View Full Version : military is running on auto pilot

09-Nov-2009, 02:36 AM

why even let people in who are suspect anyway?

09-Nov-2009, 01:37 PM
It is odd, as you'd think the military would--despite needing to meet ever more difficult recruitment goals--be paranoid about this sort of thing. Then again, Lee Harvey Oswald was an avowed Marxist and that was in the fucking 50s, when no one wanted to be fingered as a possible red sympathizer.

Also, I feel the bureaucratic machinery of the military is fundamentally going to follow a more short sighted and task-oriented avenue of approach in a lot of things of this sort. They are hierarchical and tasks are delegated with goals that need to be met or exceeded. Period. End of story. This is why we are seeing so many stories about military trained gangbangers; they did their time in Iraq and now they do their time in SoCal etc.

09-Nov-2009, 02:43 PM
I've worked as a part time recruiter/recruiting assistance (well technically I still am)

The Army is fighting two wars, we need people. It was so bad in 06 when I joined that you could serve as infantry with a score of 15 on the ASVAB(test you take to join, thats out of a 100) People with class d felonies were let in, ect. They've tighted that up alot. You now need over a 50 just to join.