View Full Version : Any Full Moon Video/Charles Band fans in the house?

30-Oct-2009, 11:59 PM
I don't know why, but I got to reminiscing about a lot of the old Full Moon vid's from back in the day. Puppet Master, Doll Man, Demonic Toys, Trancers, Subspecies, etc, lots of fun cheese-tastic glory from back in the early days when VHS was taking off in the 80's. I used to love everything about them, even the little featurettes after the movie about the making of & previewing upcoming titles (primitive special features if you will;) )

My point? Don't really have one. Just feeling nostalgic for some reason. Might have to start tracking these things down on DVD...



31-Oct-2009, 12:03 AM
Robot Jox. :cool:

31-Oct-2009, 02:07 AM
Horror Hound Magazine is doing a series
called Video Invasion: Remembering the
VHS Boom.

They feature a different vid company
that put VHS horror titles out in the 80s

the article includes pics of every cover
of all the releases by each company.

Its divided up by chapters, like chapter 6
was in issue #17 and featured Magnum Entertainment.

its a great series and Full Moon hasnt been done yet.

I liked the Phantasm 30th Anniversary retrospect they did
much better than anything Fangoria would have done.

You should pick up an issue and check out the VHS series.

01-Nov-2009, 04:59 PM
Subspecies, etc, lots of fun cheese-tastic glory from back in the early days when VHS was taking off in the 80's.

subspecies is defo a guilty pleasure of mine. i have no idea why but i find myself putting this flick in rather often. i have a pretty high amount of nostalgia though.

remember doctor mordrid? it was supposed to be a dr. strange flick but the option expired before production could begin. so charles band had the script redone to drop any references to the comics and dr. strange was renamed dr. mordrid.

of course it starred jeffrey combs...

01-Nov-2009, 06:10 PM
Robot Jox. :cool:

Good one. Some of the footage was recycled into..."Crash and Burn" I believe...? Ah, Charley Band...:lol:

Horror Hound Magazine is doing a series
called Video Invasion: Remembering the
VHS Boom...

Cool. Sounds like it would totally be up my alley.
subspecies is defo a guilty pleasure of mine. i have no idea why but i find myself putting this flick in rather often. i have a pretty high amount of nostalgia though.

remember doctor mordrid? it was supposed to be a dr. strange flick but the option expired before production could begin. so charles band had the script redone to drop any references to the comics and dr. strange was renamed dr. mordrid.

of course it starred jeffrey combs...

Yep, I remember Dr. Mordred. Always thought the back story was a hoot.

I even remember some of his pre-Full Moon stf from back when he founded Empire Pictures like "Zone Troopers", starring Tim Tommerson w/ a bunch of WWII GI's (With names like "The Sarge" "Joey" & "Mittens") in occupied Europe vs Aliens that land. Fun stuff. Oh how I wish this was out on DVD.



01-Nov-2009, 06:21 PM
Jesus, Moon. That don't half take me back some years, mate.

01-Nov-2009, 06:25 PM
Jesus, Moon. That don't half take me back some years, mate.


I couldn't tell you what I had for breakfast yesterday, but I can pretty much remember every bad VHS horror/sci fi movie I ever saw. Go figure. *SIGH* I'm getting all nostalgic again...;)

01-Nov-2009, 06:28 PM
*SIGH* I'm getting all nostalgic again...;)
How's this for nostalgia?


Yeah, I loved this film. :o

01-Nov-2009, 06:35 PM
How's this for nostalgia?


Yeah, I loved this film. :o

Oh yeah, that's the stuff! I think I posted that one in the "Films I Missed" thread a ways back. There's another one I wish was on DVD. You're right in my neighborhood now.;)

01-Nov-2009, 06:44 PM
I believe a lot of these titles had trailers on videotapes that were circulating around the same time as the VHS release of Day Of The Dead. I have a tape somewhere of a film called Freaky Fairy Tales (US title Deadtime Stories), which was also released by Entertainment In Video. Had the trailers to Day, Eliminators, Zone Troopers, plus other shit like House, Reanimator, No Retreat No Surrender, etc. Those were the days, man.

<sheds a tear> :(

01-Nov-2009, 08:30 PM
Robot Jox. :cool:

That was a pretty awesome movie! My stepdad came home drunk one night when I was a kid, and someone in the pub must have given him this, he said "Here, I know you like... sky-fi..." and gave it to me. I thought it was incredible. I never at all realise this was a low-budget dealy - to my young eyes it was a huge big-budget blockbuster I had somehow overlooked - even now it looks pretty awesome for a Charles Band movie. In real film terms, it's probably his best:


It was directed by Stuart "Re-Animator/Dagon/From Beyond" Gordon too, so it's an interesting one for horror fans.