View Full Version : Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Given 18 Rating In UK

darth los
20-Oct-2009, 07:29 PM
Imo, the reason they gave is bogus because previous installments are chock full of "“strong violence and language." So what changed? My guess is that placing the game in modern theaters as opposed to eras where there are barely people who remember it makes it "more real", so to speak and therefore subject to much closer scrutiny.



21-Oct-2009, 09:19 AM
Hmm...what was the first rated? wasn't that 18 too? I wouldn't worry - it won't affect whatsoever the amount of people who'll buy this game!!

21-Oct-2009, 10:08 AM
The difference, in terms of violence, between a 15 rating and an 18 rating, for either a film or a game, normally hinges on how detailed the violence/suffering is and how prolonged it is. For example, if the new Modern Warfare has more prolonged death animations with guys lying screaming on the ground for 30 seconds, bleeding to death, then there's the reason.

I wouldn't worry. An 18 rating is not like an AO rating in the States, all retailers will still stock it. A lot of the big selling games of the last year or two were 18 - Fallout 3, GTA, etc.

21-Oct-2009, 10:43 AM
Yeah, no worries at all for a game rated 18 in the UK. It makes it more desirable even.

I believe MW1 was rated PEGI-16, if I remember correctly. The difference here being, this time MW2 was rated by the BBFC instead.

It is odd though, considering - as they say in that article - World At War was given a 15, when it's actually really quite violent. There's a lot of (arguably tasteless) focus on violence. Particularly blood gushing out of blown-off limbs, some of which is shown in slow motion ... oh, and the flamethrower.

21-Oct-2009, 11:07 AM
If it represents real events though, I'd say it borders more on the educational (re: flamethrowers) - we know the allies and the germans/japanese used them - so in a way it's a reflection of reality.

I know that's wafer thin really...but there you go.

21-Oct-2009, 12:13 PM
If it represents real events though, I'd say it borders more on the educational (re: flamethrowers) - we know the allies and the germans/japanese used them - so in a way it's a reflection of reality.

I know that's wafer thin really...but there you go.
That's so wafer-thin, even Mr Creosote could stuff it in his gob and not vomit all over the restaurant. :sneaky:;)

21-Oct-2009, 12:25 PM
That's so wafer-thin, even Mr Creosote could stuff it in his gob and not vomit all over the restaurant.

My new sig, thanks! :lol:

21-Oct-2009, 12:40 PM
omg I inspired a post that inspired a sig....*claim to fame* :D

OK so I was clutching at straws!!!

21-Oct-2009, 12:41 PM
My new sig, thanks! :lol:
Kick ass. :D

darth los
21-Oct-2009, 04:37 PM
Hmm...what was the first rated? wasn't that 18 too? I wouldn't worry - it won't affect whatsoever the amount of people who'll buy this game!!

The rating system is a joke anyway. Those under the age of 18 just have their parents buy it if the store itself doesn't let them slide. I personally have never witnessed a kid being asked for their I.D or turned away so...ya.


21-Oct-2009, 04:52 PM
I got ID'd for GTA San Andreas - I was about 24 at the time, I think....I asked the girl carding me (no older than 16) and her boss came in and said "don't be offended, we ID'd a 31 year old yesterday"....I said "that probably says more about your shop keeping skills than my age"....!!

darth los
21-Oct-2009, 05:06 PM
I got ID'd for GTA San Andreas - I was about 24 at the time, I think....I asked the girl carding me (no older than 16) and her boss came in and said "don't be offended, we ID'd a 31 year old yesterday"....I said "that probably says more about your shop keeping skills than my age"....!!

And here i thought that only happened with ciggarettes !! :o


22-Oct-2009, 08:41 AM
Has anyone seen the fury thats erupted among PC gamers over this game to do with the multiplayer server code? Theres a huge boycott of it going on now & if people stick to it then sales on the PC will be very poor, which is where the franchise started!

22-Oct-2009, 08:53 AM
what's wrong with da code then? Bloody PC users!!

22-Oct-2009, 10:40 AM
I've heard of this issue, but don't know about it. I don't play online, and I haven't played COD on PC since #2.

I could play it on PC now that I have my lush Quad Core, but fuck it, just ordered it for 360 instead. I really enjoyed COD4 on 360, as I did with COD5. I also got COD3 after COD4, on 360.

However the PC market does need to be kept sweet ... and indeed I'm playing Fallout 3 on PC - actually, I finished Fallout 3, and I've just finished Brotherhood of Steel, and will soon be going on to play Point Lookout.

I still like to dabble in the intensity of PC gaming, but in 2007 I just decided (mostly due to the PC I was using to game (and everything else, like editing) not being up to snuff anymore for PC games) to move the bulk of my gaming over to Xbox360 - which opened me up to a whole host of titles I wouldn't have had otherwise too.

However, when the new Hitman game comes out, I'll continue the trend of buying it for the PC. :cool:

22-Oct-2009, 10:48 AM
The rating system is a joke anyway. Those under the age of 18 just have their parents buy it if the store itself doesn't let them slide. I personally have never witnessed a kid being asked for their I.D or turned away so...ya.


Gonna have to disagree slightly on the last point. I worked in a games/movie retailers for six months (and will be doing so again from mid-November), and we were under seriously heavy pressure to ID anyone we thought could possibly be underage. Here is the UK, it is actually illegal to sell any BBFC 15 or 18-rated material to anyone who is underage, on pain of a £5000 personal fine and a criminal record. Trading Standards set up traps to catch you doing it; they employ kids to go around shops attempting to purchase GTA and stuff.

So I, and everyone I knew always IDed underagers; it's just not worth £5000.

22-Oct-2009, 10:49 AM
man I can't be dealing with PC games...even though I can blatantly run any of them....my rig is a dual quad core, but my gfx card needs desperately upgrading first...I just can't be bothered to be honest...love the xbox simply because when you put in the disc, you're playing it straight away...

On fallout...I recently just levelled my character up to max (level 20 as I've no addons) and now I can't be bothered to play it anymore, I've removed the levelling up incentive...so playing the quests is moot...same thing I did with oblivion...these games are a trap!!! On my first Fallout3 playthrough I did the main quest too early, ruining the game, then a year later I start again and this time level up too much and blow off the main quest! ARGH!

Why can't they make these games where you just level up and uip and up until your character is a super soldier...I feel short changed...

22-Oct-2009, 10:59 AM
On fallout...I recently just levelled my character up to max (level 20 as I've no addons) and now I can't be bothered to play it anymore, I've removed the levelling up incentive...so playing the quests is moot...same thing I did with oblivion...these games are a trap!!! On my first Fallout3 playthrough I did the main quest too early, ruining the game, then a year later I start again and this time level up too much and blow off the main quest! ARGH!

Why can't they make these games where you just level up and uip and up until your character is a super soldier...I feel short changed...

That's funny, I never really paid much attention to levelling in Oblivion and Fallout. Basically what happens is your character gets stronger and so do all the enemies, to the point that there's Giant Radscorpions all over the place where there used to be little Radroaches. Apart from that, you get a few perks, etc. but wasn't a major factor in gameplay to me. These games are about exploration, and levelling up is supposed to aid you in that, not the other way around. :p

22-Oct-2009, 11:18 AM
yeah I get my kicks from levelling up and making the character as beefy as possible...I get great satisfaction from being able to kill the hardest enemies in a few hits....loads of exploring and whatnot, but then it gets capped and my incentive to explore is gone - there's no levelling up so there's no point now!

22-Oct-2009, 01:25 PM
Has anyone seen the fury thats erupted among PC gamers over this game to do with the multiplayer server code? Theres a huge boycott of it going on now & if people stick to it then sales on the PC will be very poor, which is where the franchise started!
I posted about this in the other MW2 thread so I'll just quote myself :D

IW really kicked up a shitstorm earlier this week when they 'announced' there won't be dedicated servers (and hence no modding support either) for the PC version in favour of matchmaking through their new IWnet service.

Here's the petition for dedicated servers started a few days ago:

Here's the response from IW's community manager Robert Bowling:
The comments, as inarticulate as some of them may be, show the majority of people are far from convinced.

Finally here's a PC Gamer article on just what the big deal is about dedicated servers anyway:

Although I'm no hardcore online player I've cancelled my preorder nonetheless, I think I'll just play it safe and see how this pans out. All in all I think IW has lost a lot of PC customers this week.

darth los
22-Oct-2009, 03:42 PM
Gonna have to disagree slightly on the last point. I worked in a games/movie retailers for six months (and will be doing so again from mid-November), and we were under seriously heavy pressure to ID anyone we thought could possibly be underage. Here is the UK, it is actually illegal to sell any BBFC 15 or 18-rated material to anyone who is underage, on pain of a £5000 personal fine and a criminal record. Trading Standards set up traps to catch you doing it; they employ kids to go around shops attempting to purchase GTA and stuff.

So I, and everyone I knew always IDed underagers; it's just not worth £5000.

Point taken.

My feeling was more if someone wants to get their hands on something they're going to get it (think drugs or cigarrettes for example for example).

That is all.



22-Oct-2009, 04:15 PM
Point taken.

My feeling was more if someone wants to get their hands on something they're going to get it (think drugs or cigarrettes for example for example).

That is all.



Oh, I totally agree with you. What happens about 50% of the time when you turn a kid away for being underage is they come back with a harassed-looking parent a couple of hours later who then buys the game/movie for them anyway.

I remember one time, I turned away a kid trying to buy Saints Row 2, and he gave me a load of abuse. Later he came back later with his mum who was really annoyed with me, until I pointed out the 18 rating and explained about how I could be fined for selling it to her son. Apparently, she hadn't noticed the 18 rating and her son conveniently hadn't mentioned it. She turned her rage towards her son instead, apologized to me, put the game back and dragged him out of the shop. Ahh... Satisfaction :D

22-Oct-2009, 04:52 PM
omg I would have paid to see that Krak :)

darth los
22-Oct-2009, 04:55 PM
omg I would have paid to see that Krak :)

Yes, i also derive great pleasure from wactching kids who try to dupe their parents get busted and then reprimanded. Takes them right out of that little "cool zone' that most teens swear they are in.

Till their parents come along and smack them silly. :lol:


22-Oct-2009, 05:08 PM
I once saw a mother give her nirvana hoody wearing mini-metaller daughter a right bollocking in the middle of camdem market because the girl was calling her mum embarassing - and basically just wanted to drag her around the shops whilst she bought stuff for her....

man we cracked up laughing...

darth los
22-Oct-2009, 05:18 PM
I once saw a mother give her nirvana hoody wearing mini-metaller daughter a right bollocking in the middle of camdem market because the girl was calling her mum embarassing - and basically just wanted to drag her around the shops whilst she bought stuff for her....

man we cracked up laughing...

That's exactly the pompous, self entitled behaviour I'm talking about. It's a big reason why western society is going to shit. But that's for a different thread.


22-Oct-2009, 05:42 PM
That's exactly the pompous, self entitled behaviour I'm talking about. It's a big reason why western society is going to shit.

you said it, brother.:|

22-Oct-2009, 05:59 PM
nothing a bit of physical abuse won't solve :D

darth los
22-Oct-2009, 07:50 PM
nothing a bit of physical abuse won't solve :D

Child protective services has made sure parents are nuetered so that's not an option.

But back on topic. I agree children shouldn't have access to these things. The rotting of our society is tied into it. They are exposed to far to much these days before it's time and well, the results speak for themselves.

I just don't want access restricted to responsible, law abiding adults in the effort to keep things from kids who, one way or another, are going to get their hands on it anyway.
