View Full Version : File under: Places to avoid if the dead rise...

06-Nov-2009, 01:59 AM

Although...I would work there in a heartbeat. :D

06-Nov-2009, 02:21 AM
Oh yeah! They showed a place like this on an episode of Law & Order: SVU.

06-Nov-2009, 02:29 AM
I caught a special years back on TLC about this, but had forgotten all about it. On one hand, I think it would make for an awesome story. On the other... it has predictability written all over it. :confused:

06-Nov-2009, 12:07 PM
At any given time, several dozen perished persons are scattered around the hillside within automobiles, cement vaults, suitcases, plastic bags, shallow graves, pools of water, or deposited directly upon the earth

So I wonder who gets the pleasure of LEGALLY craming a body into a briefcase?:p

Cool article. Thanks for sharing. The 15 day picture surprised me. More decomposition than I had imagined....

Someone actually left a dead dog at the front of my neighborhood and I've been very interested in looking at the breakdown on it every day. Is that wrong?:shifty:

Rancid Carcass
06-Nov-2009, 02:36 PM
It would make for a cool scene, you can just imagine Dr Logan running around in there during the early stages of the outbreak trying to work out what the world was going on...

06-Nov-2009, 04:12 PM

interesting place.

i think that working in an elderly home
would be pretty close to working there
except the smell of urine would be stronger.

I wonder if this gif I got in an email came from there.
(my email inbox is a daily adventure)


Its dated and time delayed to show decomposition.
anyone else get stuff like this? I might have more. idk.

10-Nov-2009, 08:43 PM
Technically decomposition begins about four minutes after death

Ding, ding. This is where our zombies jump the track.

Reanimation occurs within this timeframe, before decomposition begins. That's likely the whole reason behind the non-decay as time goes by; it's never allowed to begin in the first place.