View Full Version : Star Trek 2: Rumour Round-up

darth los
21-Oct-2009, 08:52 PM


22-Oct-2009, 01:30 AM
They better have William Shatner in it.

Captain Kirk is my hero, I think Chris Pine did a good job of "young Kirk" but there will only be one James Tiberius Kirk, and that's William frakkin' Shatner.

I'd love to see the old man sail off into the sunset with Nimoy, the heroic ending they so valiantly deserve.

Furthermore, Shatner has proved his chops, he deserves the right to send away his finest role off with grace.


22-Oct-2009, 11:30 AM
I doubt they'll have Shatner in it. Nimoy was in the first as a way to link the new series to the original. To bring back any members of the older cast now that the new cast has been established(and quite well, I might add) would just seem silly. We've got a new crew, let's move on.

I'm not a big fan of Trek as I don't really know all the episodes, but I've seen all the films and there are some great ones in there. And this new Trek was easily one of the best. Just a kick ass ride from start to finish. Can't wait to get it on Blu Ray in November.

Anybody else remember the episode of Spaced where Simon Pegg's character says that every odd numbered Star Trek is shit? Guess which number film he was in.:p

24-Oct-2009, 05:15 PM
I love all things Star Trek. And yeah, this new film was great. But it wasn't really Star Trek... It was more of an "Average Sci-Fi action film". Too much action, for my taste. Star Trek was never, ever about the action. It was about the adventure, and tough situations. And the new film lacked in that department big time. Still a great flick, but it doesn't feel like Star Trek to me.

By the way, William Shatner can't be in it, because Captain Kirk died in Generations. Hellooo?

26-Oct-2009, 01:22 PM
Shatner has found the perfect fit for himself, late in life, as a punchline for commercials and such. That's where the Shat belongs nowadays.

26-Oct-2009, 03:46 PM
They better have William Shatner in it.

Captain Kirk is my hero, I think Chris Pine did a good job of "young Kirk" but there will only be one James Tiberius Kirk, and that's William frakkin' Shatner.

I'd love to see the old man sail off into the sunset with Nimoy, the heroic ending they so valiantly deserve.

Furthermore, Shatner has proved his chops, he deserves the right to send away his finest role off with grace.



darth los
26-Oct-2009, 04:20 PM
Shatner has found the perfect fit for himself, late in life, as a punchline for commercials and such. That's where the Shat belongs nowadays.

He has carved out a little niche' for himself , huh? :lol:

26-Oct-2009, 05:04 PM
Shatner is becoming a much-too-long running joke like Chuck Norris, imho.

26-Oct-2009, 05:30 PM
By the way, William Shatner can't be in it, because Captain Kirk died in Generations. Hellooo?

This is an alternate universe because of the actions of time-travel in the last movie, meaning it no longer has to follow the old "primeline" timeline -- making Shatner's death in a different parallel universe and not valid to not being able to bring The Shat back again. Besides, killing off a main character never stopped them from somehow being brought back (Spock anyone?)

Gotta love time travel...


26-Oct-2009, 06:03 PM
Let's compromise.

Shatner stays out of the new series of films, but his hairpiece can make a short guest appearance as a tribble.

26-Oct-2009, 06:31 PM
Here's a observation:

Since it's accepted in the "new" universe that Spock's arrival has changed the timeline, what other sort of changes will be wrought by his knowledge?

Spock already proven that he's willing to pass along future technology - Hell, he gave Scotty the 'secret' to Transporting things in motion - would tha mean he'll also pass along advancements like the Holodeck?

And what about future threats to the Federation? "Watch out for the Dominion, the Cardassians, Species 7734, and don't get me started on the Borg or the Q Continuum."

I can picture the beginning of Star Trek 2 being the Enterprise vaporizing the Botany Bay...

"Well, THAT won't be a problem, now...what's next on the list, Spock Prime?"

26-Oct-2009, 09:39 PM
They can "bring back" anyone they want, just because. The fac that SPock's around after Vulcan is destroyed is proof of that.

1. No Vulcan, no T'Pring. No T'Pring, and Spock croaks from the pon farr at the start of the second season of the original series.

2. No Vulcan, no T'Pau. No T'Pau, no placing Spock's katra into his new Genesis-born body. Spock can not exist anymore, other than in "Possessed McCoy" form.

Since they ignore these things and simply have Spock roll on like nothing happened, they can easily say, "Nexus? Soren? What are those? Kirk lives!"

27-Oct-2009, 06:51 AM
I liked the new movie ok. I'd even be happy with another one, but let's leave Kirk out. Let's move on, and not make it hokey. I'd like to see them re-meet up with Khan. But if they did, they better get someone as kickass as Montalban. And I would kind of like to lose the romance between Spock and Ohura because it just seems wierd.
But then again, I'm a Star Wars guy...

27-Oct-2009, 01:07 PM
i really wish trek would jettison the TOS/TNG/VOY, etc. era entirely. move forward like 1,500 years into the future and show what the federation is like at that time. it'd be something new and different. you could avoid all the fanboy griping about timelines by moving trek to a point in time that hasn't been beaten like a dead le-matya.

28-Oct-2009, 09:08 PM
i really wish trek would jettison the TOS/TNG/VOY, etc. era entirely. move forward like 1,500 years into the future and show what the federation is like at that time. it'd be something new and different. you could avoid all the fanboy griping about timelines by moving trek to a point in time that hasn't been beaten like a dead le-matya.

I don't know, wouldn't be too interested in that really. What would be nice is if they made a show that's set 100 years after Voyager/DS9/TNG, just like those shows are set 100 years after TOS.

28-Oct-2009, 09:18 PM
i really wish trek would jettison the TOS/TNG/VOY, etc. era entirely. move forward like 1,500 years into the future and show what the federation is like at that time. it'd be something new and different. you could avoid all the fanboy griping about timelines by moving trek to a point in time that hasn't been beaten like a dead le-matya.

There wouldn't be a federation, as they would be destroyed by something along the way. I personally find Star Trek revolting though, so maybe I am biased.

Except for that New Enterprise series. Chastise me if you will, but I've had more than enough of this "reverse this inverse tachyon beam, and it will cause an influx of trans phasic power into the superconducting power cells in the target ships warp drive, causing it to malfunction, and suck it into a black hole on the other side of the galaxy. How convenient we thought of that right at the last moment". And c'mon, they actually had a dedicated marine detachment on board to counter any threats! All you ever saw in the other series was some doofus hairdo with a scan gun getting cut to pieces by Klingon children.