View Full Version : Autographs

27-Oct-2009, 06:23 PM
Anyone collect them? Is it nerdy, trendy, whatever? What are your thoughts on the subject?

Followup question to follow.

27-Oct-2009, 06:29 PM
It's a bit geeky and I don't really see the point in it.

That said, I coughted up ten bucks yesterday to buy a glossy photo and have Ken Foree sign it, so what ya gunna do? :rolleyes:

27-Oct-2009, 06:58 PM
i have a few..........

27-Oct-2009, 06:58 PM
nope. don't collect them nor am i remotely interested in beginning to.

getting autographs at a convention is one thing but the folks who actively pursue people in public for autographs are creepy. i think they are seeking a personal connection that doesn't exist.

reminds me of that filter song:
"I don't believe in your sanctity; your privacy
I don't believe in
I don't believe in sanctity or hypocrisy
Can everyone agree that no one should be left alone.

could you wanna take my picture? cause i won't remember."

and they don't remember.

27-Oct-2009, 07:01 PM
I have a few. Not much of a collector really.

Let's see. I have...

- All Four Ghostbusters actors/writers, director Ivan Reitman, Sigourney Weaver, Casey Kasem, Rick Moranis, Larry King

- Michael Keaton as Batman

- Arnold Swarzenneger as Dutch in Predator

- Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer in Top Gun

- Will Smith and Martin Lawrence in Bad Boys

- Michael Keaton as Beetlejuice

- Brad Pitt and Edward Norton in Fight Club

I thinks that about it. I may be missing one or two as i'm not home at the moment.

Other than the GB autographs, I don't really collect them. I just kinda stumbled across the rest and thought they would go nice in my game/music room. Sadly....no dead related autographs.:(

27-Oct-2009, 07:25 PM
I've got an autographed photo of Gunnar Hansen on my wall, which I won in a competition.

Otherwise I've got a couple of books that are signed - e.g. one written about George Romero that I won here at HPOTD, and Reign of the Dead signed by Len Barnhart (the author), way back when I hosted a competition on my first (now defunct) website.

Don't go in for the whole autograph thing, I've never been one for it, I'd feel kinda goofy asking for it. I'd only seek one if I knew I was, for instance, going to be interviewing someone and I had their DVD or whatever, just to say "hey, neat".

Otherwise, not fussed by the autograph thing, especially when it's a signature that you can't understand, or which isn't much cop - like Kevin Smith's autography. It's a K and S with essentially a wobbly straight line after each letter. :p

27-Oct-2009, 07:30 PM
Got Savini's, a bunch of Doctor Who sigs, a few music artists... but I'm not a collector in any way.

27-Oct-2009, 07:35 PM
All that I've got is a Day of the Dead Poster signed by George, and my Dawn Ultimate ed. DVD set is signed by him. Nothing else.

27-Oct-2009, 07:58 PM
Yeah, I had to get the pic of Sid Haig in his Drago get-up from Jason of Star Command autographed. I'm too much of an obscure pop-culture junkie not to.

Gary Klahr gave me one as well. I had bought a copy of Day off of him, and we couldn't find a good place for him to sign it...

They're both hanging by my desk at work.

27-Oct-2009, 10:36 PM
I had a bunch of autographs
from horror stars to comic book
artists and writers from all the
conventions i used to do.

I have a David Bowie autograph from a while ago
when i was in Montreal, but the only
2 I care about is my Ozzy sig from 1983
and my Tony Iommi guitar pick he initialed.

Sabbath baby.

27-Oct-2009, 10:45 PM
Oops, almost forgot, my sis bought me a photo signed by Savini.

27-Oct-2009, 10:54 PM
Anyone collect them? Is it nerdy, trendy, whatever? What are your thoughts on the subject?

Followup question to follow.

Well, it does seem kind of nerdy to collect autographs, especially if you are a guy getting a guy's autograph. I usually try to get a picture of me and the person, and have them autograph that. Not sure if that cuts down on the nerd factor or enhances it, but that is what I do. I got quit a few horror/celebrity pictures of me and the person autographed, and a bunch of Nascar pics as well.

28-Oct-2009, 02:02 AM
Well, it does seem kind of nerdy to collect autographs, especially if you are a guy getting a guy's autograph.
As opposed to a guy getting some self-proclaimed "scream queen's" autograph? That's seems like desperation.

28-Oct-2009, 11:52 AM
I don't really see how people think it's creepy or makes you a nerd. It's just an autographed picture than you can hang on a wall. Occasionally your guests will notice it and say "ha....I know that guy". What's the big deal? It's the same as having a movie or music poster hanging up, imo...

28-Oct-2009, 01:01 PM
I dont think the question was if an autographed pic
is nerdy, but just the written name on a piece of paper.

Either one is not nerdy, people collect things.

I like to have books autographed by authors I like.
I have Clive Barker, Stephen King, Andrew Vachss,
Isabella Rossellini and others in my collection.
For collectors value the autographer should write the
date, the city, and then sign it, and not personalise it
as in...'to John'. This gives proof as to it being authentic
as a famous person can be searched to see if they were
in that location on that date. Just something a dealer taught me.

But if its for a personal collection then have it written anyway
you want.

If you like pics to hang that are signed I dont see anything
wrong with it.

I dont know why one would feel odd asking a guy whose
work u like to sign something.

The idea of having a picture taken with someone then having it signed
is cool as well, but thats a choice of what u collect.

my friend did a wild thing and when he met Paul McCartney
he took a digital tape recorder and asked Paul if he would
say my friends name into it.
McCartney just shrugged and said "whats ur name then?" and did it.
He said 'lots of people have McCartneys autograph but how
many have a tape of him saying thier name? The same voice that
sang Let it Be just said my name"

Odd thing to want in my opinion but he liked it.

But to repeat I see nothing nerdy about collecting
autographs of people whose work u enjoy.

28-Oct-2009, 02:06 PM
Also remember that a lot of these folks make a chunk of their income going to conventions and selling autographed pics of themselves.

You get an autograph of somebody you dig from an old film, they get part of their car payment/mortgage/kids' college fund taken care of.

Win-win. Not creepy at all.

28-Oct-2009, 02:24 PM
Also remember that a lot of these folks make a chunk of their income going to conventions and selling autographed pics of themselves.

You get an autograph of somebody you dig from an old film, they get part of their car payment/mortgage/kids' college fund taken care of.

Win-win. Not creepy at all.

of course there isn't anything creepy about getting autographs at conventions. that's a big part of why people go to them.

i do think it creepy when folks hound celebrities in public for autographs.

28-Oct-2009, 03:31 PM
I wonder if what people find creepy is the idea of the stereotypical "autograph hound", the type who tries to find celeb's in public & ambush them at dinner, on the way to the airport, etc?

When I heard "collect autographs" that was the mental image that sprang to mind. Buying already signed memorabilia, getting things signed at conventions, etc. I don't see a problem with.

28-Oct-2009, 05:33 PM
yeah Moon I agree with that

being like the papparazi and waiting
to ambush someone for a pic or an autograph
shows to me a bit of an unstable mind.

The guy who shot John Lennon did that
and even had Lennon sign a copy of
Double Fantasy the day before.

Lennon even looked at him and asked him
"is that it? is that all you want?"
we all know the answer to that one.

This is the actual pic someone took of Lennon
signing Chapmans album.

definitely in a whole other category from a regular
fan who wants an autograph or pic.

28-Oct-2009, 10:21 PM
The same voice that
sang Let it Be just said my name"

Actually, when it is put that way, it sounds like one of the coolest things possible. Ever.

28-Oct-2009, 10:23 PM
Lennon even looked at him and asked him
"is that it? is that all you want?"
we all know the answer to that one.

Are you saying that he shot him after that? I was under the impression that it wasn't until Lennon returned that he shot him.

Speaking of autographs....one of my goals is to have at least a few of the Ghostbusters sign my replica proton pack prop. Now THAT would be something worth having!

28-Oct-2009, 11:16 PM
No he didnt shoot Lennon at that point.

He waited until he got home at about 11pm
and gunned him down.

He had the album signed the day before or
the same day.

It was just that Lennon knew that there
was something wrong with the guy unlike
all the other people he was signing albums for.

29-Oct-2009, 09:06 AM
I like collecting autographs, but I make it a point only to get them directly from the person rather than through the internet or trading. At the moment the only things I have signed are some history books (Mark Bowden signed by copies of Black Hawk Down, Killing Pablo, and Guests of the Ayatollah) and a few other books. I'd like to get some dvds or other things signed but really don't have the time or money to make it happen at the moment (oh yeah, and half my shit was stolen). My ultimate goal at the moment is to get my original record of Night at the Opera signed by Brian May and Roger Taylor. Probably ain't gonna happen but I can hope:cool: