View Full Version : The Beginning of the End ...

04-Nov-2009, 08:15 AM
... for Obama!




ps -- Don't worry "O", you still hold sway in 55 of the 57 states. :lol:

04-Nov-2009, 11:52 AM
A traditionally red state voting in Republicans, man Obamas screwed!

Was a bit surprised about NJ, but he barely won in 2000 if I recall.

04-Nov-2009, 12:17 PM
Even the British press are starting to have their doubts now after hopelessly fawning over him a year ago! Claims that he's just full of empty rhetoric, and giving away lots of concessions for little or no return are being spoken of! We had a similar thing with the flashy snake oil salesman Tony Blair & look where that left us, economically destroyed,militarily neutered & being run by Brussels :(

04-Nov-2009, 12:44 PM
Well, hopelessly fawning over *any* politician is a bad, bad idea no matter you're party affiliation. Empty rhetoric is the name of the game with those guys.

04-Nov-2009, 01:03 PM
I don't know... I feel for Obama in some regards. He certainly hasn't turned out to be all he claimed he would be, however I often feel we expect too much of the man. Quite simply, no one could undo the last 8 years worth of damage overnight, yet that seems to be our expectation.

Clinton faced the same hardships, and if I recall, he spent his entire first year in office being dragged through the mud. Yet, he managed to overcome Reagan-omics, landed a second term, and became one of the most popular presidents ever.

I remain hopeful. Afterall, we're stuck with the guy. We might as well rally behind him and hope for the best. Anything else just seems counter-productive. :(

04-Nov-2009, 01:26 PM
I said it before, and I'll say it again:

We gave the dumb guy 8 years, let's at least give the smart guy 4.:lol:

04-Nov-2009, 01:43 PM
hes no more than a crooked pawn in the name of dirty political games. he needlessly spends our tax money and gives it to private banks who own him and our country. to heck with him. if you want proof then browse the web and you sure to find something. until hes impeached god bless america.

04-Nov-2009, 01:56 PM
But I could browse the web and find 'proof' that Bigfoot exists and is guarding the gateway to the hollow earth wherein Hitler is currently hiding, and that's a bit more fun.

I don't think anyone is too surprised that any major politicians are completely hobbled by the special interests that helped get them into power and the massive mechanics of backroom political give and take.

By the way, I love me some hollow earth psuedoscience.

04-Nov-2009, 02:15 PM
its no secret that every single president was corrupt in some way but i specifically remember obama stating he wasnt going to attempt to strip us of our guns. he said i will not take your guns away or something along those lines... now we have hr 45 in swing and if he signs it into law then that would make him more of a liar then i feel he already is. im no pro gun nut job but i do love shooting and if i have to pay an additional 25+ buck gun tax on top of an aptitude test and a psych eval just to own a gun i think thats just to much. now granted he hasnt signed it into law its just the principle of the sort. im more about waking people up to know their rights and if they s choose to fight the system then so be it thats on them. oh and did i mention im holding two offices at the same time? he was at one time or still is chair of the UN security council and according to the constitution our dear president cant hold any office of foreign matters. its by the people for the people. he did this during the g20 summit in pitts. that is an impeachable offense due to the fact it is unconstitutional. but enough of this politics crap i dont want to start a war. if you are pro obama then so be it. im not and im just voicing my opinions. thank you and good day!

04-Nov-2009, 02:44 PM
No worries, man. Just because I take issue with some of things you type doesn't mean I completely disagree with you, or even blindly support Obama...

I didn't even vote for him.

04-Nov-2009, 02:52 PM
But I could browse the web and find 'proof' that Bigfoot exists and is guarding the gateway to the hollow earth wherein Hitler is currently hiding, and that's a bit more fun.

Saaaaaaaaay...that is fun! :lol::lol:

04-Nov-2009, 03:25 PM
thank you good man! we are all in it together whether we like it or not. but myself i hope im fighting the good fight everyday.

04-Nov-2009, 03:56 PM
But I could browse the web and find 'proof' that Bigfoot exists and is guarding the gateway to the hollow earth wherein Hitler is currently hiding, and that's a bit more fun.

That's ridiculous.

Everybody knows he's guarding the secret island where Elvis, Marylin Monroe, JFK, Jim Morrison, Walt Disney, & Bruce Lee are waiting for the apocalypse so they can come out of hiding & rebuild civilization.


04-Nov-2009, 06:21 PM
That's ridiculous.

Everybody knows he's guarding the secret island where Elvis, Marylin Monroe, JFK, Jim Morrison, Walt Disney, & Bruce Lee are waiting for the apocalypse so they can come out of hiding & rebuild civilization.


That must be the same island where Bill and Ted store their time machine.:p

If we were happy with our elected officials...it would mean there's Prozac in the water supply.

I 'manage' a committee and no one is ever pleased with consensus, but sometimes you have to suck it up and take it. Such is life.

04-Nov-2009, 07:15 PM
Clinton faced the same hardships, and if I recall, he spent his entire first year in office being dragged through the mud. Yet, he managed to overcome Reagan-omics, landed a second term, and became one of the most popular presidents ever.
. :(

Reaganomics and the Reagan administration successfully ended the Cold War after the disasterous Detente appeasement policy proved to be a major disaster and also brought our economy out of the worst economic recession we had faced under the Carter administration (INCLUDING now) since the Great Depression. Reagan gave power back to private industry and rid the nation of a bloated government (at least for awhile). Reaganomics as an economic policy is mixed as far as success v. failure, but generally speaking economic policies take approximately 7-9 years to show their fruits once implemented as either successful or not successful. As far as economic prosperity in the 90s, I think it's pretty clear on which administration to point the finger to in following that simple economic principle with Reagan bringing us out of our darkest moments as a nation.

As far as Clinton, the man was an embarassment to our nation, just like Bush Jr. was as well. I'm not partisan on that issue at all, both Clinton and Bush Jr. brought shame to America through their policies.

Anyway, I hate politics and political debates because you're never going to change another person's ideology. People are either trenched on one side of the fence or the other, little could be said to change peoples opinions on what they are going to believe or accept to be the truth. It won't stop me from expressing my ideas (or any of yours) of course, and as long as we can do it in a civilized manner, that's the important thing. Really, all other policies aside (abortion, capital punishment, etc. etc, ad nausem) it's a matter of whether someone things the government or private industry can do a better job -- everything else is just a growth from this.

As far as Obama is concerned, I certainly didn't vote for the man, and I'll gladly be voting for someone else come 2012 as well. We're in a similar situation as a nation now that we were as 1979/1980 (though not that bad, YET). The difference is that Reagan believed it was about getting power away from the government and giving it back to private industry. Obama believes the complete opposite. Only history will prove which way works better and proves to be more successful, my opinion is pretty clear. If it turns out that Obama's way is better, I'll be happy to eat my words as our nation becomes successful through his policies. As far as integrity and principles, Reagan put any president since him to shame (and most before him) in those categories -- and neither Bushs', Obama, or Clinton are worthy to stand in his long shadow.


05-Nov-2009, 06:05 AM
Quite simply, no one could undo the last 8 years worth of damage overnight, yet that seems to be our expectation.

Are you blaming Bush for these election results? If so, please elaborate.

I remain hopeful. Afterall, we're stuck with the guy. We might as well rally behind him and hope for the best.

No thank you.



05-Nov-2009, 12:28 PM
Partisanship clouds a lot of Americans logic, sadly. Some people are consumed with pure hatred for Obama, and they will never give him credit for anything he will manage to do right in his four years. It was the same for Bush really. How often do people mention Bush did more for development/humanitarian aid/AIDS prevention in Africa than any other president?

People drinking so vigorously from Red or Blue Kool-Aid is part of the reason the country is going to shit. Americans need to be less emo when it comes to politics and approach it with more logical thinking and rational discussion, and less Red Team/Blue Team drunken "my sports team is better hurrr" mentality.

07-Nov-2009, 03:45 AM
Partisanship clouds a lot of Americans logic, sadly.

I agree.

Some people are consumed with pure hatred for Obama, and they will never give him credit for anything he will manage to do right in his four years.

He had a sit down meeting with a cop that was doing his job, and a race-baiter, at the White House. I give him credit for doing it over a beer. Otherwise, he can stand on his head and take a pee for all I care ... and I am NOT a Republican. ;)

It was the same for Bush really. How often do people mention Bush did more for development/humanitarian aid/AIDS prevention in Africa than any other president?

Don't give Obama any ideas. He might create a trillion dollar stimulus deal for Kenya.

People drinking so vigorously from Red or Blue Kool-Aid is part of the reason the country is going to shit. Americans need to be less emo when it comes to politics and approach it with more logical thinking and rational discussion, and less Red Team/Blue Team drunken "my sports team is better hurrr" mentality.

I agree. However, the differences in opinion concerning American politics are far more complex than your "sports team" comparison.

As for "emo": You're going to get that when dealing with people's core values and it doesn't matter whether or not they consider themselves Left-, or Right-wing. That is the way that the human species behaves when something that they strongly believe in is challenged. At that point, logic has little to do with it. "Emo" always seems to trump "logic" -- it is not right, nor is it wrong ... it is what it is.

