View Full Version : UP your VIVA

31-Oct-2009, 12:24 AM
UK cablers, you know what I'm talking about. Seriously, if I see this doggie lipstick of a commercial again, I am liable to lose the plot.

"No bruv, UP your VIVA!"


Bring back Sheila's Wheels.

31-Oct-2009, 12:35 AM
I Fucking hate that advert bro, if i ever see that guy out of it in the street im likely to go down for murder.

31-Oct-2009, 12:38 AM
I Fucking hate that advert bro, if i ever see that guy out of it in the street im likely to go down for murder.
The one with the gums? His ass is mine. I'll put him straight in hospital without a second thought!!!

Here you go:


31-Oct-2009, 01:36 AM

I think he is related to this broad.


Just think someone writes that guy a paycheck.

31-Oct-2009, 02:50 PM
Goddamn I hate that advert, and I despise Sheila's whorebag Wheels. :mad:

31-Oct-2009, 02:54 PM
I'd never seen that advert....totally pointless.

actually puts me off whatever shit that channel is peddling.

I wish I'd wrote the song for Sheilas Wheels...royalties from that must be huge.

Almost makes me miss Crazy Frog...ARGH.

31-Oct-2009, 03:04 PM
you may all hate it but the advert is genius cos no-one can get it out of their head....so job done

01-Nov-2009, 07:11 PM
you may all hate it but the advert is genius cos no-one can get it out of their head....so job done
Until we all start buying whatever the product was (I certainly have no idea, as I turn off, or mute it and look away before I know what it's for), then job not done. :D

01-Nov-2009, 07:17 PM
Sheila's whorebag Wheels. :mad:
Not Sheila's shitbag Wheels or, god forbid, Sheila's cuntbag Wheels. You're going with the whore on this one, MZ? :D

02-Nov-2009, 09:38 AM
Not Sheila's shitbag Wheels or, god forbid, Sheila's cuntbag Wheels. You're going with the whore on this one, MZ? :D


It's a bag full'o'whores ... and they're all named friggin' Sheila, driving recklessly down sexual discrimination highway.

02-Nov-2009, 10:11 AM
And did you know that the Sheilas wheels music was made/arranged by Jeff Wayne who did the epic war of the worlds musical? Who could such a legend drop that clanger on us?? :eek:

02-Nov-2009, 12:04 PM
And did you know that the Sheilas wheels music was made/arranged by Jeff Wayne who did the epic war of the worlds musical? Who could such a legend drop that clanger on us?? :eek:
I'm not surprised. As much as the theme is annoying as fuck, there's no denying the epicness of it. You can picture dolly birds prancing about and water fountains going off, the kind of thing you see in a musical.