View Full Version : New Promo Trailer and Footage from Romero's Survival of the Dead!

31-Oct-2009, 07:46 PM


31-Oct-2009, 07:51 PM
That looked like great cheeseball fun! It looks really, really campy and unscary, like Big Trouble in Little China with zombies. Before you even look at this trailer, you'd better put all po-faced "classic Romero" thoughts out of your head, SWITCH YOUR BRAIN OFF, and just prepare to laugh. I'm actually really looking forward to this, but not in the way I expected.

That said, I have a horrible feeling that the trailer just showed me every single zombie kill in the movie.

31-Oct-2009, 07:54 PM
I was just about to leave the house to see Survival and I see this thread. I think the trailer looks alright and I'm looking forward to seeing it a little bit more now. I'll be sure to post my thoughts later tonight or tomorrow morning. :)

31-Oct-2009, 07:55 PM
Looks like they didn't hold back on the CGI.

31-Oct-2009, 08:04 PM
Looks like they didn't hold back on the CGI.

The CGI exploding head was okay, it was cartoonish and it seems to fit the vibe. The burning skull at the end, though, that was a little crappy looking.

31-Oct-2009, 08:33 PM
I LMAO the whole time..... I will still check it out, but I witnessed a zombie on horseback, more smart zombie antics, and just overal B-movi cheeseball fun.

I dunno I may enjoy this, plus I will admit the cinematography looks decent, at least some of the shots look nice.

31-Oct-2009, 08:38 PM
Before you even look at this trailer, you'd better put all po-faced "classic Romero" thoughts out of your head, SWITCH YOUR BRAIN OFF, and just prepare to laugh. I'm actually really looking forward to this, but not in the way I expected.

Agreed. Looks like a good ZOMBIE MOVIE, if you don't go into it w/ any GAR baggage per se. I can see where the "western" vibe is coming from in the setting/look of the film. Looks interesting.

31-Oct-2009, 08:53 PM
ive avoided most survival stuff till now but that looks really cool, a lot more action than the melancholy grey-ness of land and diary. cant wait to see it.

01-Nov-2009, 06:59 AM
Looks quite fun. Hope I'll enjoy it.

01-Nov-2009, 09:45 AM
This has certainly turned the tide for me...looks great fun and with that slightly ironic edge...pure Romero...some great gore by the looks of it and some LOL moments... :0)


Moon Knight
01-Nov-2009, 09:28 PM
How much does this trailer give away? Is it really that spoiler heavy?

01-Nov-2009, 09:33 PM
How much does this trailer give away? Is it really that spoiler heavy?
Gives virtually zero plot away but a good half of the FX.

01-Nov-2009, 09:35 PM
How much does this trailer give away? Is it really that spoiler heavy?

It's mostly gags that I'd already heard about. But there's about four or five major zombie kills shown in the trailer - three or so CGI kills, a couple practical effects too. They are memorable ones, so it depends how spoiler-sensitive you are.

Me, I'm not bothered about seeing the odd spoiler because my enjoyment of a movie comes from the holistic experience of seeing it all happen in the context of the film, and just because I've seen parts of it before doesn't detract from my enjoyment of seeing the whole thing come together. Your mileage may differ, though.

But it doesn't give away the ending or anything, if that's what you mean.

01-Nov-2009, 10:49 PM
I think GAR realized before a lot of did that there is just no way to top the original trilogy, not even for him.

These last three films are "just for fun", and this one looks like it will be great if taken in that context. I believe that Romero can bring to a zombie flick things that no one else touch and that is how I will view this one.



Moon Knight
02-Nov-2009, 05:48 AM
Thanks, guys, I guess I didn't want to spoil all the gags but I'm not too sure I can wait for this, lol

I mean, we don't even have a release date yet!

02-Nov-2009, 09:56 AM
I'm still cautiously optimistic, I just wanna know when they're gonna release this mofo so I can damn well see it!

Some of the kills were awesome, some were really quite silly ... such as the flaming head thing ... ... this is all out of context though.

Goddamn it, just gimme the damn movie already!

02-Nov-2009, 11:41 AM
NOW i'm excited.:hyper:

02-Nov-2009, 07:11 PM
are you serious guys?
did you watch THAT trailer?
what do you think about the zombie looking at the dinamite with the silly face?
the soldier zombie attack?
the zombie soldier shot of his dead?
i think itīs the most lame effects and stupidness seen in a zombie movie in a long time.it could enter the return of the living dead territory.thatīs not a romero movie.itīs more like A bad John russo pretention of a zombie movie...

02-Nov-2009, 07:25 PM
what do you think about the zombie looking at the dinamite with the silly face?

It immediately reminded me of the zombie with the guns in Dawn, actually...

The trailer makes this look more like a whacky good time instead of something more serious. And i'm so down for that...

02-Nov-2009, 09:19 PM
The preview looked good to me! I can't wait to see it now! :p

And as for the release date - funny but capn said he was on his way out to go see "Survival" now! How can that be?? :confused:

Oh, and also - yeah it DID have sort of a Western theme to it - I LMAO at the zombie riding horseback!!!

And ya know..........it kinda of looked like it was filmed here in Utah.........up in the mountains........ now I'm scaring myself.... hehe :p


02-Nov-2009, 09:25 PM
And as for the release date - funny but capn said he was on his way out to go see "Survival" now! How can that be?? :confused:
It was playing at a Halloween festival in London on Saturday for one night only.

02-Nov-2009, 09:42 PM
You lucky chap you ! Did you see it? And if so how was it? (without telling us too much, lol)



02-Nov-2009, 09:50 PM
You lucky chap you ! Did you see it? And if so how was it? (without telling us too much, lol)



He did a review of it on the Survival Reviews Thread: http://forum.homepageofthedead.com/showpost.php?p=206068&postcount=96

02-Nov-2009, 09:50 PM
I put up a review in the 'Survival Of The Dead reviews' thread. It's on page seven and there's no spoilers at all.

Edit: Good synchronisation there, Krackers!

03-Nov-2009, 04:00 PM
So, Romero has said he'd like to do a comedy. Did he do Survival as a comedy and just didn't bother to tell anyone?

03-Nov-2009, 07:20 PM
are you serious guys?
did you watch THAT trailer?
what do you think about the zombie looking at the dinamite with the silly face?
the soldier zombie attack?
the zombie soldier shot of his dead?
i think itīs the most lame effects and stupidness seen in a zombie movie in a long time.it could enter the return of the living dead territory.thatīs not a romero movie.itīs more like A bad John russo pretention of a zombie movie...

Really, it looks fun to me. Perhaps I'll find it tiresome in a one hour and a half movie but right now... yes, I really hopeful I'll have a good time. In fact, when you defined it as a "Looney Tunes version of a Romero movie", to me that sounded more promising than some enthusiastic reviews I've read.

I would even argue that the tunnel sequences in "Day of the Dead" seem directly related to this in terms of comedic gore (or splastick, if you will, a term that, according to some film historians, Romero himself invented to describe "Dawn").

04-Nov-2009, 12:52 AM
So far without seeing it I like the whole western feel, the horses and terrain thing. I have a feeling this wild west thing will go over very well and be a memorable addition to the movie as a whole, while adding a twist to the entire lot.

04-Nov-2009, 01:46 AM
So, Romero has said he'd like to do a comedy. Did he do Survival as a comedy and just didn't bother to tell anyone?

That's what it's lookin' like to me Trin ol' boy. I just can't decide if it's a good thing or a bad thing. I'm still withholding judgement. All this trailer got from me was an eyebrow raise.

04-Nov-2009, 02:41 PM
I'm not going to watch anything else before the film if I can help it, but I'm still pretty hopeful. It's good to see people taking some positive things away from their viewings :)

05-Nov-2009, 05:20 AM
are you serious guys?
did you watch THAT trailer?
what do you think about the zombie looking at the dinamite with the silly face?
the soldier zombie attack?
the zombie soldier shot of his dead?
i think itīs the most lame effects and stupidness seen in a zombie movie in a long time.it could enter the return of the living dead territory.thatīs not a romero movie.itīs more like A bad John russo pretention of a zombie movie...

I agree. And i must say if i wanted "looney tunes" comedy i would re-watch Shaun of the Dead or go watch Zombieland. I wonder if someone else's name were on this movie how it would be looked upon. I am a fan of Romero but if i were to say this looked good to me would make me a "fanboy" which i am not or at least not anymore. I will stick with the trilogy.

05-Nov-2009, 09:48 AM
I think one element that causes the uneven footing when a new GAR flick rocks up, is you never quite know what you're going to get. It's always behind a curtain, or quite obscured, for the longest time and then it's revealed.

You never quite know what you're going to get, or what you should expect. Whereas with many of us here, we came to GAR's movies after the fact, so they just were.

If that makes sense?

05-Nov-2009, 10:45 AM
I think one element that causes the uneven footing when a new GAR flick rocks up, is you never quite know what you're going to get. It's always behind a curtain, or quite obscured, for the longest time and then it's revealed.

You never quite know what you're going to get, or what you should expect. Whereas with many of us here, we came to GAR's movies after the fact, so they just were.

If that makes sense?

Makes perfect sense.

05-Nov-2009, 06:04 PM
I think one element that causes the uneven footing when a new GAR flick rocks up, is you never quite know what you're going to get. It's always behind a curtain, or quite obscured, for the longest time and then it's revealed.

You never quite know what you're going to get, or what you should expect. Whereas with many of us here, we came to GAR's movies after the fact, so they just were.

If that makes sense?

Definitely, a huge point in all of this.

When the originals are built up to such a legendary status, they're never going to be beaten by a movie sandwiched in between all the things that annoy us about modern film...

Just think, when Dawn was made, it had the same annoying habits that movies of that genre/period had - its just that we've accepted them to the point of not seeing them...

Nowadays if someone in a movie walks down a cellar with nothing but a nightgown and a candle we all scream "oh purrlease!!" - back in the 70s that may not have been such an issue...

Now, does THAT make sense?

05-Nov-2009, 10:25 PM
Definitely, a huge point in all of this.

When the originals are built up to such a legendary status, they're never going to be beaten by a movie sandwiched in between all the things that annoy us about modern film...

Just think, when Dawn was made, it had the same annoying habits that movies of that genre/period had - its just that we've accepted them to the point of not seeing them...

Nowadays if someone in a movie walks down a cellar with nothing but a nightgown and a candle we all scream "oh purrlease!!" - back in the 70s that may not have been such an issue...

Now, does THAT make sense?

Yes, it does. Which why despite heated protests otherwise, I wonder how people will look back on the new ones 20 years from now, or kinds 20 years in the future discovering them for the first time. Also why I try to take as mellow an approach as possible when approaching the newer films, keeping context in mind, etc.

12-Nov-2009, 01:56 AM
I think that looks awesome!

13-Nov-2009, 07:56 PM
I think that looks awesome!


The slapstick element is something i love and other people probably don't like about this

14-Nov-2009, 08:45 PM
Almost got a twist of Zombieland humour in it don't you think?