View Full Version : Monsters Vs. Aliens - a Djfunk review

02-Nov-2009, 12:47 PM
Well it only took a month of having the blu-ray sitting on my shelf but I finally popped in the latest offering from dreamworks animation.

Monsters Vs. Aliens is a throwback to all the bad 50's B movies like Attack of the 50ft Woman, The Blob, and pretty much any hairbrained mix mash of insects and monsters you can think of, and enjoy.

What sets MvA apart from most CG animation flicks is that is absolutely down right funny, definitely geared toward teens and adults, and the adult humor is in abundance for this film.

Casting for this flick works, it wasn't just throwing together the hottest voice talent, it was putting together a cast that fit each character. Everyone from Seth Rogen to Hugh Laurie were a Shining example of proper casting for an animation flick.

Stand out moments for this film include the major San Francisco action sequence were the monsters fight the first Alien Robot. The sheer scale and shot composition of this sequence is jaw dropping and makes me wish I had caught it during its theatrical run. This sequence alone definitely make this flick worth a look.

The Plot of MvA is quite simple, an Alien leader Gallaxhar (Rainn Wilson) blows up his home planet trying to make this indestructable army, however during his little quest he loses his precious Quantonium which hurdles to earth and lands on Susan (Reese Witherspoon) on her wedding day, turning her into Ginormica. After she wrecks her church and scares the citizens half to death, the leader of the monster Squad, General W. R. Monger (Keifer Sutherland) swoops in and takes her to a secret underground prison where has been holding Monsters for over 50 years. When Gallaxhar located his Quantonium he quickly dispatches his clone army to take over and destroy earth and only the Monsters can save the day.

As I said this is nothing earth shattering in terms of animation, but the sheer enjoyment you will get for spending 90 minutes watching this flick more than makes up for any lackluster flicks you have watched in the past. Filled with great voice casting, especially Rainn WIlson, Keifer, Seth, and Hugh Laurie, not too mention Stephen Corbert as the president, makes MvA a must see in the viewers opinion.

This is just fun a ride with a message that no matter how different you are there is something special in all of us, and you should always remember that, even in the case of an Alien Invasion.

I rate Monsters Vs. Aliens a 7.5 on the DjfunkmasterG film o meter, and if your looking for laugh out loud comedy in the form of CG cartoon than look no further than Monsters Vs Aliens.

02-Nov-2009, 12:52 PM
monsters vs. aliens is a great movie. i've probably seen it like 10 times (at least) because my 3 year old totally loves it.

you're dead on about the humor. it's the rare kind of kids movie that is funny as hell to kids and adults.

"hail gallaxhar."

02-Nov-2009, 12:54 PM
Excellent review, I very much agree... but what's with everybody and their mother digging B-52s? These days it just seems like it...
"SUUUuuusan!" That was funny.

02-Nov-2009, 01:38 PM
i really dug it myself, the art design was top notch and it made me chuckle.

02-Nov-2009, 06:49 PM
Since my Blu version was a rental I have opted to make it a part of my collection and recently ordered it from eBay.

Truly a great cartoon flick for kids and adults.

02-Nov-2009, 09:08 PM
I've been meaning to see this, so I'll definitely put this on my "to get" list. :cool: