View Full Version : Whore Mongering Fetid Fools!

09-Nov-2009, 10:26 PM
My cable company jerked Cartoon Network. The official story is that they were receiving too many complaints about Adult Swim.

I smell bullshit.

If I want Cartoon Network back, I have to upgrade to a premium package and pay for a shitload of channels that I'll never watch (hence the reason I don't have them) in order to get the one I used to get for my standard price. Parental complaints?!? Come on... if you're gonna lie to me, be creative. There is no way they're ever gonna convince me that this has nothing to do with the amount of viewers Adult Swim brings in.

And here's the kicker; I don't watch Adult Swim. I have three small kids, they love cartoons. And the channels like Niclelodeon and Disney that used to show cartoons, now run this tween-age crap that my kids have no interest in. (Praise whatever higher power you believe in. If my kids actively chose to watch Hannah Montana, I would be demanding DNA testing from the wife...)

I love the fact that the economy is in the toilet, and rather than bend over a bit to keep their loyal customers, the cable company opts to further alienate them by kicking them when they're down. What a load of shit. :rant::mad::rant:

09-Nov-2009, 10:31 PM

just a word, it means nothing, it links to nothing. it means everything, it mans nothing.

09-Nov-2009, 10:43 PM
I remember when I was a kid we had a satellite dish. It came with the house when we bought it, and we didn't pay any subscription for it, so for years we never used it.

Then, one day, my stepdad and I found the decoder box in a cupboard and experimentally hooked it up (not expecting to be able to receive any channels since we didn't pay for any). Long story short, turned out we got a bunch of channels free, including Cartoon Network. Now, for some reason, you have to pay through the fucking nose to get Cartoon Network.

09-Nov-2009, 10:46 PM

just a word, it means nothing, it links to nothing. it means everything, it means nothing.

Thanks for nothing then ;)

10-Nov-2009, 06:48 AM
Kids need their cartoons, damnit!

10-Nov-2009, 07:12 AM
I love the fact that the economy is in the toilet, and rather than bend over a bit to keep their loyal customers, the cable company opts to further alienate them by kicking them when they're down. What a load of shit. :rant::mad::rant:

Time Warner is going to keep screwing around with me and I'm going to end up giving them the boot. They recently raised my subscription rate from $52 a month to $64. Heck, I don't even watch the crap. My wife and kids are just going to have to learn how to read, or something.



10-Nov-2009, 11:27 AM
They didnt take your Boomerang too did they?

OMG those bastards.

10-Nov-2009, 02:30 PM
DirecTV did the same thing with the outdoor channel combining it into the sports package. A little complaining from me and I could get it alacart for $2.50 a month, and then a little more coaxing (call the customer retention departments) and I got it free for a year. Not to long after they added another hunting channel and my problems disappeared.

10-Nov-2009, 04:59 PM
They didnt take your Boomerang too did they?

OMG those bastards.

that animated gif of yours reminds me of Khardis for some odd reason



13-Nov-2009, 06:24 PM
Adult Swim is the only reason I like Cartoon Network.