View Full Version : Open submissions for zombie antho--Living Dead Press

04-Nov-2009, 10:01 PM
The Book of the Dead, Volume 3: Dead and Rotting

We are only looking for true, Romero-type zombie stories. You have to keep to the rules exactly. No zombies smelling their prey or running fast.

All the stories need to be set during a time when the zombies have been around for a bit. Think Day of the Dead, where they are now ripe and rotting. Try to give us stories that has the outbreak going on, not just starting, we did that in the other two Book of the Dead anthologies.

go to www.livingdeadpress.com for more info

there is also still room in the Dead History: Zombies in Time anthology.

The Valentine's zombie antho---Love is Dead is now closed.

04-Nov-2009, 10:05 PM
US submissions only, right?