View Full Version : House fire leaves children in critical condition, Aunt concerend about food stamps

27-Oct-2009, 11:42 PM

Leaving a two and three year old kids at home is bad enough, but what the fuck? What a parasite piece of shit.

27-Oct-2009, 11:47 PM
Yeah, it's pretty sickening.

28-Oct-2009, 06:02 AM
umm thats a project

the city cuts the grass as it is public housing.

there was no room in the car for 2 infants?

the whole story is complete bullshit.

28-Oct-2009, 10:28 AM
She doesn't regret leaving them there? Then goes on to make a joke about finding her purse? Jesus christ. It's incredible that these neighbors, whom seemed to not know the family personally, were more concerned about the children.

28-Oct-2009, 11:54 AM
Welcome to my corner of the country. Unfortunately there's people like this all around me.:dead:

28-Oct-2009, 12:45 PM
man, that is farked up. mommy and auntie were probably off trying to score some meth or crack. sorry to be so cynical but that's probably close to the truth.

i feel for the neighbor that tried to enter the house. you can't fault him for not going in because of the smoke and the flames, he'd probably of ended up a casualty too. still, it'd be hard knowing that you failed in an attempt to get two toddlers out of a burning building.

28-Oct-2009, 01:28 PM
oh this has crack cocaine written all over it.

the truth will come out as those kids are not
going to be returned to her and she is more than likely
looking at criminal charges.
child abandonment and neglect for starters
and heavier charges to follow.

way more to this story than told.

why was someone cutting lawn in a public housing unit?
why did both women need to drive him home?
why couldnt the kids go along for a short ride?
why leave your purse behind when u leave the house?
what starts a fire in an empty apt with just 2 infants in it?
why the drugged out lack of the grasp of the situation?
why more concern for your welfare card?

lots of questions, but the only one that matters
is will the kids be ok?


28-Oct-2009, 01:43 PM
why the drugged out lack of the grasp of the situation?
why more concern for your welfare card?

lots of questions, but the only one that matters
is will the kids be ok?


i think that's the most disturbing part of the whole thing. this lady shows absolutely no understanding of the immense gravity of what's taken place. she's off in la-la land.

i don't know about the rest of you but if my young nephews had just been critically injured in a fire, the last fecking thing i'd want to do is give an interview to the tv news in which i joke about losing my purse.

this lady is a complete and total insult to black people.

28-Oct-2009, 03:36 PM

That about sums it up for me. :(