View Full Version : History of Resident Evil

darth los
21-Oct-2009, 05:58 PM
Although it's a very lengthy read it is comprehensive and a sploodgefest for anyone who loves these games.



21-Oct-2009, 09:19 PM
God I'll never forget the first time I played Resident Evil 2 in demo form it got me into zombie movies the first one I found was Night of the Living Dead which was lucky.
Then came Resident Evil 3 with Nemesis constantly in pursuit, the remake was really impressive in the trailers that came with mags and come it's september release in the UK it was awesome to play thanks to the art and audio contributing to a forbading atmosphere. Resident Evil 4 on the very first playthrough was a nightmare in that I was just trying to survive.
Maybe Resident Evil 6 will return to horror.

21-Oct-2009, 09:22 PM
God I'll never forget the first time I played Resident Evil 2 in demo form it got me into zombie movies.
Yeah, you had a few minutes to mess about in the demo. I remember me and my pal were zooming through each area just to see how far we could get and whether or not we could snag a glimpse of a new room. Furthest I got was RCPD library.

21-Oct-2009, 11:58 PM
wierd you post this as ive been ill with the flu for the past week and a half and gotten on a big biohazard kick again (another watch of the blu-ray and i still like degeneration, so frigg y'all!:lol:) im trying to play 2, i got a mint condition copy for 20 quid last year but on my massive hd bastard it looks like its made of lego...

that said i found this and it is currently my quest: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biohazard_Sound_Chronicle

darth los
22-Oct-2009, 03:15 PM
wierd you post this as ive been ill with the flu for the past week and a half and gotten on a big biohazard kick again (another watch of the blu-ray and i still like degeneration, so frigg y'all!:lol:) im trying to play 2, i got a mint condition copy for 20 quid last year but on my massive hd bastard it looks like its made of lego...

that said i found this and it is currently my quest: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biohazard_Sound_Chronicle

For me, playing those games are like coming home. I just never get tired of it. RE 2 is the best game overall, imo, overlooking the graphics of course. (Man if they ever remade that, look out !!)

It puts RE 5 to shame. After that debacle i 've got to think that the brain trust over at capcom have to be rethinking the direction the franchise is taking.


22-Oct-2009, 06:01 PM
Somehow the story on Resident Evil led to me YouTube'ing videos of Twisted Metal for PSX for the past 40 minutes.

darth los
22-Oct-2009, 06:06 PM
Somehow the story on Resident Evil led to me YouTube'ing videos of Twisted Metal for PSX for the past 40 minutes.

Ah, gotta be wary of those nefarious cross links ! :evil:


22-Oct-2009, 06:06 PM
ever see that dana carvey standup bit where he's talking about youtube and how you'll end up watching videos of cats for like 2 hours before you even realize what you're doing?:lol:

on topic, though, i could give a rat's ass about RE anymore. that shit is beyond a joke these days, imo. stupid action-horror shit now, thanks to those fucking movies....:annoyed:

but the first RE (and the remake), RE2, and RE3 are fucking golden. :cool:

22-Oct-2009, 06:12 PM
It puts RE 5 to shame. After that debacle i 've got to think that the brain trust over at capcom have to be rethinking the direction the franchise is taking.


Actually capcom said a while back the resident evil 6 is going to be a sequel in the final fantasy vein, same title, but different world and different enemies, with some new evil replacing the current one, which honestly im all for.

darth los
22-Oct-2009, 07:47 PM
but the first RE (and the remake), RE2, and RE3 are fucking golden. :cool:

They could kiss off with new games. What would really do it for me is if they would remake those games. No matter what they come with in the future it's not going to come close to those titles anyway.

Actually capcom said a while back the resident evil 6 is going to be a sequel in the final fantasy vein, same title, but different world and different enemies, with some new evil replacing the current one, which honestly im all for.

I'm all for that. What boggles my mind is how the hell can capcom release a game that was virtual perfection (RE 4) And then follow it up with virtual crap (RE5)? The series has become unrecognizable anyway so why not?


14-Nov-2009, 07:21 AM
Although I'm definitely down with them remaking the old ones in the style of play they have now, I have liked all they've made so far, including RE5.
I would like to see them get back to zombies, but I'm enjoying 5 well enough. Not as much without zombies, but I'll live.
I would like to see movies that were more in line with the games and what was happening there. I have no idea about the books, and always wondered who the heck Alice was in the movies. And why.
I thought Resident Evil: Degeneration was pretty kickass. Make movies like that, and I'd go see them. Make them 3D even.
These games kept my love alive for the long stretch we had between zombie movies for awhile.
Now let's bring it home.

14-Nov-2009, 07:44 AM
anderson, jovovich, and the resident evil movies are the worst thing to happen to the franchise. ever. fuck those stupid movies.

it would be nice to have a great remake of re2, as me and darth have said dozens of times.

14-Nov-2009, 08:09 AM
anderson, jovovich, and the resident evil movies are the worst thing to happen to the franchise. ever. fuck those stupid movies.

it would be nice to have a great remake of re2, as me and darth have said dozens of times.
In total agreement there with RE2.
The movies served their purpose as far as nice zombie action, though I was hoping it'd die with this one. Now they want to do RE Afterlife, in 3D no less? Just don't let me have to see Jovavich's nipples popping out of the screen at me in this one.
I wanted someone else to take a stab at it. Do it right.
Redo the games while we're waiting. They know we'll buy it. I will at least.

darth los
16-Nov-2009, 02:37 PM
Just don't let me have to see Jovavich's nipples popping out of the screen at me in this one.

I guess that means more for the rest of us. There are plenty of things wrong with the movies but, imho, mila's looks aren't one of them.
