View Full Version : Why Aren't More Women Here?

21-Oct-2009, 05:02 PM
This is a great forum. Before becoming a member instead of a "lurker" for about a decade (I've been around HOTD since it was on the old Fozznet -- or was it Fuzznet? -- server, that's right, I'm freaking ancient), I often came on here and read but never really participated. I regret that, but since becoming active in the last six months I've really enjoyed participating here and getting to know you great, albeit equally insane as me, folks.

Something I wonder about though is the ratio between men and women who participate here. Other than about two or three great gals here, the rest of us are a bunch of guys. Why do you all think that is?

I guess that for most traditional gals the whole "living dead" ideology would turn them off. It doesn't have Hugh Grant and Sandra Bullock and it's certainly not a love story (sans "Shaun", though I might get a good butt-kickin' for saying that's why chics aren't into it). Yet, at the same time, Romero's original trilogy have some of the strongest female characters of any horror films (through the time period they were made especially) in Fran and Sarah. I would honestly think more gals would be into the insane and crazy stuff we are into here and participate with us more often.


21-Oct-2009, 05:38 PM
You seem like a nice guy so I thinks its best
you dont get introduced to HLS.

21-Oct-2009, 05:39 PM
Its pretty common amongst internet forums for the majority of members to male anyway.

21-Oct-2009, 05:41 PM
You seem like a nice guy so I thinks its best
you dont get introduced to HLS.


oh, my. that floored me.
best. post. EVER!

21-Oct-2009, 05:42 PM
without sounding like I'm generalising I'd say the ratio for girls enjoying the sight of someone's neck being torn off and their vocal chords expanding, resulting in a shrill scream, would put off a range of women from visiting here!

which is ironically the same reason I don't go on the Hannah Montana forums...

21-Oct-2009, 05:53 PM
Probably because all the guys on here look like this :D:


darth los
21-Oct-2009, 06:04 PM
Probably because all the guys on here look like this :D:



You seem like a nice guy so I thinks its best
you dont get introduced to HLS.

I kinda miss heidi and adreno. It was funny watching them go back and forth.

21-Oct-2009, 06:15 PM
You seem like a nice guy so I thinks its best
you dont get introduced to HLS.


21-Oct-2009, 06:17 PM
I kinda miss heidi and adreno. It was funny watching them go back and forth.

adreno is still around. he doesn't post or visit much anymore.

---------- Post added at 02:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:16 PM ----------



there's signature fodder all over this thread.

21-Oct-2009, 06:34 PM
You seem like a nice guy so I thinks its best
you dont get introduced to HLS.
Maybe I should lift the ban? I could do with a laugh. :D


21-Oct-2009, 06:45 PM
Most gals are into shopping, FB-ing, hanging out with their gal pals while those of us males are either married or at Uni, work and have other shit in our lives but always make time to come and chat, socialize, or whatever at HPotD.

Its a gender thing, not many gals into the living dead thing unless its Vampires and honestly do you want a board full of twilighters running around going EDWARD WOULD MAKE A GREAT ZOMBIE....to which my reply would be... Hunny, the fucker already IS a zombie, in the movies and real life.

darth los
21-Oct-2009, 07:01 PM
Maybe I should lift the ban? I could do with a laugh. :D

As could we all.

I wouldn't be opposed to it. What she did couldn't have been that bad. Was it?


21-Oct-2009, 07:13 PM
I'm a girl, look at my big milky breasts and lack of shoulder hair.

Chic Freak
21-Oct-2009, 11:07 PM
Other than about two or three great gals here, the rest of us are a bunch of guys. Why do you all think that is?

I think that in general (of course) men are more immediately attracted to films involving action, hunting and survival and women to films about human relationships. I like zombie films now, but Liam had to get me into them (when we were about 14) and my favourites are still the ones where the relationships between the characters are interesting.

22-Oct-2009, 12:27 AM
Andy's got a point. It does seem that most intranet forums these days are majorly of the male mindset. This seems to have been the case for around as long as forums have been around, unfortunately. Good question, difficult answer. I'll go with all of the above.

22-Oct-2009, 02:37 AM
Who is this HLS character?

Regardless, I can handle my own. After years of working in corporate finance, there isn't much that can come along to really challenge me... though I'd welcome a good chance at it. If I have to, I'll dip into my Budweiser and non-filtered Pall Mall cache, and be ready to let loose my thoughts...


22-Oct-2009, 02:42 AM
Why Aren't More Women Here?
'Cos me and Darth Los teabagged most of 'em, the spud bouncing word got out and, y'know...


Did I say that out loud? ;)

Who is this HLS character?
Here, let me press a button to summon...



22-Oct-2009, 02:51 AM
'Cos me and Darth Los teabagged most of 'em, the spud bouncing word got out and, y'know...


Did I say that out loud? ;)

Here, let me press a button to summon...



:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: inhales :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

that is fooking awesome.

you been hitting that special label jack this eve?

22-Oct-2009, 02:54 AM
you been hitting that special label jack this eve?
No, but I've had about 12 Nastro Azzuro, if that explains things. ;)

22-Oct-2009, 03:01 AM
This HLS thing must have happened before my time.

22-Oct-2009, 03:05 AM
This HLS thing must have happened before my time.

yep. classic lulz were had in these here parts of the interwebz.

22-Oct-2009, 05:28 AM
Here, let me press a button to summon...



How dare you besmirch the likeness of the big G in such a manor sir...them's fightin' words...;)

As to the original question...just look at us....


...I mean, really? :lol:

22-Oct-2009, 05:42 AM
You seem like a nice guy so I thinks its best
you dont get introduced to HLS.

Please never mention that name again!!!

22-Oct-2009, 06:24 AM
Are you sayin'. . . . . . . . ?

<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/9Wl_uQOABxg&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/9Wl_uQOABxg&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>

22-Oct-2009, 11:07 AM
Because we tell jokes like this:

Two guys sitting in a bar-
Guy 1: I could have any women in this room.
Guy 2: Really? What's your secret?
Guy 1: I'm a rapist!


(please don't ban me) :D

22-Oct-2009, 11:27 AM
Here's my one:

I was chatting up a girl in a club the other night....she said to me "I wouldn't have sex with you if you were the last man on earth"

I said "if I was the last man on earth, who's gonna stop me?"

22-Oct-2009, 11:33 AM
To kinda steal a quote Charlie from Land - "Just look at us, you can tell why there aren't more women here.":p

major jay
22-Oct-2009, 11:35 AM
If there were more women on this site I imagine they would be nagging us about how useless it is to be so interested in something as silly as zombie movies and how we should find something more constuctive to do with our free time. And they would be constantly crititizing our crude insensitive rude remarks to the point where a lot of us would just pack up and leave...Have I ever mentioned that I'm divorced?

22-Oct-2009, 12:02 PM
The road to sexism is very narrow and downhill!

22-Oct-2009, 12:51 PM
Please never mention that name again!!!

you got a beer goggle story you need to share?:lol:

let it out, you're among friends here.:evil:

22-Oct-2009, 02:27 PM
I think that in general (of course) men are more immediately attracted to films involving action, hunting and survival and women to films about human relationships.

There you go. Spot on.

(By the way, Fellas, a Real. Live. Female. gave us the best answer to the 'Sausage Party' question around here, and I'm the first one pointing that out, a page later?)

But, yeah, in general, George Romero's movies have done a damn good job bridging that gap between Visceral thrills and Emotional development.
That's why his films work so well, even with limited budgets.

Chic Freak
22-Oct-2009, 04:36 PM
But, yeah, in general, George Romero's movies have done a damn good job bridging that gap between Visceral thrills and Emotional development.
That's why his films work so well, even with limited budgets.


Look how popular Shaun of the Dead was with all genders- and no, not because Simon Pegg is cute, because there are plenty of films out there containing cute guys that most straight women nevertheless can't be arsed with!

Humour made a big difference, but the slightly soap opera-ish drama probably helped too, imo.

(For the record, I loved Shaun of the Dead but would rather eat a dirt sandwich than follow a soap, despite the best efforts of various female friends to get me "into" them!)

22-Oct-2009, 04:42 PM

Look how popular Shaun of the Dead was with all genders- and no, not because Simon Pegg is cute, because there are plenty of films out there containing cute guys that most straight women nevertheless can't be arsed with!

Humour made a big difference, but the slightly soap opera-ish drama probably helped too, imo.

That's it, innit? Take away the zombies and you have a pretty decent romantic comedy.


22-Oct-2009, 04:50 PM
I have to say, if my gf didn't like gore movies I'd have to move on..! hahaha

darth los
22-Oct-2009, 04:53 PM
'Cos me and Darth Los teabagged most of 'em, the spud bouncing word got out and, y'know...


Did I say that out loud? ;)

Here, let me press a button to summon...



There's more truth to that than they know cap!! :lol: :lol:

Does anyone remember when adreno posted that pic of heidi as a bear? :lol::lol:

To anyone who wasn't here in there HLS, ADRENO, DC BURNy days you missed some real funny shit.

Khardis was like the last gasp of the purge.


22-Oct-2009, 05:04 PM
HEIDI....I remember a person on the Robhalford board called Heidi and she got so badly banned that everytime you typed her name it came out as *****


22-Oct-2009, 05:14 PM
DC BURNy days you missed some real funny shit.

ugh. what a fucking asshole that dude was. then he returned as svengoolie and got permabanned. he was one of the worst people i've ever run across on the internet.

oh and for you newer guys, here's a choice bit of HLS, call it one of her greatest hits.

What really gives me gas, and I can not believe I am admitting this, is dried apricots. I ate a whole bag once before work and I was farting all day for hours. It was so embarrassing. I had enough gas to power a small city for a day. lol:eek:

22-Oct-2009, 05:20 PM
Ahh the HLS, a fine example of walmart shopping, tin foil hat wearing overweight trailer trash with stalker tendencies! She added me on myspace once but after a quick glance over her profile as well as reading her posts on here, deletion followed pretty quick :lol:

darth los
22-Oct-2009, 05:21 PM
ugh. what a fucking asshole that dude was. then he returned as svengoolie and got permabanned. he was one of the worst people i've ever run across on the internet.

Yeah, he almost got me banned when i first showed up. This is before i figured out that he was a trouble maker and he was just trying to stick it to Neil. I didn't want any part of that.

This was waaaaay back when we had the rep system. anyone remember that? Good riddance to it anyway. It was more trouble than it was worth.

He was funny as hell though. When the flame wasn't directed at you personally that is.


22-Oct-2009, 05:32 PM
HEIDI....I remember a person on the Robhalford board called Heidi and she got so badly banned that everytime you typed her name it came out as *****


That would be a hilarious addition to these boards... ADMINS - take notes!

---------- Post added at 05:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:31 PM ----------

Does anyone remember when adreno posted that pic of heidi as a bear? :lol::lol:

Damn it, I wish I remembered that! Hopefully someone has that pic saved somewhere...

22-Oct-2009, 05:35 PM
Ahh the HLS, a fine example of walmart shopping, tin foil hat wearing overweight trailer trash with stalker tendencies! She added me on myspace once but after a quick glance over her profile as well as reading her posts on here, deletion followed pretty quick :lol:


the story about cockroaches in her toilet paper was, uh, disturbing.

22-Oct-2009, 05:36 PM
OK can someone pls start a thread and dish the dirt on this one? It sounds hilarious...

I swear one day you'll all be saying this stuff about me. hahaha

22-Oct-2009, 05:40 PM
jesus, you guys are brutal....she was around when i first started posting here (after many years of lurking), but i never got to witness any of the finer moments that you're highlighting....

but holy shit, what the fuck would inspire someone to post that much info about getting gas?!?!?:eek: maybe i'm glad i don't recall any of that madness...

22-Oct-2009, 05:41 PM
OK can someone pls start a thread and dish the dirt on this one? It sounds hilarious...

I swear one day you'll all be saying this stuff about me. hahaha

Yeah, I recognise the names HLS and DCburny from when I was a lurker, but I missed all of this drama. So please do give us a warts and all, in-depth account! :D

triste realtà
23-Oct-2009, 03:49 AM
I forget how and don't know why I put it together but I think Svengoolie was Tanner Boyle (or whatever that kid's name from Bad News Bears is) at Sphere Wars and over there he was a little brash and all "I love the 70s" but he didn't cause any trouble whatsoever.

23-Oct-2009, 05:41 AM
There you go. Spot on.

(By the way, Fellas, a Real. Live. Female. gave us the best answer to the 'Sausage Party' question around here, and I'm the first one pointing that out, a page later?)


Sorry, we're too busy bring pithy.:lol:

Who is this HLS character?

To anyone who wasn't here in there HLS, ADRENO, DC BURNy days you missed some real funny shit.

Khardis was like the last gasp of the purge.

AAAHHH IT BURNS!!! Quit saying it or you'll call some of them back from the abyss!!!:evil::evil::evil:

Ah the good...ol'...days...???:barf: What a trip down memory lane this has become...:lol:

23-Oct-2009, 11:46 AM
I forget how and don't know why I put it together but I think Svengoolie was Tanner Boyle (or whatever that kid's name from Bad News Bears is) at Sphere Wars and over there he was a little brash and all "I love the 70s" but he didn't cause any trouble whatsoever.

Oh yeah, I remember TannerBoyle. He was okay over on Sphere Wars, never had any issues with him personally. Still want someone to dish the dirt though :D

By the way, triste realta, who were you on Sphere Wars? I'm sure I've asked you this before, but I forgot.

Do any of my fellow All Things Zombie refugees remember Wonka?

Chic Freak
23-Oct-2009, 04:37 PM
I have a feeling HLS was banned around the time I joined? Anyway, I remember the name Khardis, pretty sure we had a few run-ins.

23-Oct-2009, 07:03 PM
well...lets just say that on HLS messenger service MSN
her message next to her name reads.....

heidi: horny as hell...fuck

And I got a story like Richs but even better.
She sent me a request fo something, i dunno if it
was myspace or what ever, and I accepted it,
and she sent me a message saying "who are you again?"

And I said, its Paul, or Kortick, the one YOU sent the
request to. and she replied 'oh yeah ha ha ha I forget'

There are too many stories about her and some that
are definitely way beyond the level of decency.

Bless her.

darth los
23-Oct-2009, 07:49 PM
I forget how and don't know why I put it together but I think Svengoolie was Tanner Boyle (or whatever that kid's name from Bad News Bears is) at Sphere Wars and over there he was a little brash and all "I love the 70s" but he didn't cause any trouble whatsoever.

Those were definitely the same person. Either Kor or arcades would know better than i would though. I used to go to this other invite only site that he was on and he went by that name. However, my p.c. caught a virus and i lost the addy.

Oh, and I think the question should be what steps do we take in order to attract more women here.

Not for nothing but as chic demonstrated earlier having both gender's points of view on a given topic is vital. They're just going to see things we don't and vice versa.


Chic Freak
23-Oct-2009, 08:35 PM
Oh, and I think the question should be what steps do we take in order to attract more women here.

Not for nothing but as chic demonstrated earlier having both gender's points of view on a given topic is vital. They're just going to see things we don't and vice versa.

If you're referring to my men like action/ women like relationships theory, it's really just because I read a book by a m/f psychologist couple called Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps, and am generally interested in psychology, having studied it for 5 years, not because I'm a girl. I don't think it matters what the gender percentages are here as long as everyone likes it and feels comfortable (can't speak for the other ladies but I personally have never felt uncomfortable on here due to being female).

23-Oct-2009, 08:44 PM
You got to be cool! The womenfolk don't like desperate men, so make like we're all posting about something funny, amusing or impressive and when they see it, they will stick around. But till then you gotta stay chill if you want this sausage party to have some buns, man.


Now do we all own gold chains and aviator sunglasses? And don't forget to pop those collars!

24-Oct-2009, 12:50 AM
You got to be cool! The womenfolk don't like desperate men, so make like we're all posting about something funny, amusing or impressive and when they see it, they will stick around. But till then you gotta stay chill if you want this sausage party to have some buns, man.


Now do we all own gold chains and aviator sunglasses? And don't forget to pop those collars!

like this? http://www.jennsylvania.com/.a/6a00d83445510c53ef01156f47ab35970c-800wi:lol:

26-Oct-2009, 09:53 PM
JDFP - Your prayers are answered! I am HERE!!! ;)

You ASKED for a girl/woman who likes ZOMBIE movies as MUCH as you guys do - well here I AM !!!!!!! LOL I just joined today!

Haha! I couldn't resist! I just happened across your post about how come there aren't MORE woman on this site and read the replies as to theories about why they are turned off to the whole blood and guts theme, etc, etc...

Well, read my very first post - as I am NOT (turned off by it). I simply enjoy it - just like most of you guys do. I own just about every Zombie movie (and video game) ever made and love em all! :P

I am an excellent shot (on Zombie video games - I am almost through Veteran on RE5 without help from a "guide") have mastered RE4 about 50 times on pro and in a "Zombie Outbreak" I would probably be a "Leader" much like "Alice" in the movie "Resident Evil" (talk about a strong woman-type).
....if ya like that kind of thing in a woman..... hehe :P

So here I am - I am "LadyOfDarkness" :evil: muahahahahahahahaha!

26-Oct-2009, 10:33 PM
Anyway, I remember the name Khardis, pretty sure we had a few run-ins.

Khardis was an epic troll, theres people on here with varying opinions on stuff, one or two i dont agree with, one i very much disagree with, but we are all like "yeah, i can see where your coming from".

seen him on a few other sites and on some he's not as bad, on some worse.


27-Oct-2009, 12:09 AM
JDFP - Your prayers are answered! I am HERE!!! ;)

You ASKED for a girl/woman who likes ZOMBIE movies as MUCH as you guys do - well here I AM !!!!!!! LOL I just joined today!

Haha! I couldn't resist! I just happened across your post about how come there aren't MORE woman on this site and read the replies as to theories about why they are turned off to the whole blood and guts theme, etc, etc...

Well, read my very first post - as I am NOT (turned off by it). I simply enjoy it - just like most of you guys do. I own just about every Zombie movie (and video game) ever made and love em all! :P

I am an excellent shot (on Zombie video games - I am almost through Veteran on RE5 without help from a "guide") have mastered RE4 about 50 times on pro and in a "Zombie Outbreak" I would probably be a "Leader" much like "Alice" in the movie "Resident Evil" (talk about a strong woman-type).
....if ya like that kind of thing in a woman..... hehe :P

So here I am - I am "LadyOfDarkness" :evil: muahahahahahahahaha!

Guys, behave yourselves, it looks like we have a gal in our midst...

Wow, and she seems intelligent and thoughtful too, I'm impressed... :cool:

As far as being evil, Lady, if I wanted evil in my life I'd just date again -- after dating my ex fiancee, I was beginning to think that a zombie apocalypse might have actually been an upgrade to dealing with her insanity. :annoyed:


27-Oct-2009, 09:53 PM
Well, there you have it. No offense but you guys said you wanted "more women" here - then you seem alittle afraid of us. hehe

And no I'm not "evil" or "insane". I'm actually quite "nice" really. :)

'Don't let the name fool (or scare) you' :kiss:
LadyOfDarkness ;)

28-Oct-2009, 02:13 PM
Oh man...a gurl...and She's lookin' this way, guys...

What d'we do, now, guys?!?


28-Oct-2009, 05:21 PM
I'd say you guys better run! But not too fast......you DO want us (women - not zombies) to catch you - don't you? hehehehehehehehehehhe :p

Oh, and thanks for the intellegence comment JP! :)


darth los
28-Oct-2009, 05:58 PM
If you're referring to my men like action/ women like relationships theory, it's really just because I read a book by a m/f psychologist couple called Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps, and am generally interested in psychology, having studied it for 5 years, not because I'm a girl.

No i wasn't but That sounds like something that should be in my sig. :lol:

I see your point but i don't think it has anything to do with a psycological backround. What i was trying to say was a woman necessarily influences a debate simply because she's a woman and the life expriences she has had that are, again, going to necessarily differ from a man's. There are very few universal truths in life but one of them is that we are all the sum of our life experiences. With that comes a different perspective on things.

Take the supreme court for example. For years we had men dictating the legilative course of critical social issues in this country, some of which affect women exclusively. (abortion) They can never know what's it's like to have a life growing inside them and the gut wrenching decision it must be to terminate it. Don't you think a woman's voice is vital in a settling an issue like that?

Granted, what we do here is no where near as serious but it's like having both sides of the story. And both sides of the story are needed in order to get to the truth. Because, again, there's my story, your story and then there's what really happened.


28-Oct-2009, 09:20 PM
Hah, what a nostalgiatrip this thread was. HLS, Adreno, the rep system... Whatever happened to that, by the way?

Anyway, I hate Khardis. Really much. I didn't mind Sven, but Khardis I hated. And I think they hated each other, too.

28-Oct-2009, 10:43 PM
I'd say you guys better run! But not too fast......you DO want us (women - not zombies) to catch you - don't you? hehehehehehehehehehhe :p


"Oh gorh...hyuck hycuk...nope nope nope nope, I'm not gonna do it ma, ya can't make me, nope nope nope nope!!!!":o:lol::p

29-Oct-2009, 12:09 AM

"Oh gorh...hyuck hycuk...nope nope nope nope, I'm not gonna do it ma, ya can't make me, nope nope nope nope!!!!":o:lol::p

Now, I can't see the pic from work. . . but I'm guessing. . . the buzzard from Loony Tunes?

29-Oct-2009, 12:24 AM
Now, I can't see the pic from work. . . but I'm guessing. . . the buzzard from Loony Tunes?


29-Oct-2009, 04:27 AM
Ah Khardis, he did get upset when I
told him he was toilet trained at gunpoint once
when he aggravated me, but its not his fault.

Id probably do the same thing to him if he
was my kid.

And yes Sven and DC were the same person
and Tanner, some odd fetish with Bad News Bears
going on there. I got along with him but others did not.

Last adventure had something to do with Bongholio
that filthy bag of shit that hacked my acct, of which
Kaos informed me he did it but didnt give me all the
details. I still want Bongs head on a pole for that.

And god the fights between HLS and Andreno were
classic. I used to die laughing reading the stuff they
posted to each other.

Oh and we used to have a Debbie Angel chat mod
here too but she fell into some pit i guess.

I think the 'all female members must post topless pics
of themselves' that Andy insisted on discourages some
women, yet encourages others.

hope that helps.

29-Oct-2009, 05:22 AM

Hee Hee. I was right. Didn't his mother have an old country Italian accent?

29-Oct-2009, 05:40 AM
Hee Hee. I was right. Didn't his mother have an old country Italian accent?

Listen for yourself...;)

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/IyhsJuU-Pgc&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/IyhsJuU-Pgc&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


29-Oct-2009, 11:14 AM
Well, there you have it. No offense but you guys said you wanted "more women" here - then you seem alittle afraid of us. hehe

And no I'm not "evil" or "insane". I'm actually quite "nice" really. :)

'Don't let the name fool (or scare) you' :kiss:
LadyOfDarkness ;)

Afraid? Hell, they all ran off to the cologne and condom store hoping to score. Give it a few once word gets out you'd think the worlds largest gang bang was about to start.

Oh man...a gurl...and She's lookin' this way, guys...

What d'we do, now, guys?!?


You talk to her. And none of that Star Wars BS either. You go up and engage her conversation, they seem to like that. A peculiar species but one worth studying and prying for information.

29-Oct-2009, 07:58 PM
First of all MoonSylver and clanglee - you guys really DO crack me up!!! :D

You "feed" off eachother (get it?) hehehehehehehehe! :lol:

I LOVED your buzzard cartoon video Moon! I remember that video when I was a kid! (and the Italian mother's voice too!) Hey, I'm orig from NJ - so lots of Italians there! hehe :p And I am also finding out that there are alot of people my age on this site too - cool! :D

And lastly Djfunk, what can I say other then......................... (Note to self: build concrete brick tower, zombie-proof and MEN-proof with an intercom incase I wish to communicate with "them" and a door at the bottom that ONLY opens with the secret passcode safely hidden on self).


BTW Dj - I like your pic of the "flashing banana" - how cute! :lol:

OH - and get this - I also LIKE "STAR WARS" (I have the entire collection on DVD) .....as well as (brace yourself geeks out there)......I'm a "Trekie"...but ONLY the original series.

I know I threw alot at you guys....don't pass out on me now......hehe :p


29-Oct-2009, 10:35 PM
First of all MoonSylver and clanglee - you guys really DO crack me up!!! :D

You "feed" off eachother (get it?) hehehehehehehehe! :lol:


I think me n' Clangers were separated at birth...:eek::p

I LOVED your buzzard cartoon video Moon! I remember that video when I was a kid! (and the Italian mother's voice too!)

Can't go wrong w/ the classics.;)

OH - and get this - I also LIKE "STAR WARS" (I have the entire collection on DVD) .....as well as (brace yourself geeks out there)......I'm a "Trekie"...but ONLY the original series.

Yep, you'll fit right in here. :D


"One of us!!! One of us!!!";)

29-Oct-2009, 10:53 PM
Cool Moon! HYSTERICAL photo too!!! :lol:

I love a guy with a sense of humor! ;)

Hey when is JD gonna reply to his own POST? Is he still "ALIVE" or what?? :stunned:


30-Oct-2009, 01:30 AM
Cool Moon! HYSTERICAL photo too!!! :lol:

Comes from the Todd Browning (director of the 1931 Lugosi "Dracula") movie "Freaks". The quote to go with is in reference to the movies quite chilling ending. If you've never seen it check it out. All of the titular Freaks were portrayed by actual circus sideshow folk. Back in the day it had audiences flipping out. For an older movie, it's quite a little slice of disturbing.



30-Oct-2009, 02:48 AM
Gooba Gabba Gooba Gabba

30-Oct-2009, 03:23 AM
Oh man...a gurl...and She's lookin' this way, guys...

What d'we do, now, guys?!?


That reminds me of this joke from Mad Magazine ( back in the stone age when it was relevant, way before it became a TV Show (suxs)

The first panel shows a party in a school gym with all the guys at one end and the girls at the other. Most are talking about how they wished they had the nerve to approach a real girl.

The next panel has a brave lad saying "I'll show you guys how it's done. "

He goes up to this cutie and says "Hi, my name's Mark. " and she's going "Hey, I'm Julie. " when suddenly all the other boys get brave, push him aside and start making all kinds of small talk with her.

Mark, now off to one side, hears some other fella comment on how rude everyone was. How they only moved in when he broke the ice for them. Mark replies. "Thank God they did. I never know what to say after 'Hi, My name's Mark. "

Ok, probably loses something in the translation.
Still, I remember more than a few moments just like that in my youth.

Oh, and before I forget my manners. "Lady. Greetings and Salutations. Grab a chair and stay awhile. "

Wayne Z

30-Oct-2009, 03:07 PM
OH - and get this - I also LIKE "STAR WARS" (I have the entire collection on DVD) .....as well as (brace yourself geeks out there)......I'm a "Trekie"...but ONLY the original series.

I know I threw alot at you guys....don't pass out on me now......hehe :p


She likes zombies, "Star Wars", and "Star Trek"... and she's cool... wow, all I have to say is...




30-Oct-2009, 10:13 PM
oh, ummmm, nevermind.

30-Oct-2009, 10:22 PM
okay, i'll be the first non-gentleman to step up and make you feel unwelcome and say that this shit is getting out of hand.

go start another thread titled something like "the never-ending online flirting session" or post about something relevant.


30-Oct-2009, 10:38 PM
you get your wish........................ I'm gone

30-Oct-2009, 10:53 PM
okay, i'll be the first non-gentleman to step up and make you feel unwelcome and say that this shit is getting out of hand.

go start another thread titled something like "the never-ending online flirting session" or post about something relevant.


That was harsh man. Uncalled for.

30-Oct-2009, 11:14 PM
That was harsh man. Uncalled for.

I Agree, completely uncalled for and i am ending this topic before it degenerates further.