4270)

It sounds really bad.

"Now tell me, who hasn't thought of becoming a zombie to be cooler?"

Arrg :barf:.

02-Jun-2006, 05:01 AM
hey for once im the only one whos seen a certain flick.

and it sucks.

like every film that claims to be "like/ as funny as/ buy me bitch as shaun of the dead".

.....except UNDEAD that was awesome:D