View Full Version : Angry Videogame Nerd: Castlevania Retrospective

22-Oct-2009, 04:28 PM
A 3 part look back at the NES and SNES iterations of the franchise, part II went up last night and part III will be up sometime around Halloween, enjoy:

Part I - Castlevania (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/angry-video-screwattack/57393)

Part II - Simon's Quest and Dracula's Curse (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/angry-video-screwattack/57923)

darth los
22-Oct-2009, 04:38 PM
As usual he didn't disapoint. That guy's rants are funny as hell dude. :lol:


22-Oct-2009, 05:41 PM
god i fucking love me some castlevania, currently playing the dracula x chronicles on the psp and its hard as balls.

-the one thing i didnt dig about sahdow complex was the grand total of 14 enemies, compared to the hundreds in the castlevania games.

22-Oct-2009, 06:03 PM
i was a horror film junkie as a kid, and castlevania (the original) was probably one of my favorite NES games...but damn, it was hard as a barrel of woodpecker lips to beat.

i always dug the atmosphere and scenery in castlevania 2, but never had time (or the attention span/patience) to beat the game without using passwords.

and i may have beat castlevania 3 once, but that game was brutal as hell, too.

i'm pretty sure he won't have much negative to say about symphony of the night, since that's one of the greatest games of all time...

speaking of castlevania, anyone else interested in the new game coming out next year?

EDIT: oh yeah, 1600 posts, mofo!

22-Oct-2009, 06:08 PM


its made by the guys who did jericho. yeah.

if you know about that piece of shit youll understand:|

22-Oct-2009, 06:11 PM
not familiar with that game...trailer looked kinda cool, but maybe a bit over-the-top, as far as 150ft bosses that you can take down with a few dozen cracks of the whip go...

i'll give the demo a shot, at least, and keep my eyes peeled for reviews...

22-Oct-2009, 08:48 PM
I'm liking the trailers for the newest Castlevania, isn't Hideo Kojima or his team somehow associated with it?

I suppose what I want more than anything is an XBLA/PSN sequel to Symphony of the Night, hand drawn 2D sprites and all. While the DS versions are nice, an HD Metroidvania would be amazing.

05-Nov-2009, 04:27 AM
Part III just went up:

05-Nov-2009, 04:59 AM
thanks for posting that, was meaning to run that down.

funny hearing him give such a glowing review of a game. but he's right, super castlevania 4 was the shit.

the end said to be concluded, so i'm guessing a part 4 is due soon? wonder if he's got a review for symphony of the night? would be interesting to hear his thoughts on that one.

05-Nov-2009, 01:47 PM
Anyone besides myself ever beat the N64 version?

05-Nov-2009, 02:07 PM
Anyone besides myself ever beat the N64 version?

i think it gets bad press, its still pretty shitty, but not simons quest shitty.

05-Nov-2009, 03:37 PM
I remember buying the N64 version the day it came out, even with the mediocre reviews. I enjoyed it and it was actually a lot better than I expected, but seeing as 90% of N64's library has aged horribly I doubt I'll muster up the courage to play it again.

05-Nov-2009, 09:09 PM
Simon's Quest is one of my most loathed games of all time!!! It was so frustratingly hard, yet I continued to attempt to get anywhere in the game for years upon years.

05-Nov-2009, 10:03 PM
Simon was the 1st Castlevania game I played and owned. And yes, i did beat it. But shit, I had to wait, until Nintendo Power informed us about the red crystal at the cliff.

05-Nov-2009, 10:08 PM
Simon was the 1st Castlevania game I played and owned. And yes, i did beat it. But shit, I had to wait, until Nintendo Power informed us about the red crystal at the cliff.

first one i really got into was the gba ones, got sotn on xbla and loved it, that, shadow complex and super metroid are hands down the best 2d adventure games out there.

06-Nov-2009, 12:07 AM
i'm tellin ya, i was there from the first castlevania, and that's always gonna be my fave. i'd buy that shit in a heartbeat if it was a 5 dollar XBLA title. heard it's available on the wii, but i don't own one of those. symphony of the night, super castlevania 4, and castlevania 3 are also some of my fave old school games.

i never even knew there was an castlevania n64 title, by that point i'd already jumped on the playstation bandwagon thanks to a little game called resident evil.

as a matter of fact, the first time i even heard about a castlevania on the n64 was less than a month ago, cuz the chick i was dating at the time had the system and a few games. i played it for about 10 minutes and wasn't impressed.

19-Nov-2009, 06:32 AM
Part IV:

19-Nov-2009, 02:54 PM
man, that was a great retrospective. castlevania is probably my all-time favorite video games series...haven't played many of the recent titles, but the first 3 on NES, the SNES one, and symphony of the night are all classics to me.

they really don't make 'em like that any more. i really wish they'd port the NES ones over to XBLA....i'd buy that shit in a heartbeat.

darth los
19-Nov-2009, 03:12 PM
they really don't make 'em like that any more. i really wish they'd port the NES ones over to XBLA....i'd buy that shit in a heartbeat.

As long s Nintendo is still a semi functioning entity i highly doubt it. :(

It sucks that business gets in the way of what the fans really want. It's sort of like Boxing where the superfight everyone wants to see never gets made because of internal boxing poilics.


19-Sep-2010, 02:53 AM
when i got my wii, the castlevania games were a must-have for my system. so far, i've beat the original and the SNES super castlevania 4. working on c3 but haven't bothered much wtih c2 yet. also have rondo of blood to play once i get the time.

god, what great series...not too sure what to expect from the new one, but i think i may end up getting it (once the price drops, of course. 60 bucks is too expensive for any game, if you ask me.)

21-Sep-2010, 07:28 AM
well, the search feature is still fucked. wasn't sure if there's a thread about the upcoming castlevania game, so i figured i'd put this here:

i was pretty pumped about this game at first, given that the original games up to symphony hold a special place in my gaming heart, but the more that's been released about this game, the less interest i have....and this trailer officially killed my desire to play this. it's in japanese, but subtitled:


anyway, as i said, this seemed promising, but there's just so much going on in this that's NOT the castlevania that i know and love...while change can be a good thing at times, this is looking pretty corny. i wonder why they are even going ahead and calling it castlevania, cuz from what i heard, this started off as something else and they just slapped the name on there to get people like me interested. but gargantuan eagles that talk to you like the dog from never-ending story, dancing chubracapas, semi-normal dudes carrying axes the size of trees around, etc...aren't quite what i think of when i recall how great the earlier games were.

fuck this game, i'm done following it. this is going down with all the terminator sequels, all the RE games after raccoon city, and so many other needless sequels as something non-cannon that will never fit in with the originals in my book.

21-Sep-2010, 05:06 PM
Eh, looks good to me. This might actually be the first 3D Castlevania game worth buying. I just hope with Kojima mixed in with the production there won't be more cutscenes than gameplay.

Sure, you don't play as Alucard or Belmont, but after a dozen or more 2D games over the past 20 years, you'd think people would want some fresh ideas.

29-Nov-2010, 05:44 AM
well, after being thoroughly let down by CoD:BO, i got crafty and worked a couple of loopholes and managed to get a new copy of this new castlevania game. so far, i'm quite liking what i've played so far and look forward to enjoying this title.

definitely not the traditional castlevania game, but a great and epic adventure with whips, demons, monsters and amazing levels, so it's on the right track.

30-Nov-2010, 02:08 AM
Glad your enjoying it Prof, keep the impressions coming!

30-Nov-2010, 02:29 AM
so far, i'm only on chapter 2, but each chapter has a handful (or more) of levels. each level has secrets and collectibles, some of which can't be reached till you gain new abilities later on.

the combat is intense, you've gotta do lots of counters, dodges, and mix the attacks up to inflict major damage. xp points can buy you more combos and moves, which is an awesome feature. some of the attacks are very impressive looking.

as far as the graphics, they're pretty neat. little nitpicky things can be found, but overall, it's a great-looking game. loads of action, some puzzles, platforming, and a huge boss fight so far on just the first level.

very impressed. doesn't really gel with the older games, but this is probably what the developers would have done if the technology had been available. the origin of this character and the timeframe could even make this a prequel of sorts to the later games, not just a reboot. still, it feels very removed from the traditional castlevania universe.

i played the demo at first but didn't give it much of a chance and wasn't terribly impressed, but i was probably not giving it enough time, as this game has really grown on me. when i made the mistake of picking up CoD:BO, this was right next to it and i thought, "that'd probably be a safer bet (at a better price) than killstreakzzofduty 7!!!1." turns out i was right.

C:LoS is on sale at most places for about 40 bucks right now, as far as i know.

25-Feb-2011, 08:54 AM
well, for those interested, the DLC for lords of shadow due out this month has been delayed. was trying to hurry up and finally finish the story (damn you, addictive CoD mp!) so i could be ready for the DLC, but it looks like i've got a bit more time. currently on chapter 10, plan to finish the main story this weekend.